Wednesday, December 21, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey why go it alone?

It's the Most Wonderful time of the year!!! Oh yes as Christmas fast approaches we turn our thoughts to family and friends. The time of year when we try to display peace on earth goodwill toward all. This is my most favorite time of year. I am crazy about Christmas and crazy about all the things that lead up to this fantastic holiday. The shopping, cooking, and decorating is something I look forward to every year. I'm not sure I will ever grow up when it comes to Christmas. I am a kid at heart and still find it hard to sleep on Christmas Eve knowing that the next morning is Christmas day. Now I also know that this is a very stressful time for many people. There appears to be expectations to do this or do that. Spend here or spend there. Maybe it's time to reflect on what Christmas is all about and not focus on the money side of things. Don't get me wrong, I like getting and giving presents as much as anyone, but over the last few years I have also taken a different approach to this holiday. I have taken time to think and reflect on the things in life that are most important to me. I encourage each of you to think about what is most important to you and then go after it. I was at an event last night and had the opportunity to speak to lots of people. One conversation that took place was extremely gratifying to me. I met an individual who just left his current job and is not looking for employment. I have to tell you that my passion quickly came to the surface as I began to ask him questions about what he wanted to do next in life and what his passion was. The conversation took several turns but ultimately I was able to get him to think about what lay deep within his heart and then the words of encouragement came flowing out of me like water down a river being feed by the thaw of the winter snow high in the Sierras.
I so want people to understand that deep inside their heart is a passion. A passion to accomplish something that is bigger than one's self. A passion that was born in them long before they took their first breath on this planet. We all have giftings and talents. What we do with those gifts and talents is entirely up to us. We can use them to benefit ourselves, but the excitement and enthusiasm we feel will only be temporary. On the other side of the coin we can use our gifts and talents to help others, to invest in someone Else's dreams, these results will effect others for a very long time. Christmas is all about giving. Giving of ourselves so others can experience happiness and joy. Giving from a place where we don't expect a return other than the smile from someone who is the recipient of our thoughts and deeds. Giving from a place that no-one expects, yet when they see it can recognize it is not for their gain but for others. I give not to get back, but rather to invest in someone else so they in turn can invest in others. Once we get on this giving merry-go-round life takes on a whole new meaning and understanding. We no longer look at our needs but the needs of others. We tend to be less self-centered and more centered on what we can do for others who may be less fortunate than us.
I have long dreamt of a time when we all put the needs of others above our own. Now that's not to say that I don't care about me or my loved ones. But the simple truth of the matter is this; if we put others before us, then quite possibly things will begin to work out for us quicker, easier, and more often then we ever thought possible. The feeling of "Gimme Gimme Gimme my name is Jimmie" needs to be secondary to what we do for others. The knowledge that we are only as strong as those around us needs to be at the forefront of our minds. Sure this may seem very idealistic, but then again I'm an idealist, and I have to believe that what goes around comes around. If I am going to fail, it's not going to be because of a lack of trying to make life better for those around me. I guess I live the Golden Rule everyday that I treat others the way I would like to be treated. Trust me when I say I have not always been treated fairly or equitably, but that doesn't mean I have to treat others that same way. My desire to help others comes from a place in me that believes all people are deserving of good things. That all people, whether they believe it or not are born with a destiny. It is to that end that I have committed the next few years to get my story out of Destiny and accomplishing those things in your life that you know you should be doing but something has stopped you from doing it. Together we can break down some walls that have kept you from success. Together we are going to shed some light on what makes you tick and get you to the place where you know you are doing those things that you were destined to do, influencing the people you are supposed to influence.
Let me leave you with this final thought for the day. It has taken me twenty plus years to get to this point in my life. I would be a liar if I told you that I have all the answers. I would also be lying if I told you that I knew exactly what was going to happen to me over the next few years. But what I know is this; talking about destiny with others is my destiny. Helping others reach their highest level of success is what motivates me. It is only when you are walking in your destiny that you will be able to help others achieve their destiny. As we approach Christmas remember that this time of year is important for so many different reasons. You need to determine what makes it important to you. You need to understand that your destiny is right there in front of you, all you have to do is be brave enough to take the first step toward it. I know what lies ahead for me, and together we are going to discover what lies ahead for each of you. Let's make the next year a defining year for you. Define your goals, dreams, and your destiny. Trust me, once you that your life will be changed forever, and others will also benefit from it. There's no time like the present to take that first step. Think about it.........

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