Tuesday, December 20, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, why go it alone?

Well the best laid plans of mice and men!!! I had written a blog for posting yesterday and when I went to review it this morning, found out that it didn't save and now I get to write it all over again. Problem is I never remember exactly what I wrote, so today's may be a little different. Many of you who know me know that I do not believe in coincidence. There is a reason for everything and things happen for a reason. Maybe my post from yesterday was not worthy and so I get a chance to redeem myself and hopefully this one today will be knocked out of the ball park. So hold on tight as we enter another fun filled, faced paced world of my blog. OK, all kidding aside, I hope you get something from this, I know I learn something new about myself every time I write, and it is my hope and desire that you walk away with something uplifting and inspiring each day.
I was talking to a long time friend the other day who is looking at a career change the first part of the year. He is a little worried, as most of us would be in his situation, but at the same time he has a chance to do something that he has always dreamt about. I have a firm belief inside of me that things don't just happen willy nilly. If you believe that we all have a destiny then you also have to believe that things happen for a reason. Understanding the reasons is what is most difficult at times. Often we are faced with uncertainties in life, why does this happen, or why does that happen? Why do we go without when others seem to have an over abundance of things? Why do we struggle when others seem to sail through life without a care in the world and what appears to be an abundance of stuff? These are questions that we seem to ask ourselves on a daily basis, and often would give everything we own just to get a simple answer. If you are going through times like these, join the club. There is hardly a day that goes by that I don't ask myself these same questions. I fall prey to fear and uncertainty just like everyone else. Let's face it life sometimes sucks. Sometimes we just want to throw up are arms and surrender. There are times when the battle is so intense we don't have an idea of what to do next. There have been days when I would love to just stay in bed, throw the covers over my head and forget that the world exist. There are times when I find it difficult to generate any type of motivation to even try to get out of my own way. But on the other side of the coin, there are times when I am completely energized and looking for any opportunity to inspire those I come in contact with and share the joy of living.
We've all heard of people being in the right place at the right time. It may be getting a lead on a job that you have been dreaming about. It could be as simple as getting the parking spot in front of the grocery store on a wet rainy day. I happen to believe that things happen for a reason, I know I have said that before, but it is something that I truly believe. Too often people are out of place. They think they are doing what they are supposed to be doing, but what they are supposed to be doing is often quite different from their destiny. Wouldn't it be great if we could just snap our finger and instantly we were walking in our destiny. I have had times in my life when I wanted to wake up in the morning and magically things were all in order. I was living the life of my dreams, no bills, no worries, not a care in the world. If want and desire were enough we would all be in that place. Unfortunately want and desire is not enough. Oh sure want and desire do play a part in getting to the place you are supposed to be, but it is not just want and desire that is going to get you there. I would love to be concert pianist, but I just don't have the talent. If I could snap my finger and tomorrow morning wake up and have all that talent, I would do it in an instant. Alas, that is not going to happen. Now I can practice and study the piano and sure I could get to the point where I could perform on stage, but it will take lots and lots of practice. The question we have to ask ourselves is are we willing to invest the time necessary to get to this point. Too often we want something but are unwilling or unable to invest the time, energy to get what we want. Now I am not finding fault with someone who is going through this, we have all been there. But I have known people who will sit there and just wait for the silver platter to be handed to them, and not lift a finger to assist. Heck the world owes them, because of who they are. Heck the world should bow down and offer they whatever they want simple because they are entitled to it. Oh here we go, entitlement mentality. It is out there folks and it is something that will be the downfall of civilization as we know it. I have said it time and time again, if it's worth having it's worth working for. I know this might sound harsh, but truth is truth.
I have no idea why I have gone down this rabbit trail, but it just seemed to flow out of me this morning. I promise you I will try to be more upbeat tomorrow. I think it is almost time to start putting together my Christmas blog and end of year message. I know, I know, you have been waiting all year for that message. Remember that good things come to those who wait. In closing let me say this; destiny is inside all of us. You may never discover what your destiny is, and if that is the case that is very very very bad. Each of us were born with a purpose. Each of us have a destiny inside. Each of us deserve to walk in our destiny. Destiny is not just for the one walking in it. Walking in your destiny will open up possibilities for others to walk in theirs. It's time to think real hard on what you want. It's time to asked yourself if you are prepared to do those things that are required to walk out your destiny. It's time quite frankly, to crap or get off the pot. You can sit around forever waiting for something to be handed to you, but does that happen all that often. Maybe it's time to put some action to your dreams and let the things that need to happen happen. Taking the first step is often very difficult, but taking that first step is often the most thrilling. It will change your life and in turn it will change the life of someone else as well.
One final thought....it's never over til it's over. Never give up on your dreams, never feel as though the world has passed you by. Doing either of these things will put you in an early grave. Believe in the possibilities that are out there and grab for everything you can. When it's all said and done and I echo the words of John Wooden, "The man who is afraid to risk failure seldom will have to face success." Face your fears and stare them down, only then will you be able to take that first step toward your destiny.

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