Thursday, May 19, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, why go it alone?

As much as I would like to write every day it appears that my days have become increasingly more complicated with a new job and learning that job. I was not sure at first that this was the best move to make, but after much soul searching I made the determination that in fact it was a great move and thus far I have zero regret in the decision I made to come to work here. It has however made it much more difficult to write a blog on a daily basis, but I will give it the old college try and do the best I can to at least write a few times a week.

I was privileged to be able to give a presentation to 32 unemployed professionals the other day. It was a great day and I was overwhelmed by the response I received from those in attendance. As would be expected I spoke about destiny and the fact that these individuals have been given a second chance to find what is most important to them and for once in their life not settle for second best. I must say I was in my element and the three hours flew by so quickly. I am forever reminded by events like this how important it is that each of us find the passion in our own life and pursue that passion. I have said many times in the past that when you are on your death bed you are going to reflect on life and more often than not will look at the missed time you had with family and loved one. In addition, you may also have the I should have done this, I could have done that, what if I would have done this. Passion is what drives most people, and passion is what most other people are drawn to. We all have passions in our lives. To some this passion is expressed in what they do for a living. In others it is expressed in what they do for fun. And then you have the group who express passion in what they do for others. No matter what group you fall into, and everyone falls into one group or another, everyone has passion. Some may not want to acknowledge it, but passion is there whether they want to admit it or not.
In my opinion only a fool will say that passion is void in their own life, and no matter what they do they will say it does not exist. As B.A. Baracus from the A-Team says "I pity the Fool".

I have a belief that people, whether they want to admit it or not, are passionate at heart. Oh sure, life has a way of diminishing our passion from time to time, but that doesn't make it go away. Our passions may be buried beneath layers of hurt, discouragement, and apathy, but it is still there and it wants to make it's presence known in each of our lives. I have been asked more times than not "How do I discover my passion?". Let me preface my comments with this statement; your passion is just that your passion. It isn't from someone else and it isn't what others tell you. Your passion is your passion. Ask yourself this simple question; what makes you happy? What is it that you look forward to the most each day, each week, each year? What puts a smile on your face no matter what type of day you are having? What can make the bleakest day seem bright and cheerful? Ultimately this is something that you have passion about. I think people have the wrong definition of passion. Take the most burly rugged guy, who thinks passion is a ladies thing. They confuse manliness with passion. They think that passion is feminine and not something they need or want to display. Boy are they wrong, I know some of the most "manly" guys that walk the planet who happen to be some of the most passionate people I know. Our passions should motivate and inspire. Passionless people are only that way because they have not found an outlet to release the passion that resides inside of them. I am reminded of the great questions of life. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to see it does it make a noise? Does the light in the refrigerator go off when you close the door? Why is it that we drive on the parkway, but park in the driveway? Is passion only in someone that displays it? I think not. I think we all have passion some are just not willing to display it.

Do yourself a favor and discover your passion. Don't deny it, and whatever you do don't bury it. Somethings in life are worth exploring and discovering your passion is something we all need to do, something we deserve to do. Let me leave you with one final thought; don't fool yourself into thinking having passion in life is not important. It is such an important part of every life. People who think they have no passion just haven't taken the time to reflect on the important things in life. What is most important to you is more often than not a passion of yours. Passion is what drives us, motivates us, inspires us. Passion is what we all desire whether we want to admit it or not. Passion is....... I guess maybe it's time for you to finish that statement. Think about it.......

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