Saturday, December 2, 2023

Dream often, Dream Big, but absolutely follow your dreams.

I sit here this morning thinking about what lies ahead. I think of my desires, my hopes, and most of all the dreams I have for the future.  What most people do is go through each day with only the expectations of what they have already experienced and not what they truly hope for in life. What I'd like to do today is simply encourage you to look at a few things, that if you take to heart, truly believe, will change the way you see things, and that will hopefully change the landscape of your life.

Many have asked me why I spend so much time writing about dreams.  The answer is quite simple: I believe in dreams, the significance they have in life, and the direction they are there to provide.  Too many times people discount the significance of dreams.  I will absolutely encourage you not to fall into this trap. There is no doubt that most individuals have struggles each day.  Many are not satisfied with their life, their careers, their existence.  Most who have these struggles, those who question is this as good as it gets, are the same people who have never looked at dreams as stepping stones.  I am here today to hopefully motivate you to stop the vicious cycle of ups and downs in life, and instead look to those things you truly desire, those simple things you dream of.  Here's a bombshell: everyone has dreams, however, some are just not willing to acknowledge them for fear that they will be labeled a lunatic, strange, or just out there.  I've been there.  When I first set out to be a writer/author I had people tell me that with my limited experience, lack of formal training, I was just fooling myself.  Had I listened to them, well let's say I would not be able to be doing what I am doing right now, and what I am doing right now brings me more joy than I can describe with words.

Dreams come in all shapes and sizes.  There are people who will have similar dreams as you, but each dream is specific for each person, and without regard to similarities, when we combine the dreams of every person, in time you will see how they connect together. Why?  Well if you believe int he perfection of the Universe then you would have to agree that all things do work together, and if all things work together, then it only makes sense that at some point in times, a dream from one person is going to have a direct impact on the dreams of someone else.  

Just for a moment I want you to close your eyes and simply imagine your perfect life.  What does it look like? Is there abundance? Is there peace, and joy, happiness?  Are you participating in activities each day that brings a smile to your face?  If you have imagined any of these things, then you have just dreamed of them, and if you have dreamed of them, then each of these things are meant for you.  We often complicate things, when in actuality things are quite simple.  So many people discount imagination, and yet imagination is nothing but dreams.  Keep in mind, everything in the world today basically came from imagination.  If you can think it, you can have it, but keep in mind that works for good and bad thoughts so be mindful of what you allow to roll around in your head.

As I said we need to dream often, dream big, and most importantly we need to follow our dreams.  If you have placed a destination into your GPS would it not be foolish not to follow it?  How often have we seconded guessed what that voice told us to do, only to find out that the voice was correct?  We often second guess our dreams since many of them seem unattainable.  We think they are unattainable because we have yet to realize the significance of our existence, nor have we truly believed in the massive power and ability that we were born with.  How sad to go through life having unlimited power, and never ever believing that you have it, thereby never stepping out into that power.

We live in a time where we would love to have it all, but we don't because we don't believe that having it all is for us.  I assure you that having it all is indeed for you, and the sooner you accept this truth, the sooner you can step out into having it all.  Not what that "All" is, is quite different for each person, as each person has dreams and desires.  It is time that we realize that we were never created to be slaves to a system that was created to enslave us.  The sooner you come to grips with your intentions, the sooner you can walk in those intentions.  If you dig deep then you will realize that dreams lead to intention, and intention leads to fulfillment of those dreams.

Allow me to leave you with these thoughts, and it is my hope that you will take a few minutes to meditate about them, and in doing so, get a release, that so many people are in desperate need of.  Darkness exist in the world today.  This darkness is nothing more than a smokescreen, put there to get your mind off of what is truly yours in the first place, and stopping you from actually having the dream life.  When our attention is removed from the glory of life, and instead looks at the evil that is out there, then we stop believing that we can have that glorious life that we were created to have. I have to make the decision each day how of how I intend to live life.  I could go around always expecting the sky to drop, or I can live in victory, I can live in peace, in joy, and in happiness.  You must make the decision on how you are going to live life, but it is my suggestion that you begin by accepting the greatness that is in you, that is why you are here, and why you have the dreams that you have.  

Dreams are so powerful.  Dreams are very real.  Dreams are the building blocks of our destiny, and walking in your destiny is what life is all about.  I encourage you to look at your dreams, expect them to come to fruition, and enjoy all the benefits of a robust dream life.  I promise you that once you accept, and act upon your dreams, your life will change in a monumental way.  I leave you with light, love, peace, joy, and happiness.  Remember you come from an unlimited, powerful Creator who place you here to experience the unlimited, the powerful.  It is now your decision as to whether you walk in it, or ignore it.  Choose wisely.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent post, Scott. I've come to expect gems every week!
