Saturday, November 18, 2023

Blessings are there for the taking.

We are about to enter into the most festive time of the year, that wonderful timeline between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It is by far my favorite time of the year, and this year is extra special as this has been a year filled with so many differences, but those differences have indeed come disguised as blessings.  What I want to do today is bring to the forefront all those things that may have taken place this year, and even in the midst of despair, we should look at them as blessings, and just how important each of them are in regards to our growth and movement forward in the evolution process of our accession. 

Blessings are truly in the eyes of the beholder, and how we see blessings is dependent on how you see life.  If you're a glass is half empty type of person, then what should be a blessing to you is most likely going to be viewed as a deterrent to happiness.  If on the other hand you are the half full type of person, then almost any situation that arises is going to be seen as a learning opportunity, and thus a blessing often in disguise.  Want to guess what side of the coin I think you should be on?

As we enter into the full holiday season we often reflect on those things we are deeply thankful for, and in doing so we position ourselves to receive the full measure of those blessings.  Too often we settle for less when in fact what we go through is to bring us to a fuller understanding of how wonderful life is, and the significance of what is being laid in front of us to experience and grow through.  There's no doubt that many have gone through some trying times this past year, but if one will take a moment and see through the turmoil, the fear, the anxiety of life, one will see the purpose behind all things, and the wonder that will come from learning from each experience.  

I have been through some very difficult situations this past year, none of which I would wish for anyone else.  Through these events I have been forced to look at who I am, what I am, and why what I have learned is so important for this next phase of life.  When one decides to negate these lessons, then one sets themselves onto a path of having to repeat certain events until the lesson that was set in motion is fully learned.  I for one have learned to not repeat situations, thus eliminating much stress, confusion, and ultimately make life a little easier to navigate.  My blessings have come in the form of recognizing my strengths, in understanding my gifts, and the reason I have been blessed with my abilities.  I've often asked for guidance when I sit down to write.  My style of writing is more like a conversation over the kitchen table.  I see other authors who have a far more eloquent way of presenting ideas, but I am what I am, and how I present things, maybe in a simple nature, is how I present what I am directed to present.  Too often we try to measure our gift against others, and let me tell you that doing this is nothing more than diminishing what has been placed in you to do.  We each have our own calling, and that calling was placed in you because you are equipped to do what needs to be done.  Walk in you gifts, and grow in your gifting.  Trust me, doors will open at the appointed time, and what you have been charged to accomplish will come to pass.

Often in life we are challenged, but these challenges are nothing more than opportunities of blessings, and as I've said blessings are there for the taking if you will accept them, and realize the reason behind each of them.  This coming week we celebrate Thanksgiving.  It is a day to reflect on what we have, who we are, and really why we are here.  Sadly there are many people who will have trouble finding even a single thing to be thankful for this year.  Situations, circumstances, events, all playing into a dismal outlook of life, negating all the positive that should come from every situation, circumstance, or event.  Our failure to see the good in all things is what makes being thankful an almost impossible task, but being thankful for life, being thankful for life lessons, being thankful for you, now that is what we need to be doing, and we need to embrace thankfulness in all that we do, and all that we are.

Allow me to challenge you for a moment.  Even little inconsequential things are things we can be thankful for.  Maybe you had time for that steaming hot cup of coffee this morning.  Maybe your favorite football team had a huge victory.  Maybe, just maybe, that kiss from your fur baby this morning was nothing more than a touch from your Angel showing how loved you are.  Little blessings add up to a life full of blessing, and a life full of blessings is what everyone should be after, should be hoping for, and should ultimately be thankful for.  Great, great gifts often come to us in tiny packages, but no matter the size of the gift, they are always intended to bless.  Answer this simple question: when you give a gift to someone, a gift inspired by love, is it your intention to bless them, or bring them down?  The answer to this question is pretty simple.  So why if your intention is to bless others by giving a small gift, why would any gift given to you be any different?  Our blessings are there to show us that we are worthy of blessings, and the sooner we can realize we are worthy, the sooner we can open ourselves up for even more blessings.  

People who appear to be void of blessings are probably those very same people who feel they are not worthy of any goodness in their life.  Worthiness is not bought, it is not earned, it just is.  We are all worthy of blessings, and the sooner you can accept this truth, the sooner you can walk in each blessing, embrace each blessing, and extend blessings to others who desperately need what you have to offer.  Life is about sharing, life is about caring, life is about loving others, and walking in your calling.  You have been blessed to have been chosen to bless others, and once you accept this, wow let me tell you, your life will turn around in a mighty way.  

As we enter this Week of Thanksgiving turn your thoughts onto all that you have been brought through this past year, and see the purpose behind everything you have gone through, learned from, and most assuredly have grown through.  I dare say that no one is the same today as they were yesterday, last week, last month, or last year.  We have grown because we have been open to the lessons we were intended to learn, and we accepted these lessons as part of our mission here on earth.  Once you learn to accept all that life desires to bless you with, the sooner you can grasp the importance of the blessings being presented to you, the sooner you will discover your destiny, and walk in that destiny.  

It is time to embrace each blessing.  It is time to be thankful for each lesson.  It is time to walk in those things that were placed in you to bless the rest of humanity.  When we discover our blessings, when we accept them we position ourselves to offer the very same thing to others.  The world needs you to accept all your blessings, for only then can you truly be a blessing to others.  I leave you light, love, peace, joy, and happiness.  It is time to show thanks for all we have, all we are, and all that we will be doing to move this planet forward.


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