Saturday, March 4, 2023

There are times when it's just time to move on.


Remember the movie "Groundhogs Day"?  Rinse , Repeat, Rinse, Repeat.  There comes a time in everyone's life when it is time to move on.  There comes a time when you have to drop those things that no longer serve you, and you in fact go after those things that were meant to be, and not just something that was placed in your path to get you off course.  Some have a tendency to see this as a failure, a distraction, a temptation to get off track.  What it actually is, is your time to learn valuable lessons that will place you where you need to be, in order to do those things you need to do.  Not every situation is going to be pleasant, but if you can find the joy in every lesson, then in the end it will all be worth it.

What I want to do today is encourage you to see things from a different perspective.  What I'd like you to do is realize that no matter what you have gone through, or might be going through at the moment, there is a bigger plan in action, and that plan is perfection, and if you can accept that perfection, then no matter what is happening you will see the Golden Lining. We all get wrapped up in a fog from time to time. That fog has stopped us from seeing what is real verses what is simply an illusion, those things those do not serve the greater good in our life.

Change comes, and with that change there is confusion, fear, anxiety, and frustration.  Change is most difficult when we do not understand the rational behind the change.  When clarity comes to the situation then we have a much better opportunity to embrace change and not look at it as something to mess up our life.  When one is entrenched with the days activities, with the things thrown at us continually, we often are not able to see the forrest because of the trees.  The time has come to ask for clarity.  We must, and let me repeat, we must open ourselves up for the clarity, and we can do that by simply asking for it.  I get how difficult it can be to get out of a situation because we have been in this situation for so long.  We tend to hold on to things because we are afraid of what may lie ahead of us.  Let me encourage you to embrace all change, and look at it once again as an opportunity to place you where you need to be, so you can be doing those things that you need to be doing.

In the absence of clarity there is only confusion.  In that confusion it is almost impossible to make the right decisions.  I do not say this to stomp all over anyone, I say this to encourage you to seek clarity, to only make decisions when clarity is there.  How much time does it take to get things cleared up? That depends on the individual, and how willing they are to let go of things that no longer serve them.  Not an easy thing to do at times, but it is something that everyone is going to face at one point in their life.  Trust me when I tell you that I have come to many cross roads in my life, and I have not always made the right decision.  Even in those times when I haven't chosen wisely, it still has brought enlightenment to me, even in painful times.  

There are times when we want to let go and move on but we question the timing.  Questioning timing is something I think we can agree is present is everyone's life.  We question so much because we doubt, and we question because often we don't know how to escape certain situations.  We feel as though we are trapped.  We can't let go because we often are unclear about the future.  Rest assured that the future is going to be what it needs to be, and the lessons that come from any situation are the lessons that you need.  I fully understand that lessons are not always easy, but if we can open ourselves up to an understanding that there is perfection in the Universe, then you can accept almost anything that is thrown at you and see that benefit will eventually come to you.

Believe it or not I am writing this today just as much for myself as I am writing it for each of you.  I am at a crossroads right now, and I have had to ask for clarity in the midst of a huge, almost over whelming fog. I wish I were not in this situation, but I am, and the only true option I have is to move on and trust in the perfection of my being, the perfection of my creator, and the perfection of the plans for my life. You too must decide what you will follow.  If you follow all that is going around you, and not what is in your heart, it is quite possible that you will have a mis-step.  If you will seek out clarity then a mis-step will be avoided and you will come out a conqueror.  

One of the hardest things we face as humans is being able to put things behind us that no longer serve us, and move forward in confidence that no matter what has transpired has placed us where we need to be.  I can only encourage you to move forward, and not hold on to things that no longer serve the creator good.  I know that is easier said than done, but trust me, in the end it is the better of the two options.  I learned a long time ago that it is better to let go and let God even when we feel there is no end to torment, no end to dismay, no end to confusion and doubt.  

If it is your time to move on I send you encouragement, I send you peace in the moment, and I pray that clarity comes to you in such a degree that it overcomes you.  We have been in a battle, and that is a statement of undeniable truth.  Together we can move mountains, and we are in such a time where we need to embrace the power we have within our own self and know that there is nothing that can stop what is coming.  I am that I am, and with the knowledge of the I am presence in my life I will overcome, I will conquer, and I will walk free from all that tried to stop me.  You to have this ability, and once you accept it, then the walls of confusion will come down, the fog will be lifted, and you will be in the place you need to be.  

Let me leave you with this, and it comes with all the love, all the encouragement, and all the determination I have.  Together we are strong, and there will be those who come around you who have been sent to help you out of any situation.  Remember that many have entertained Angels without knowing it.  Reach out to your Creator and simply bask in the beauty of your creation and always know that there is nothing that can stop you from being the person you were always intended to be. Trials will come and go, some tough, some hurtful, but through it all there will be growth, and that growth will increase with each passing moment.  I send you love, light, and an unbreakable bond that tells you we are all one, and where go one we go all. 

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