Thursday, March 19, 2020

Don't always believe what you see with your eyes.
These are crazy times that we are living in.  It seems like the entire planet is fixated on so many things, and making decisions that affect countless other people.  What many are not doing however, is seeing what is real verses what is pretend, what they know to be truth and not be moved simply by what is being shown to them by others.  I know it's difficult to not believe in something that you see right in front of you, but those things in front of you are most likely something that is absolutely contrary to the real you.  Let me break this down a bit, and then you will see where I am heading with all of this.

First and foremost, you are spirit.  Spirit is not moved by forces outside of itself, as it is infinite, unchangeable, and thereby the only real thing there is.   Too many individuals are being swayed by the fears of others, the uncertainty of what is next, and more importantly, failing to realize that you have control.  I run into those who are running around fearful, not knowing who or what to believe, and simply afraid to do anything.  I see others who want to take a stand, but feel it would be an act of futility since the world is coming to an end.  OK, I'm being a little facetious.  If all we do is make decisions based on what we see, and not on what we know to be truth, we will find ourselves in dire straights.  I know how hard it is to look past what seems to be real, but in these times, we have to do just that.  We are created beings, and we need to begin to create the life we desire.  There's an old saying that it is difficult to continue to drain the swamp when you are up to your butt in alligators.  Well it's difficult to walk in your power when all you see around you are people who are doing just the opposite.  Running around scared to death of what  could happen, what might happen, is nothing more than giving up on knowing who and what you really are.  Trust me when I tell you, that the first step in getting over a hurdle is realizing that you can clear the hurdle.

I feel bad for all those who are currently suffering because of what is happening in the world right now.  If I could single handedly turn things around for them, I would do that.  If I could magically wipe the Covid-19 off the face of the earth I would do that.  Sadly, even if I could snap my finger and it would be gone, someone, somewhere would manifest it back into existence because it is what they are creating for their own reality.  I know that some people will discount what I am saying this morning, but those people are the very ones who are running around scared and uncertain about the future.

Of the Seven Billion plus people on this planet, how many of them do you think can accept the fact that they are powerful beings, able to walk above the fray?  We have been conditioned over generations to believe that we have to accept all that is bad in the world.  We have forgotten, or maybe never realized, that we have dominion on the earth.  I know there will be a point where I will leave this earth, this temporary body, and move on to another existence.  Until such time, I am, committed to teach others just what real power looks like, and how walking in your power will change your life and the lives of those all around you.  I see doors being opened to create an awakening, an awakening that is long overdue, but at the same time is right on time.  If you believe in the perfection of the universe, then all things happen at the right time, for the right purpose.  We have to step into our power.  I know it can be difficult, but it is something that you must do, or forever be thrown about by everything that is out there which desires to harm you in some way.

I struggle with fears just like anyone else.  My husband was just told that he would be out of work for the next few weeks.  Others around have been told the same thing, and for many that could be catastrophic financially for them.  What we all need to do is accept that this is nothing more than a smoke screen and that we need not fear what lies ahead of us.  When things get a little dicey, simply step back and know who you are.  When fear wants to overtake you, step back and know what you are.

If all you do is believe what you see with your eyes, or hear with your ears, then you are going to struggle I assure you.  If you will begin to stand in what you know to be truth, eventually you will rise above all the things that others are fighting with, and life will take on a whole new perspective.  I recommend that you stand in your power.  I recommend that you shy away from listening to all the bad, and instead focus on the truth of your being.  You still may struggle with things, but over time the struggles will be less frequent and far less in duration.  If you could see what I see, feel what I feel right in this moment, you would know that you are a supernatural being, loaded with supernatural talents and strengths.  If you fail to realize this, then you will leave all that power just sitting there, and then you will be forced to do what everyone else is doing, and that is expect the worst of things to happen.

My encouragement to you today is for you to take a step back, toss off all the fear, and simply rest in your truth, walk in your power, and be the real you.  Trying times require strength in purpose.  Trying times require fortitude.  Trying times will allow you an opportunity to walk in your Power, if you choose to do so, thereby, propelling you to new heights of awareness.  When you walk in your power, discount what your eyes see, you will overcome.  I encourage you to make a shift, see the importance of your being, and change your life and the lives of those around you.

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