Sunday, November 3, 2019

Let the show begin.
OK folks, it's show time.  It's time to show the world the real you.  It's time too dazzle, time to shine, time to step out into your purpose, your destiny.  It's time for the show to begin.  How many of you really believe this?  Or sadly, how many feel that your best years are behind you and the rest of your existence is just going to be a long journey of nothingness?  Well I'm here today to help turn things around, if it's needed, and set your feet on a path to utter enjoyment and happiness.  Now if that last statement does not put a smile on your face, I'm not sure anything will.

I've been re-reading Dr. Wayne Dyer's book, The Power of Intention.  If you have never read it, I suggest you pick it up and read it, time and time again.  It will change the way you think about things.  It will change the way you talk about things, and it will change your life.  But I digress.  I had the opportunity to read it several years ago, going through it three times back to back.  When my husband and I were planning our move from Maine to Texas, Spirit prompted me to re-read it.  Now having read it over and over before, foolish me felt as if I had garnered all I could from it.  Boy was I wrong!  I am now on my fifth read through this session,  and I just may go for an even half dozen.  I had forgotten the power of setting the intention.  I had forgotten that I am the power behind the throne. I had forgotten that it's show time and I needed to be on center stage directing the happenings in my life.

We do not have to settle for any one's leftovers.  We don't have to do something simply because we feel we have no alternative.  We are the masters of our domain, and unless you abdicate this position, it will always be yours.  Quite frankly I was tired of simply settling for things the way they were.  I had gotten to the place where I was playing the victim card with everything that was going on around me.  I was not in the best place and I knew better then to stay in this place for very long.  I use the term victim not to gain sympathy but rather to say that I needed to accept more responsibility for my own actions and place no blame on others for what I was going through.  I had to face the truth that I had indeed abdicated my position of dominance in life and I needed to take center stage again, after all the show must go on.

Are you ready to finally take the stage and be the star of your own story?  It's time that each of us accept the role we were always intended to play in life.  We all have a choice to make when it comes to being the star in our own play.  You can simply blend into the background or you can carve your own star in the walk of fame.  My question to you is which option are you going to reach for? I am forever amazed at those who want it all, but refuse to understand that you already have it all.  Most people who are experiencing lack in their life are experiencing it because they really don't believe that there is any other way to live.  They have abdicated that position of abundance because they don't understand that they are already abundant without regard to what may be present in their life at the moment.  There are so many people that are simply acting out a role in life because most don't like the reality of who they are, and portraying something else is less threatening.  I want to star in my own biography, a truthful tale of who I am, with no fiction attached to it.  The question I have for you is do you want this as well?  Do you want to be true to self or portray to others what you think they want or expect to see from you?  The choice is all yours, and only yours.

It's show time my friends, and it's your time to show the rest of the world just who and what you are.  In the total scheme of things in life, living your true life is really the only option you should be looking at.  When you are free to be yourself, you are free to be anything your heart desires, and the desires of the heart are what you were always intended to be.  There is absolute freedom when you can accept the premise that you will be what you were intended to be.  Have you ever just wanted to have a blank page in the book of your life and have the opportunity to write any story you can imagine?  Guess what?  You do!!  Your life should be anything you desire it to be, because desire was placed in you since the beginning of time.  You were never intended to go through life not having what your heart desired.  This is a simple truth, but a truth that most people simply do not believe in.  It's time that you start believing, start living in what you believe, and take the stage and be the real you.

Let your show begin, and show others the true way of living.  Let your show begin and start enjoying every minute of your existence.  Let your show begin and step out on center stage and walk in the spotlight.  I assure you that being the star will bring you excitement.  It will bring you joy.  Being on center stage will allow you to share happiness with others, and that happiness will do more for you than anything else in the world.  It's time to let others into your show of show, and it's time to be the director, producer, and star of the life you have always wanted.  When you start living your authentic life you will never look back and wonder where life went, and you will want to continue on forever.

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