Monday, December 3, 2018

On the road again....

Let's be honest, when you saw the title to today's blog, I bet all you could hear was Willie Nelson singing, with that voice that is so incredibly recognizable, but I digress.  Anyway, today I want to simply encourage you.  There are days when everyone needs a little encouragement, present company included.  Encouragement comes in many forms, and it comes at many different times in our life, sometimes when we need it and sometimes when we least expect it.  I think we could all agree that encouragement is both needed, wanted, and if for no other reason, encouragement is simply put, encouraging.

If you have recently been through a time, maybe I can offer you a bit of encouragement that just might turn your day around, and because your day is turned around, maybe just maybe you will turn the corner on whatever it is you are trying to accomplish.  There's an old saying that Rome was not built in a day.  Very few things, at least things worth having, come to us overnight or without the need for a little sweat equity.  Now there are times when we get so involved with things that we begin to wonder is it all worth it, or will I ever get to the finish line.  Trust me when I tell you that there have been numerous times when I have questioned my motives, my desires, and my apparent lack of direction when it comes to fulfilling something.  It wasn't that I didn't have the desire to do something, what I lacked was the feeling that everything was going to work out fine.  What I needed was a little encouragement, and that encouragement would have meant the world to me.  So today I want to offer you encouragement and in doing so release from you any expectation that things are not going to work out, or that you will never get to the end.

I'd like you to think back on some of the dreams you may have had, or in some cases dreams that are at the forefront of your mind right now.  First off, dreams have always been and will always be stepping stones to your destiny.  We dream because we have desires in life.  Those desires are there because you are supposed to walk in them.  The only reason we give up on our dreams is because we lack the encouragement to continue on the journey.  I know all too well what it's like to give up on something.  Funny thing about dreams, they never go away.  You might try to bury them for a while, but they will return and then they will be right back to the forefront of your mind.  We can't give up on our dreams because our dreams will never give up on us.  The Creator of the Universe has placed these dreams in us for a reason, and the sooner you can accept this fact the sooner you can accept what is, and what has always been yours to have.

As we try to navigate things in our life we often find ourselves separated from the one thing we desire most.  It is in this separation that we could really use some encouragement, and this encouragement is nothing more then a reminder of who you are, what you are, and most importantly why you are here.  Whenever I get in a mind funk I simply step back and remember that I was created to create and that I have all that I need to be what I want to be, what I need to be, and what I was sent here to be.  Sometimes the little prodding we get from others is all we need to turn that corner and have it all.

There was a time where my motivation was to make as much money as humanly possible.  I needed stuff, because quite frankly that was how I identified myself.  The nicer or more expensive things I had the better I felt about myself.  Sadly there was a time when I lost it all, and then I had no idea who I was.  It was during this time that I was able to see the real me.  I realized that most of the people I knew didn't know the real me.  It was a bitter pill to swallow when I realized that I had been trying to fool others and fool myself into thinking one thing, while I knew something completely different at a much deeper level then I had ever let myself go before.  I know there are people out there who have similar struggles and let me tell you that you can come out of it the victor, if you want to that is.

Traveling down the road to your destiny is quite frankly the best thing in life.  When you begin your journey there may be slight trepidation,  but that is so, so normal.  You are on, and have always been on the right road to your destiny.  Certainly there have been times when you questioned things, but there have also been times of absolute clarity.  My encouragement to you today is to simply be in the moment and open yourself up to those thoughts and feelings that have been flying around you that you have tried to bury.  We run from things we don't understand or don't want to face, but that is never going to end well, at least not for you.  You see, you can't run from your destiny forever, and to be honest I see no reason why you should want to run from it.  Stepping out into your destiny is the most freeing thing in the world.  Being you, the real you, is what the world needs, and as you step out into those things for you, life seems to change in an instant.  All the cares, all the worries, all the doubt, for some unknown reason simply falls away.  You see clearer then ever before, and low and behold something magical happens, happiness returns in full measure and life becomes that journey of discovery that everyone should desire.

You are about to turn the corner; do you fear what might be around it, or do you freely open yourself up to the possibilities?  Life is such a great thing, and once you can accept the importance of your life, the greatness of your being, and the significance of what you were sent here to accomplish, the your life as you know it will change forever.  Be encouraged my good friends, and always know that you are not here by mistake, you are here by design.

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