Monday, December 11, 2017

It's more then make believe.
Some say it's simply make believe, while others live it out every single day of their life.  There are times when things seem almost too good and other times when you wonder if things could get any worse.  We often live on opposite sides of the spectrum and wonder how to get to the other side and experience, or in some cases stop experiencing, things we would rather not have to go through.  I remember as a younger kid always wanting to have straight hair, but having to contend with my curly mop that drove me nuts almost daily.  Truth be told I'd give almost anything to have that curly mop today as opposed to having little hair, but I digress.  I say all that to say this:  there are so many things that people want in their life, yet they feel as if they will never ever be able to have them.

There is hardly a day that goes by that I don't get a phone call from some scheme that claims I can start making five figures a week.  You can't turn on the television without being bombarded with commercials about this wonder product or another.  There are times when one just doesn't know who or what to believe.  Let me fill you in on a little secret; all you have to do is believe in yourself and let the rest take care of itself.  Problem with most people is that they have given up on believing in who and what they are, or in some cases have never come to the realization of who and what they are.  There is greatness in everyone, maybe it's time to start accepting it and then begin to walk in your greatness.  Certainly there are people who will poo poo on the idea that there is greatness in everyone.  These very same people are the ones who think that the "Great Unclean" are only being true to their fate in life.  After all, there have to be the haves and have nots, right?  The only reason we have the have and have nots is because we allow it.  If you cannot see that everyone deserves the best in life and that everyone has the potential to be great, then you have already failed.

One of the things that drives me absolutely nuts is looking at people who make a habit of looking down at other people.  You know who I'm talking about.  The people who feel as though money or position in society is the only marker of success and if you are not one of the privileged then you are actually one of the "Great Unclean".  I feel pity for these people because I can't see a time when they will ever have real peace in their life because they will always be going after something that is just going to be an inch out of their reach.

I spend years trying to figure out my place in this world.  There have been moments when I was keenly aware of who and what I am, yet there was still something that kept me from being in the place that I knew I was destined to be in.  It wasn't until I finally was willing to step out of my comfort zone that things began to change.  Now in my case, my comfort zone was nothing more then believing what I had been conditioned to believe.  When I began to rid myself of Man's Conditioning, that's when things began to turn around for me.  When I said no to Man's Conditioning, that's when things began to get going and I began to see who I was and was no longer afraid to walk in my destiny.  You have to believe in you first and foremost, or quite frankly the rest really doesn't matter.

Being great is not something only held back for a select few.  Having all you desire and being what you have always wanted to be is not something that just the elite of the world get to have.  Having the ability to create reality with your own words is not something that only happens in the movies, it is something that happens each day.  Problem is most words we speak are negative and then we wonder why things are so negative in our life.  I'm here to tell you that believing in who you are is going to change your world forever, and once that change comes then you will have the opportunity to begin chasing the rest of the world.

Yes it's sometimes hard to believe that you can have it all, but most of the time the reason we don't have it all is because some lame brained idiot told you that you couldn't have it all. Hear me now: you can have it all.  Not just a little bit, not just a trace, a tease, but you can have it all.  As I've said so many times in the past, as created beings, we were created to create.  I'm not sure why so many people have a problem with this concept, but rest assured those who do not believe in their creative abilities are going to be the same people who end up wondering where did life go and why haven't they been able to grasp the best in life.

Life is now.  Who you are is now.  Why you are here right now should never be an issue.  You are at the right place at the right time because there are no mistakes when it comes to the universe.  The sooner you can accept the perfection of life, the sooner you can step out and be what you were designed to be.  Of course you have to believe first, and sometimes that is the hardest thing you will ever have to learn.  If you can believe in who and what you are, then you will see change.  Change in yourself, change in those around you, and finally change in the world.  After all, isn't changing the world something that each of us would like to do?  Think about it and then get out there and be and believe in you.

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