Monday, February 27, 2017

And the Oscar goes to....huh?
Have you ever had one of those days when you have finally begun to soar above everything, only to come falling back to Terra Firma? I, like so many others, was watching the Academy Awards last night.  For the most part it was a pretty uneventful evening, almost boring to tell you the truth.  That is, until the final award.  I'm not sure even Steve Harvey could have written a better ending.  How would you like to be the winner one minute and then have it pulled away?  On the other hand think of the absolute joy of having been passed over only to discover that you are in fact the Top Dog?  Yes, all this and more in last night's awards, but believe you me, it happens to others daily and my question to you is how do you cope with it?

No one ever said life was fair.  However, just because no one ever said it, doesn't mean it isn't.  I happen to believe that the Universe is always fair, and those things that need to transpire will happen with or without our own assistance in the matter.  Certainly having something you've always wanted ripped from your hands can be tough, but have you ever given thought to the reasons something may have been taken, or kept from you?  There are plenty of times while waiting for something to come to fruition that situations change and once it's all said and done you can see how perfectly things worked out.  Had they gone according to your own plan then the outcome could have, and probably would have been catastrophic.   Lucky for you the Universe is perfection.

Here's where the rubber hits the road, and this is the moment you are going to have to decide what side of the equation you are going to fall on.  You can go through your entire life always wondering about the supposedly "Good" and "Bad".  Why is something good and what do you have to do to get it, or why is bad so absolutely bad?  First off, bad is not always wrong, and wrong is not always going to go against your best interest.  Once again things happen for a reason and the sooner you can accept that you are a part of a much bigger picture, the sooner you are going to be a whole lot happier and stress free.  Trust me, there have been many times in my life where I have cried out that I've had enough and just want this merry-go-round to come to a complete stop so I can get off of it.  I've had to take my eyes off of certain prizes because the prize I was going after was not the thing that I needed most.  If you are ever going to move forward then you are going to have to let go of what you think, and go with what you know.  The problems arise when you realize that you don't know what you don't know.

So why am I saying all this today?  There will come a time in each of our lives when we are going to have to make a decision.  Are you going to go after what is best for you, or are you going to settle for second best, and just accept what others deem appropriate for you?  I've always been the one who tends to stir the pot.  I don't do this because I want to be a dink.  I do this because I see things differently then most.  I see a world of endless possibilities because I see myself as a creation with endless possibilities.  Certainly there have been times in my life when I have fallen prey to the conditioning of man and I have accepted certain limitations.  Sadly most limiting beliefs are taught, and there comes a time when you are going to have to re-teach yourself and only hold on to those things that are going to promote you to the place you were always intended to be.

Most people have experienced the thrill of victory, and also the agony of defeat.  How one handles each situation is a testament to who they are.  We've all been around sore winners and sore losers.  If you're like me you want to vomit when you come in contact with them, hey it's a human emotion.  What I desire for each of you is to latch on to the premise that all things are going to happen as they need to happen, and there is no amount of wishing or praying that is going to change it.  I'm quite sure that the producers of LaLa Land were disappointed in not winning Best Picture last night.  However, if you look on the bright side, this is one story that is going to be told for a long time, and in Hollywood any story is a story, and along with the press comes ticket sales, and let's face it, that's the true bottom line.

If you've been to the top only to be pushed back down, you're in good company.  Many a successful person has had to face adversity, and the ones that do, live to fight another day, and the ones that don't, well they are no longer a part of things.  One disappointment, one set-back, one defeat, does not sentence you to a life of failure.  Edison quite profoundly said once that he didn't fail when certain experiments or inventions failed, he simply was given an opportunity to try it again, and try it again he did.  There is success in failure, just as there can be failure in success, I guess it all depends on which vantage point you are willing to look at it from.

It's time for "your" close-up Mr. Demille.  If you want to walk the Red Carpet then you are going to have to stick your neck out, and if you stick your neck out, then you just might experience something you never expected.  But let me say that any experience is better then no experience, and if you can learn from every experience then you are well on your way to your own Golden Statue.

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