Monday, December 19, 2016

Is death the end, or just the beginning?
It's the ageless question:  is there life after death, and if there is, what's on the other side? I lost my last remaining grandparent yesterday with the passing of my maternal grandmother. She lived a very good life for nearly 100 years, and I'm quite sure that many lives were touched during her time on this planet.  Part of me is saddened that I will never be able to see her face again, but there is also a part of me who realizes that the core of her being, her spirit, is what will live on for eternity.

When I began my journey of enlightenment I was like most people, fearful of death, and often would wonder what was on the other side.  Now there are many who will latch on to the concept of heaven and hell, but that's not what I want to talk about today. You have the right to believe anything you desire, after all it is a free world.  What I want to talk about is the concept of spirit, and what it means to each of us, or better put, what it should mean to us.

When I got the call yesterday evening about my grandmother the first thing that came into my mind was the simple fact that her spirit is no different now then it was 24 hours prior, or 24 minutes, or even 24 seconds.  Her spirit was still very much alive, and anything I could have gained from her while she was on this earth, is what I can still gain from her today.  We've been conditioned to believe we are mere mortals who might occasionally have a spiritual experience, while the truth of the matter is this:  we are first and foremost spiritual beings.  Although my grandmother is no longer alive, that portion that most people associate life to, her real presence, is just as present today as it was yesterday, or the day before that.  There are those who might think me heartless or cold because I can't be unhappy in this moment of loss.  In actuality I haven't lost anything really because my belief is that she is still very much present in my life.  The best part of all of it is now she has the ability to be by my side anytime she wants, or I want, and we are no longer separated by 3000 miles.

The sting of death will ultimately touch everyone at some point in time.  People will handle this loss differently because each situation is different.  Death can come in may ways and I dare say that few people alive today have not given thought to death and how it might effect those around them.  Movies have been made, books have been written about those who come back to see what others thought of them while they were on this earth.  Did they touch another life, did they bring change to the world, or did they simply take up space?  I think everyone is a little curious about how they are perceived or how they are thought about.  I was having a conversation with a friend the other night and we somehow got on the topic of death and what we wanted done at our own funeral.  I've always wanted to know that I touched people's lives in a way that I brought about change to them, change that allowed them to realize and walk in their destiny.  I've never really been motivated by money and whether I leave an estate worth millions, or leave with nothing, money has never been the motivation behind what I do.  If I do have a grave stone, the only thing I want on it is "He was a friend".  I think we have a golden opportunity to walk in spiritual things while we are still breathing, and in doing so we will have a glimpse of what our existence will be like when we leave this earthly plane.

Death is not the end of a journey, but a new beginning.  Your spirit has been around since the beginning of time, and it will be around until the end of time.  We've been taught, as little children, that heaven is the place you go when you die, and that you will be in heaven forever.  What people have failed to realize is that forever is not just from this moment in time forward, but from this moment in time backwards as well.  Forever is infinite, just as your spirit is infinite.  If you believe that you have a spirit, or as some call it a soul, then you are infinite.  I know it's a hard concept to grasp, but simply because you may not be aware of your awesomeness, doesn't mean you aren't.  We must come to terms with our true essence, our true being.  Until such time as you know the true you, then death will always be something you either fear or something you try to cheat.

If I were to leave this body tomorrow I would leave knowing that the real me is still very real, still very present, and fortunate enough to be moving on to another adventure.  Truth be told I'm kind of envious of my grandmother because she is now free to move about without all the limitations that we mere mortals have been forced to live with all these years.

Grandma I love you.  I thank you for all you did for me while we were together and I am blessed to have had you in my life for as long as I did.  You are now free to walk amongst the Angels and you are now free to spread love to the rest of the universe.  I can feel your presence and it is as real now as it was before.

Ladies and Gentlemen get in touch with your own Spirit and live now just like you will be leaving for eternity when it is time for you to transition.  Your spirit is a work of love, formed from love, and meant for love.  Touch it now, and share it with the rest of the world.  Let's face it, the world needs love and it needs it now and in unlimited measure.  Death is not the end, it is just the beginning.

In loving memory of Mary Cervantes.


  1. Just beautiful Scott. May your memories ans her spirit carry you forward always. Hugs to you. Michele Gendreah

  2. I love this blog Scott and will share!Right on, spirit, energy moves on as does your Grandmother. Our loved ones are more able to be alive now then ever encased in a flesh body earthbound, Peace N love and Christmas blessings to u
