Tuesday, September 27, 2016

I am the master of my domain.

I once thought that I was destined to live the life that everyone else wanted me to live.  I had put everyone else first before me, because that was what I had become.  As I reflect back on the last few months of solitude I came to the realization that my reality, my life, my well being was in direct correlation to me having the understanding and belief,  that I am indeed the master of my domain.  It's easy to say these words, but what doesn't always come easy is believing these words.  One can say just about anything, but do you really believe what you are saying, and are you putting your words into action?

What I want you to see today is that being the master of your domain is quite simple because your domain doesn't belong to anyone else.  I've said this a million times, only you can accomplish what you were sent here to accomplish.  OK, maybe I haven't said it a million times, but you can rest assured I have at least thought it, and probably said it more then once.  There isn't much that scares the Mighty Lion.  He is majestic, he is powerful, and he can pretty much come and go as he pleases.  I can relate to the lion as that is my birth zodiac sign, Leo.  I have read more books on Leo's then I would care to admit, but each book gave me a closer look at the nature of this magnificent animal.

How many people do you know, or at least know about, who have been able to dominate their own life?  When I say dominate I mean take control, not be moved by the words of others who always seem to think they are right and you are wrong?  How many people do you know who have just said screw the establishment I'm going to do it my way?  Sadly we live in times where we are required to march in lock step with everyone else, and if you are the one who rocks the boat then you will be the one who is set adrift in the open sea as a punishment for your free thinking.  Yea, our society has done a pretty good job of boxing people into places they were never intended to be, all in the name of normalcy.  Well I'm here to tell you that this place you have been forced into is not the place you belong and it certainly is not your domain.  I think it's time that you saw this and said "Oh Hell NO."

Our society has set limits.  It tries to tell everyone what can be done, what should be done, and who should do it.  I've seen very talented people thrown out onto the garbage heap simply because they dared to stand up for what they believed in.  I've seen careers ruined simply because someone had the nerve to question how something was done, and why in God's name are we still doing things the old fashioned way.  I'm telling you that the sooner you break free from the bonds of those around you, the sooner you will discover your own domain, and the sooner you will be able to walk in your destiny.   Now if walking in your destiny, if doing what you were sent here to do is not something you really want to think or talk about, OK, just let it go.  But if you are fed up with always being told no, always being sat on, always being the one who has dreams but you are to tore up from past bad experiences to share those dreams with anyone, then let me say you are in a very good place because it's time to experience dominance in a very powerful way.

Being the master of your domain does not give you the right to lord over people.  There are plenty of people out in the world who try to dominate because they have this feel of superiority.  Well these people need to have the crap beaten out of them.  They are no more important then you, and the sooner you see your worth, the sooner you can take your rightful place.  We are all connected, one to each other, and we all have a part to play in our world.  There is no one, and I mean no one who is more important then anyone else.  I don't care if your bathroom is lined with solid gold faucets, nor do I care if you haven't two nickels to rub together.  You were divinely created and put here on this earth to do something.

It's time to recognize your gifting and it's time you stepped out into those things that you have been uniquely called to do.  I let other people around me rule over me, and the only thing that did to me was make me feel even less alive.  Joy, peace, and ultimate happiness is not something to be looked upon from a distance, it is what you should be experiencing every day of your life.  When you finally become the master of your domain, you will begin to experience joy, peace and happiness in a measure that you only once dreamt about.  I know what it's like to walk around with your head held down, afraid of failing again, and even wondering if you will ever get the opportunity to do what you love to do.  I know how empty life can be when you are simply mulling over each day never expecting things to change.  It's time you allowed yourself to be yourself and not just what others have allowed you to be up to this moment.

I am the master of my domain and I relish every minute of my existence.  I am the master of my domain and I willfully take my rightful place.  I am the master of my domain and I hold true to those things in my heart that I now know are there for a reason.  Your tomorrows will change once you allow your dominance to take center stage.  You no longer have to fear who and what you are.  You no longer have to hold your head in shame because you may be just a little different then everyone else.  Your differences are what make you who you are, and who you are is what the rest of the world needs to see.  Take your place my dear lion and lioness, and know that all goodness will follow you when you accept your greatness.  Let me hear your roar, and let's begin to walk in our own majesty.

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