Monday, September 28, 2015

I have learned many lessons.
I have learned tons of lessons in my life, not the least being that I can never change what has already happened, nor can I say what is going to take place tomorrow, so is there any real reason not to just live in the moment?

When you live for today you are saying that the past does not hold you captive and the future, well the future, is not going to scare you away.  We can always learn from the past, and we can always plan for the future, but when you take either of these to the extreme you are bound to have issues.

I know people who are so afraid of making the same mistake twice that they are frozen in time, unable to make any move forward.  Heck, we all mess up from time to time, we are human after all.  Why do so many people allow mistakes to define them, and why are there people out there who define others by their mistakes.  Doing both of these things are wrong, and quite frankly a huge waste of time.  Show me anyone who has never screwed something up and I will show you someone who has never tried to do anything.  I've had more screw ups in my life then I would like to admit, but truth be told, I have learned from each of them.  Learning to cope with mistakes is only going to mature you, so don't sweat the small stuff.

I was outside last night watching the Super Moon and Lunar Eclipse. I had never seen a full one, and realizing that the next one would not be around until I was 74 years old was motivation enough to sit around and watch it.  I was thinking about all the talk on Social Media about how this particular Moon was a prophetic sign, that it was going to signify the beginning of the end.  All the Doom and Gloomers must have been in hog heaven just waiting for things to happen.  Let me say that if you sit around just waiting for the other shoe to drop I will tell you that it will eventually happen, but when it does it is never going to be good.  Remember, we create our own reality by our thoughts, our words, and our feelings.  If you want to sit around all day worrying about what is going to happen in the future, by all means go ahead and do that.  Just don't come crying to me when life blows up and you're left with nothing but regret and a whole lot of "I told you so."

Now let me say something about the future:  you can have dreams and visions for the future. We all have them, and we should all be heading toward them.  What I want to caution you about is not to be so fixated on things ten or twenty years down the road that you don't do anything about the things intended for today, tomorrow or next week.  I have dreams and visions for True Destiny and, but that doesn't mean that I simply sit and wait for things to be in place.  I can do things right now to prepare for what is coming in the not too distant future, but what I can't do is allow my dreams to be derailed because of something that may have happened in the past, or that may or may not happen in the future.

I am having a business meeting tonight and we are getting together to build vision boards for what we intend for the future.  When you set the intention you are setting into place a wish list so to speak.  You are saying that this is what you desire, this is what you believe, and this is quite frankly what you expect.  If I can't see what I desire for the future, then there is no real need to be fixated on what is going to happen to you in the future.  Vision boards allow us to visualize what is in our hearts.  What is in our hearts is from our spirit, and we all know that our spirit is in direct communication with Spirit.

I indeed have learned many lessons in my short time on this planet.  While I can dream of things that are closest to me, I need to make my move today, in order to get to my tomorrows.  I have learned from things of the past, and I take those lessons with me.  Living with regrets from yesterday, or longing for things in the future without any activity today is just foolish.  Trust me, putting your efforts into what is right in front of you is the only way.

There is a quote I have used many times in my writing, and it is one that I learned almost 40 years ago as I was traveling from New York to my first Air Force Duty Station at RAF Mildenhall in the United Kingdom.  The quote came from the book The Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.  Peale said, "I would rather attempt something great and fail, then attempt nothing at all and succeed."  If all you do is think about things, then can you really expect anything to come of your dreams and visions.  Allowing past hurt, or past fear to dictate your lack of action, or cause you to be inactive, is simply defeating.  Once again, holding on to the past makes it impossible to step out into your tomorrows, and quite frankly makes one worried about their todays.

Grab hold of your today and simply do something.  If you want to write a book, then begin to write.  If you want to build something, draw it out.  Putting action to your dreams is what will take you to the next step, and then the next.  Before you know it you will be running with the things in your heart and your life will become full of such joy and happiness you will wonder why you wasted so much time in the past.  Get moving my friends and see what wonders await you.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I'm moving forward, writing one of several books, and working with Scott in True Destiny, and in my spiritual business One Love Healing Arts, etc., ... helping others ... taking action. Thanks for writing your inspiring, empowering books and blogs, Scott. Blessings and Love always to All. :) <3
