Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Transitions, oh how I love them.
You may have sensed a note of sarcasm in today's blog title.  In truth I actually don't mind transitions, at least many of them.  There are all kinds of transitions that we go through in a normal life time.  Every four years we transition from one Presidential Administration to another.  Most of the time the transfer of power is seamless, at least that's what is portrayed on the television, political insiders might not agree, but perception is reality in many cases.  I had gone through several transitions during my time in the United States Air Force.  Certainly there were bumpy roads from time to time, but the mission always continued and we always made a point of doing our job the same way as before, with dedication and commitment.

What happens when the transition is much closer to home, much closer to you, and when it directly impacts your dreams and visions?  This seems to be a horse of a different color, but in reality there really isn't all that much difference in this transition vice the ones already mentioned.  The difference is how we handle them, especially when we are so close to the subject matter.

To me any transition is like a brand new day.  Each new day brings new opportunity and new possibilities.  Ideally transitions are quick, they are smooth, and they are enjoyable, ideally.  Where things get a little crazy is when things don't run smooth, and joy seems like something from a Galaxy far far away.  My first reaction to those who detest change is to ask why?  Why does change have to be a bad thing?  Why are transitions looked upon like the Angel of Death?  Change is required if forward progress is ever going to be achieved.  Transitions are also required if you ever want to get to that place where you are walking in your destiny.  Face it, if you knew your destiny at the time of your birth then there would be no need for transitions in your life as you would already be where you want to be in this moment.  You and I both know that is not how things work.  Instead of fearing transitions, embrace them.  Embrace it for what it is, a new beginning with new opportunity.  Embrace it for what it is, new adventures with new experiences.  Embrace it, if only for the simple fact that you will be going through transition after transition your entire life, so you might as well get used to it from the get-go.

I'm going through a huge transition right now.  It is one that was a long time coming and there are several different facets to this one.  I am loving almost every minute of it, and I am looking at it with joy, happiness and lots of anticipation for what is coming.  The key to any transition is to see the good in it.  The key to any transition is to see the potential in it.  The absolute key to any transition is to embrace it and realize that it is what has to happen if you are ever going to walk in your destiny.

I can talk about destiny until the cows come home, but you have to realize that destiny is for you as much as for anyone else.  If you are ever going to walk in your destiny, then you are going to have to navigate transition after transition.  My advice to you is to get used to it now, or life is going to be pretty rocky.

Transitions are like the changing seasons, they are like day melting into night, and they are like the sun that shines after the rain.  Each change brings newness, and each change brings hope.  If you can see hope, have hope, live hope, then the fear of any transition is minimized and you can enjoy the process instead of running from it.  Trust me, I have had my share of running, and no matter how far I tried to take it, it never changed the fact that I was going to go through what I was going to go through.  I could have saved myself a lot of hurt and anxiety if I had simply embraced the change, the transition and see it for what it was, something good.

That little furry Caterpillar may or may not know what changes are coming, but like it or not it is going to change into a Butterfly.  You can go kicking and screaming through any transition, but when all is said and done, the change that has to come will come.  Do yourself a favor and embrace the change.  In the long run things will run much smoother as already stated and your happiness will not be diminished in the slightest because of the upcoming changes.

Transitions, yes I do love them.  I love that I get to experience something new, and from those experiences I get to share what I have learned with others.  Accept change and transitions, and know that what you have gained will be shared by those around you.  Embrace it my friends, embrace it with everything inside of you.  Trust me, it will all be worth it.

1 comment:

  1. I love the transition I'm going through right now too, and spreading my butterfly wings and flying! :) Thanks for posting this Scott. :)
