Wednesday, July 29, 2015

It's getting better.
I was playing around with my I-tunes Library the other day and ran across a song that I hadn't heard in years, and I mean many years.  It was a song by Mama Cass Elliott called "It's Getting Better."  Man did it bring back memories.  I can remember hearing this on the radio, playing it on my stereo in my bedroom, and thinking how "Groovy" this song was.  As an added sidebar, I love the word
Groovy".  Maybe I'm just a Seventies Throwback, but boy did we have some good times back in the 70's.  I really hope that the word "Groovy" comes back in vogue and we begin to hear it again, like the days of yore. But I digress.

Getting back to my main point, if you are at a crossroads right now, and wondering if this is as good as it gets, let me assure you that life can only get better.  When I say better that does not mean that what you have, or what you are experiencing right now, is not good.  Hopefully you are walking out your dreams and visions, what I am saying is that there is no limit to the "Better" that is meant for you in this life.  We are the only ones that can limit the goodness of life.  We, or maybe more appropriately you, control what life is going to be like.

I had the opportunity to meet a very fascinating and beautiful young women yesterday.  I had received a text and phone call asking if we could meet as she had some questions, and I will always make time for those who truly desire to seek out and discover their True Destiny.  I shared with her during our conversation that life does in fact suck from time to time, there is no denying that, and there certainly is no way to avoid it until you begin to see who and what you really are.  We are first and foremost a Spiritual Being, not simply a human who will occasionally have a spiritual experience.  You see Ladies and Gentlemen, the hope for a better tomorrow is what motivates each of us to continue on our journey.  It is this hope that is manifested when you realize the divinity that resides inside each of us.  I have often heard the comment from those with good intentions that they are trying to grow spiritually.  Well let me let you in on a little secret:  you are already spiritually mature, since your spirit was complete at the time of your creation.  What you have to do is begin to listen to your spirit, follow the leading of your spirit, and otherwise be controlled by your spirit, and not be controlled by the conditioning of man.

Life will get better when you get out of the way, stop doing things the way others expect you to do them, and simply follow the perfection that resides in you already, that being your core essence, your spirit.  There are days when I have to remind myself of this very thing.  We all face things in life that cause us concern, things that create doubt, and things that quite frankly scare the daylights out of us.  What we have to do is realize that nothing in this world is ever going to change the fact that you are a spiritual creature.  Certainly you may not focus on this fact daily, but just because you are not constantly pursuing spiritual things doesn't mean you are not a spiritual being.  In my conversation yesterday I simply encouraged this young lady to begin to listen to her spirit, follow her intuition, which is another word for your spirit, and then simply relax.

I have learned many things over the last few years, but one of the biggest "Ah Ha" moments was when I realized that we have been sold a bill of goods by those who have been around us since the day of our birth.  If those around you haven't a clue about their spiritual nature, then why in the world would you want to follow their guidance?  They are only regurgitating what they have been taught by others who likewise have zero clue of true spirituality.  If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, the conditioning of man has done nothing to put anyone on their path to destiny.  Given the option to free yourself from the expectations of man, or be trapped in them forever, what would you choose?  I'm hoping you choose to be freed up, but if that is not the case, then regrettably you are destined to continue on the path you are on right now, and the thought of life getting better, is going to be just that, a thought.

When I set out on this journey of helping others discover and ultimately walk in their destiny I was not sure how it was all going to pan out.  I had questions, and as I was brave enough to ask these questions I was always assured that the answers would come back to me.  If you are wanting a better life, if you are desiring to know more about your true nature, then it's time to accept the fact that you already have everything you need to do this.  If you are depending on others to give you the answers then you are asking for trouble, especially if the others haven't a clue as to their true nature.

Get to know the sound of your own spirit.  Your true essence is never going to lead you astray.  Your spirit is never going to do anything that is contrary to the nature of the the Creator of the Universe.  When you begin to understand intuition, then you will be on your way to a better life, a more fulfilling life, and a life that touches the hearts and minds of others, who are also on a journey.

Life is getting better, and better is what most everyone wants, but few understand how to get it.  You can change the face of humanity if you will simply begin to accept who and what you are, and share your new found experiences with those around you.  Life is a journey of discovery, and now it is time to discover your true self.

1 comment:

  1. Our intuition is always leading us to true happiness, that journey which is designed for and by us, as co-creators with God/Spirit. Yes, life is getting better and better each and every day... Enjoy! :) <3
