Monday, July 20, 2015

If Tomorrow Never Comes

Yes this is shameless promotion, but I hope you will extend me some grace as I attempt to motivate you to go out and buy my book.  I'm not asking you to buy it just so I can make money, I want you to buy it because I want you to realize a few things. What I try to bring forth in each of my blogs is extremely limited because of space and time.  Meaning, most people are not going to read a blog that is twenty pages and certainly they will not take four hours out of their day either.  The book goes into much more detail about what I believe, what I attempt to live each day, and why going after your destiny is so critical to you and the rest of those around you.

There is a greatness within each of us, and discovering that greatness is what life is truly all about.  I can sit here and tell you that life is about love, that it's about success in business or whatever endeavor you are attempting.  I can go on to tell you that success or greatness is having a wonderful family, and sharing happy moments each and every day.  All of this is truth, but it isn't the greatness that I write about.  Now I'm not discounting love, or business success, or even the happy family moments.  I feel we all need these and to a large extend most everyone I know experiences most of these right now.  The greatness I am talking about is the essence of who you are.  It is the reason you were placed here on earth.  It is the one thing that most people never figure out, and without this base knowledge you will never fulfill your destiny here on earth.

There is hardly a day that passes that I do not end up in a conversation with someone, often a stranger, about destiny.  It's not that I lead the conversation in that direction, it simply leads itself.  I believe that I meet people for a purpose, and when they cross my path, I am open to talk about whatever Spirit leads me to talk about.  During many of these conversations I am very aware of the person's demeanor. I can tell when someone is soaking up the information, and when others are just letting it go in one ear and out the other.  It doesn't offend me when the latter happens, in fact I will tell you that I have had many a conversation where just that happened to me.  Those who are open to change will be open to new ideas, those who are closed off to change, well they wouldn't recognize destiny if it reached up and bit them on the ass.

One of the things that saddens me most is when I talk with someone and they feel as though that destiny is not for them.  They often will tell me that they simply don't know what they are supposed to do.  What I always encourage them to do is simply let go of expectations.  What others expect is not important.  What you expect is not important.  Expectations thrust upon you does nothing more then mire you down in doubt, sadness, and a feeling that you are all alone in this pursuit as others have rocketed to the front ahead of you.  We as humans have a tendency to look at things through an hour glass, and as each piece of sand falls through so does a dream or desire of ours pass away with it.  Time is not real my dear ones, and the sooner you realize this the sooner you can free yourself from those expectations all relating to time.

I want you to get this book because I want you to really begin understanding the greatness that you are.  It has taken me years and years to get to the point where I can say without reservation that I love me, that I love everything about me, and that I am right where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing.  If you are not in this place right now, don't give up hope.  If you are not in this place right now, don't fret.  Truth be told, the average person alive today is in the same place you are at.  I long for the day when every soul on this planet has discovered and is walking in their destiny.  It won't happen in this lifetime, but it will happen, and my true essence will be around to see it when it does.

So let me ask you this: if you knew that you only had twenty-four hours to live, what would you do?  If you are like 99.9 percent of the population you would quit the job you have hated for the last twenty or thirty years, and go do something you always dreamt of.  You might travel to some far off land that you always hoped to see.  Most everyone would want to tell those closest to them just how much you love them and what they mean to you.  So here's the obvious question: if you would do this because you only had twenty-four hours, why not do the same things when you have an undetermined amount of twenty-four hour periods ahead of you?  Why are you sitting around waiting for something to be delivered to you on a silver platter?  Go out there and begin to live the life that was always intended for you.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, there are wonders out there just waiting for you to discover them.  The greatest wonder awaiting you is the wonder of who and what you are.  Please do yourself a favor and begin to focus on this.  Trust me, your life will change in unimaginable ways when you begin to see yourself the way your creator sees you.  Get my book, read it, and then begin to delve into the really important aspects of life.  It just might surprise you what becomes important to you and what other things just may fall to the wayside.  By the way you can order my book on and  Shameless I know, but hey can't pass up the opportunity to get a little free PR from time to time.  Have a great day and smile, things are about to get heated up in a very good way.

1 comment:

  1. I love your book, "If Tomorrow Never Comes", Scott! It is absolutely wonderful, inspiring, healing, relevant, frank, right on the mark, much needed by everyone, and empowering, Scott. Thank you for channeling/writing it! :) May Godspeed it quickly around the world and may it/the message be received well received, read, and incorporated by All. Many Blessings, Light, Love to All.
