Friday, March 20, 2015

Taking the road less traveled.
The reason the road less traveled is less traveled on is because it's not always convenient, it certainly isn't easier, and most of the time people choose to alter their path because they don't want to content with the obstacles of life.  It's often easier to turn a blind eye to things verses facing them head on.

Today I want to encourage you to take whatever is standing in your way and just ignore it and press forward on the road that has been laid out before you.  It has been said that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.  That being said I have observed so many people, myself included, do anything but take or make a bee line to the things we want most in life.  Well today is your lucky day because we are going to look at ways to straighten out your path, and place you on a course to obtain the things you want most in life.

I think we are in a time when many are just discouraged.  They really can't stand what they are currently doing, but so many are at odds with what to do.  Do you stay in a job you hate, or do you make the decision that you are going to change things up, plot a different course, and finally do what is in your heart of hearts to do?  Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of no security blanket under you, is the road block that so many contend with.  I get that.  I have allowed fear to dictate my actions in the past.  I let my own insecurities dictate my action, or in some cases inaction.  The starting point for getting out of this trap is to realize, and for many of you this may be the first time you have done it, but realize that you are worthy of having the desires of your heart.  These desires were not placed in you simply to tease you throughout your life.  These desires were not placed in you so you could go through life always wanting something but never feeling as though they were yours to have.  These desires are there because they are your destiny, and your destiny has a specific path that needs to be taken to get you to the point where life is full of peace, joy, happiness, and love.

Your path or road to your destiny has always been wide open.  Your past, although formative yes, is not something that should stop you from walking down the right path.  We all make mistakes, and we have to know that we should overlook other's mistakes if we want to make sure our mistakes are overlooked as well.  When you hold on to the past, you are not able to enter into today, which of course means you will never be able to look at the future with anything other then fear, trepidation, or doubt.  The road less traveled doesn't understand fear, trepidation, or doubt.  The road less traveled is lined with possibility, opportunity, and unlimited amounts of peace, joy, happiness, and of course love.  When you are walking in your destiny then there is hardly a day that goes by that you are not able to share the joy in your life with others.  You are moved to spread peace.  You are focused on sharing the love for your life and the life of others, and when you can do this, you will change the road that others are walking on.

So here's where the rubber hits the road.  First, forget about all the tragedies of the past.  You can't change them.  Hopefully you have learned from them, but it's time to unload old baggage and lighten your load.  Second, stop beating yourself up for any misstep you may have made and realize that any movement at all is better then no movement at all.  Thirdly, start loving yourself.  If you are unable to love who you are, accept everything about you, then how can you expect others to see the beauty of your existence?  You have more to offer the world then you might think, but you have to take the first step and accepting the gifting that resides in you is a great first step.  Fourth, cut the root of fear that has stopped you in your tracks.  Fear is nothing more then an inability to recognize your own greatness.  This comes about because we have listened to those around us, and we have bought into their own misery, and we think we have to join them in that misery.  Fear is the ego's way of keeping you cemented in inaction.  Inaction is what will kill a vision or dream, and life without visions or dreams is not a life worth living.

The road less traveled is just waiting for you to step foot on it.  It is paved with everything you could ever want in respects to a life full of beauty, full of promise, and full of stories of overcoming all that tried to stop you.

So what road will you decide to take?  You can continue on a path that leads nowhere, or you can alter your course and see life from a whole new perspective.  This new perspective is going to show you just what life can be like or should be like: joyous rapture, unfiltered love, and cheerful expectation of what lies ahead of you.  There is no fear of the future, only anticipation of the next great journey.  A journey that will bring you closer to your destiny, a journey that will keep you smiling, shower you with love, and let you know just how incredible you really are.  Take that first step onto the road less traveled, and see if your panorama changes to what you always hoped it would be like.  A bid you safe travels and I look forward to meeting up with you when our paths cross.

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