Friday, March 13, 2015

Seize the day!
So what are you waiting for?  It's been day on top of day, one after another, and then another one after that, and still you are sitting on the one thing that would make you truly happy.  Let me guess, you're waiting for that engraved invitation, right?  Heaven knows it should be ready to be delivered to you on a silver platter.

OK, a bit dramatic I know, but there are some days when we need to be hit in the head with a bat to get us to wake up.  Now this is not meant to beat you up, not by a long shot.  Rather I want to encourage you today to take the next step, make a move, get going, and don't look back.  More often then not the only thing that is keeping you from achieving your dreams is you have yet to fully realize that dreams are there to help you achieve your destiny.

I have been one of the most guilty parties when it comes to sitting back and waiting for something to happen.  I have wasted countless days hoping against hope that something miraculous would come about, helping me to achieve the things I wanted to accomplish in this life.  Trust me when I tell you that if anything is ever going to get done in your life you are the one who is going to have to make the first move.  There will be others who will be there at your side helping you along the way, but that help will only come once you have made the determination that you are going to move forward in the things you hold most dear.

Someone once said that you don't wait for your ship to come in, you swim out to it.  You can make things happen, by doing something, anything.  Action, whether right or wrong is a starting point. We are going to make mistakes, we are human after all, so correct what ever mistakes might happen and continue on.  I have lived waiting for something to happen, only thing was, nothing was happening.  I still had visions and dreams, but I was never putting any action toward them.  I could see myself writing more, speaking more, traveling hundreds of thousands of miles, but the problem was I was just seeing it, I wasn't living it.  It took some very strong words from a dear friend to get me to see that I needed to do something if I ever wanted to manifest what I knew was my destiny.  Each of you will have to come to this same conclusion, and if you do, then you will do what I did and start putting action to your desires.

What is stopping you from taking the next step, or in some cases the first step, toward your destiny?  If it's fear, then I will tell you that you are in some pretty good company.  There are so many people who have had to overcome fear in order to do the things that they really wanted to do.  Most of the time the fear is based on things that you have no control over, or it is based on things that really aren't real.  Real or imagined, fear can stop you in your tracks, so lets see if we can't tame that fear once and for all.

Fear of failure I think is one of the biggest reasons people don't act on their dreams or visions.  They have seen failure in other family members, or friends, and they simply don't want any part of it. I get that, but I also know that someone else's failure is not anything you are responsible for.  If you aren't moving forward in your dreams because of what might happen, or what could happen, you might as well just stay in bed and never get out.  There is no way you could possibly know all the things that are going to happen to you in the future.  As I've said so many times before:  the past is past, the future is unknown, so live in the today.  Don't allow fear to dictate your actions or lack of action on your part.

A quote I use quite often in my writing says "I would rather attempt something great and fail, then attempt nothing at all and succeed."  Trust me if you do nothing, then I guess you don't have to worry about anything going wrong.  However, how long will you go on until your inaction will drive you nuts?  If you want to "Seize the Day" then you are going to have to move past the fear, move past the doubt, and move forward with your dreams.  I know there may be rocky patches ahead of you, but even walking down a rocky patch is preferable to just sitting around waiting for something to be dropped in your lap.

If you can take just the smallest of baby steps, I assure you that the next step will be easier, and each one after that will become more stable, more balanced, and then you will see that you are advancing toward your goals.  Rome was not built in a day, but it was build one piece at a time, and so to will your future be built one piece at a time.  Each step you take, every action you take, is going to get you closer to your destiny.

Carpe Diem, Carpe Diem, Carpe Diem!  The rest of the world is just waiting for you to make a move.  When you make a move you place in motion the rest of the universe, whose primary function by the way, is to provide you what you need, when you need it.  You are not in this journey alone.  You might like to think you are by yourself, but that is just foolish thought.  You have legions of Angelic Creations just waiting to assist you, if you will ask and if you will let them be there for you.

Think about what you hold most dear and ask yourself if you are ready to just let it go and never do anything about it.  If you want peace in your life then letting go of your dreams is not the way to get that peace.  Yes there may be some issues you have to deal with along the way, but achieving your dreams is one sure way of experiencing the happiness that is yours, and then peace becomes something this is yours at all times.  Seize the day my friends, seize the day.

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