Friday, March 6, 2015

Peace, love, joy and hope bring about happiness
Now this isn't going to be about some sixties hippie love fest.  It seems that when ever someone from my generation talks about love, peace, and happiness one of the first things that comes to mind is the Age of Aquarius, drug induced, love ins that used to be common place amongst the carbon units of that day.

No, what I want to talk about is why being centered and holding peace, love, joy, and hope within your heart is really the only way you are going to experience true happiness in this life.  Just look around you at the people you come in contact with each day.  You can almost see it on their faces the lack of true happiness in their life.  The void of loving relationships seems to deepen their despair, while only fleeting glimpses of joy or hope ever seem to surface in their life.   Is it even a wonder why these people would never claim to be happy?

Peace:  knowing that no matter what situation you are in, it's the situation that you need to be in.  It's the kind of peace where you can take solace knowing that things are just as they need to be, in order for you to be the person you were intended to be.  How often do you find peace in the place you are in right now?  If there is no peace, then there can never be happiness.  Peace and happiness go hand in hand, so much so that a life void of peace can only lead to disappointment, discontent, and ultimately ruin.  You will find peace when you can accept that everything happens for a reason, and once you can accept this premise, then peace will follow you all the days of your life.

Love:  We all need it, we all covet it, and yet, we often don't even recognize it even when it stares us right in the face.  We like to formulate love in ways that we understand it, but if you don't have a basis for love, then how can you ever understand it?  There are so many forms of love, and yet if one form that appears is not in sync with our thoughts or beliefs about love, then we dismiss it and look elsewhere.  Can you find the love in the little things of life?  Can you step outside on a sunny spring morning and simply feel what nature is showing you and feel the love in it?  If you can't sense the love in the little things, then it really doesn't matter how big the clue is that comes to you.  Love was the basis for your creation, and because of this, love is one of the foundations of our existence.  If you want love, then sow love.  Give away your smile to a stranger on the street.   Give up your spot in line at the market to the one who seems to be in a hurry, and you have no particular place to be.  It's the little things in life we do to show love, which allows us to receive love back in measures untold.  The first step in having love in your life is to love yourself.  If you cannot accept that you are love and even more so, deserving of love, then love could be waiting for you on a silver platter and you would simply walk past it.  Love yourself first, and then love will find you no matter where you are.

Joy:  How often do we find the joy in what we are doing?  I find joy every time I sit down to write, or go out to speak.  I find joy in knowing that I am walking in my destiny.  I find joy in helping others discover their destiny.  What do you find joy in?  If joy is eluding you then you should ask yourself why?  Why does everyone else seem to be happy about things and yet you are walking around like you just lost your best friend?  Why do good things happen to bad people, and yet you still seem to be waiting for all the good to come to you?  If you are thinking these things then I can bet you all the money in the world that you lack joy, and if you lack joy, then you certainly are missing out on happiness.  Joy is finding a penny on the street as a reminder that abundance is just as much for you as anyone else.  Joy is looking up into the night sky, seeing a shooting star and realizing that the universe is vast and yet you are just as big a part of the universe as anyone else.  Joy is knowing that you were place here for a reason and that you have so much to offer to others.  Find this joy, and then happiness will be your constant companion no matter what happens.

Hope:  Oh yes, hope.  The hope for a better tomorrow.  The hope of knowing that even though times may have been rough, they were rough to teach us a very important lesson.  Hope says that no matter what happens, you will be in the place you need to be in, at the appointed time, and that everything works out in the end.  Hope is not distant, hope is not just for a select few, hope is what everyone has, but few have learned to harness the awesome power of hope.  Too many people have used hope and tried to turn it into something it is not.  Hope is not begging for a better tomorrow.  Hope is not wishing that things will turn around and suddenly everything will be all right.  Hope is nothing more then accepting the fact that you are where you need to be when you need to be there, living the life that was designed around you, for you.  Hope is indeed eternal, just as your spirit is eternal, which means it has always been, and will always be.  Hope knows nothing of lack, or fear, or even worry.  Fear and worry will destroy hope, and we must do all we can to not give ground to a worthless emotion that wants nothing more than for us to give up and walk away.  Hope is what allows us to always take the next step, even when we're not sure where we might be going.

Peace, love, joy, and hope are what we need to hold on to, and when you do, then and only then will you experience the happiness that was yours from the moment of your creation.  If you are lacking in anyone of these traits, fear not, it's never to late to accept them into your life.  There will be times when we are tried, and we loose our hold on our own peace, love, joy, and hope, but let's make sure that these are just fleeting moments, and nothing that becomes habitual.  Happiness is a by-product of things that should be in your life.  It is time to allow happiness back in, by holding on to what is yours, all the peace you can walk in, all the love your are capable of, joy that springs eternal, and hope for all that is good.  It is time to be happy again.

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