Tuesday, February 3, 2015

And they lived happily ever after.

Oh to have that fairy tale kind of life.  We dream about it, think about it, and yet for many if never seems to come the way we desire it. Why is that?  Why can't we have the fairy tale kind of life?  What is it that stops us from having all we desire, all we dream, and all we think.  How do we get to the point where we can say that we lived happily ever after?

Today I want to share a few things that may just help you along your journey to "Happily Ever After."  Some of these things you will have heard about before and some may be new to you.  No matter what the case, these are things that will help you along the way.

First things first:  you have not, because you ask not, and you ask not because you simply don't believe.  I have said this so many times in the past, but for many of you, you need to hear it again.  We are in fact the creators of our life.  When I say "life" I mean what goes on each day. What we experience, what we go through, how our days are, are all dependent on how we set them up.  If you are constantly bemoaning how things are, then you can pretty much bet that things are going to remain the same.  If you can get out of the mindset of always finding the dark thunder cloud hovering above you, then you can begin to see things the way they should have always been.  Secondly:  thoughts become ideas, and ideas become our reality.  Good, bad, or indifferent, our thoughts are the foundation to what will happen in the future.  The future might be five minutes from now, five days, or five years.  The sooner we can grasp the concept that we design the types of lives we will have by the words we speak, the thoughts we have, and the actions we put to things, the sooner we can have the life of Happily ever after.

How often do you reflect on the past?  There always seems to be a tendency to wonder how things would have been had you done something different.  What we loose here is an opportunity to learn something.  There is not a thing that goes on in our lives that was not meant to teach you something.  Often what we go through is not always pleasant, but it is there for a reason and once you can find the joy in all things, then you are on your way to having a life full of joy.  I can't sit here and tell you that everything I have experienced in life is something to write home to mom about.  There have been moments when all I wanted to do was cry, and then cry some more.  It wasn't until I could see that everything was meant to teach me a lesson that I was able to find the joy in everything.  When you are able to find that joy then your life will turn around, and then Happily ever after will be the constant that you experience in all that you do.

One of the great lies told to us as children is that you can't expect everything in life to turn out as you desire. This is nothing more then the conditioning of man, and least I sound like a broken record, the conditioning of man has done nothing but keep you bound up in chains, and those chains are what will kill you in the long run.  The truth of the matter is this: you can expect things to turn out the way you want them, if the way you want them is something you are willing to speak life to.

Do you believe that you are worthy of having all the good things in life?  If I asked that question to a thousand people most of them would tell me yes.  Sadly, if you looked at the lives of those thousand people, the surface of their life would indicate otherwise.   There are those who might profess that they are worthy of goodness in their life, but in the absence of seeing that goodness, I would have to question the validity of their statement.   The time has come to finally decide what is most important to you.  The time has come to forget what others expect of you and follow your heart and do the things that you desire most and don't worry what others think or say.

To live a life happily ever after is going to require you to change the way you think, the way you speak, and the way you feel.  It may seem impossible at first but trust me, things will change quickly for you and then it will be easy to watch your words, watch your thoughts, and get a grip on your feelings.  Most of us have heard the saying that you reap what you sow.  I will tell you that whether you believe this or not is not the issue.  Just like you will never change the law of gravity, you will never change the law of sowing and reaping.  That being the case, then I might advice you to watch those things that you are sowing in your life.  If you desire joy, then try to sow a little joy into the lives of others.  If you desire love, sow love.  If you are wanting to step out into a new adventure then help someone else with their own adventure.

To live a life happily ever after requires you to live your life.  Not the life someone else has planned for you, not the life that others think you should have, but your own life.  To live a life happily ever after means you are going to have to decide what is important to you and go after it.  The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, and your live happily ever after is going to need you to take the first step.  If you desire this, then you can have it.  The question is, do you desire it?  If you don't well that's OK.  There will be people who will not be able to make the leap.  If you are willing to take that first step then I assure you that your life will begin to change.  The decision is yours to make and yours alone.  Think about it for a moment and let me know what you decide.

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