Friday, June 20, 2014

A new day approaches.
It's a new morning.  It's a new day.  Old things have passed away and everything is new.  I look at each new morning as an opportunity to do something different, and it has to be different because I can't go back and change anything from the past, nor would I want to.

It's a new morning, and today you get to prove to the rest of the world that you being here is no mistake.  It's a new day, and today you get to put on display all that you are and those around you will marvel at the beauty of your creativity and abilities.

It's a new morning and today you have the opportunity to finally start living.  Not the life of the past, but the life you were always intended to live, doing the things you were intended to do, and impacting others in the way that it was intended to be. The sun will rise on this new day and as it does may you have the feeling that things are going to be OK, and all the struggles of the past are now just events that you have learned from.

I know what it is like to be trapped in the past, always waiting for the other shoe to drop, always wanting more, and always wondering why things just haven't been the way you had always thought they would be.  I know what it is like to want something so bad, so bad you could almost taste it, and yet never being able to taste the sweet nectar of success.  Oh, I know the feeling, but I also know that I now have the ability to manifest all that I desire.  This revelation has not come easy to me, but it has come and now I desire to share it with you, the ones who have an equal desire to walk in those things that have been embedded in you since the moment of your creation.

I've been thinking about a dear friend whose life ended not long ago.  It would be easy for almost anyone to feel as if his life ended far too soon, but that is our human thinking, and not thinking in the way that the Creator thinks.  His life ended in the appointed time and what he was to accomplish in this life, has been accomplished.  It is so easy to think that we know it all, but in reality we learn about our life each and every day, and each day brings new knowledge, new perspectives, and new opportunities to walk in what we have learned.  The simple fact is that you are here right now, and by virtue of that there are things that you still need to learn, and things that you still need to do.  I do not know when my time in this body will end, nor do you know the hour of your departure.   What I do know is this: it is a new day and along with this new day is my opportunity to teach, to share, and to inspire others to discover their purpose.

What is your burning desire?  What is in your heart that tells you that there is something you should be doing?  That something will bring you peace, joy, and happiness.  It is this same peace, joy, and happiness that will resonate with everything you do and to everyone you come in contact with.  Isn't it time to stop playing games, be honest with yourself, and admit that there are things you wish you could do, but for whatever reason have not begun to do them yet?  Once again, I know what it is like to have dreams, and always feel as though my dreams have passed me by and now I get to just survive life.  If survival is what you think about I can assure you that you have not understood the beauty of your creation, nor the splendor of your design.

I do not desire to go back and relive days of the past.  I may have learned something from them, but I can tell you point blank, I do not want to go and do things again.  I look at each new day as my promise from God that I am where I should be, and I will be given the opportunity to do the things I should be doing.  If there were no purpose for me being here, then I would no longer inhabit this mortal body and I would be on to my next adventure.  When the sun comes up in the morning that is my sign that I get the opportunity to do the things I love most, and spread peace, joy, and happiness to others.

Let each sunrise represent your opportunity to spread goodness to others.  Let the fresh morning air bring to you an understanding of the majestic nature of who and what you are.  Let this day be the day that you fully appreciate your being here.  If on the other hand you wake up and there is a feeling of dread, a feeling of why me, and a feeling of wanting the day to be over before it has begun, then I would strongly recommend you look at your life and try to figure out your purpose, your destiny.  When one has discovered their destiny I can promise you that you will be eager for each new day, for each sunrise.  It is in discovering and walking in your destiny that you will have promoted yourself to self-actualizing and then you are able to help others discover their life path.  When you get to this point, your prayers at night will be all about seeing the sunrise the next morning.

It's a new morning, a new day, and today is your new beginning.  It may come slow at first, but I can tell you that the sooner you make the commitment to walk in your destiny, the sooner things will be as you have always hoped for, and dreamt about.  Let this new day bring out the new you, and when that happens you will bring to humanity a part of what humanity needs.  Take in this new day and know that tomorrow is going to be another great day, and then the day after that as well.  My hopes and prayers extend to you this beautiful morning, and every morning to come.

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