Monday, May 12, 2014

Stupid is as stupid does! Why stupid can be good for you from time to time.
Yep, we've all fallen prey to either doing something stupid, or seeing something stupid, and then scratching our heads in wonderment.  Events happen each and every day that cause us to wonder what planet some of these people come from, and whether or not they can generate enough brain matter to move both of their feet.  I will say that many of these actions or situations occur without those who are perpetuating them even realizing how ridiculous they are.  Now just in case you think I'm picking on these people please know that I am just as guilty of my own screw ups as anyone.  I have said and done some pretty stupid things through out my life.  I have had to accept the fact that I am prone to stupid is as stupid does from time to time and I have just had to laugh at myself.  Having the ability to laugh at one's self is pretty much a necessity if one wants to survive.

The main point I want to make this beautiful Monday is maybe we need to take ourselves a little less seriously and just roll with the punches.  People have a tendency to get so wrapped up in things that they have lost the ability to laugh at themselves and free up some much needed energy that may very well come in handy at a later date.  Let's face it, when we do stupid things it's not as though we planned to do them, they just happen.  As long as man has been around on this planet, man has managed to do some pretty stupid things.  The vast majority of time it is innocent and without much thought.  The media is full of examples of stupid is as stupid does.  Messed up message boards, funny worded ads in the paper, you name it, it happens everyday.  The thing we have to do is enjoy the moment, because let's be real here, there is some pretty funny stuff out there to laugh at.  When I laugh at something I am not laughing at the person responsible, I am just laughing because it is funny.  We have taken things way to seriously in life and maybe funny is what you need right about now to forget about some of the situations you have found yourself in.

There have been times when I just needed a good laugh, if for no other reason then to get my mind off something that had been bothering me or making my day less then what I would like it to be.  In times like this I will turn to my friend "YouTube" and bring up some of the old Carol Burnett clips with Harvey Korman and Tim Conway.  I love the dentist skit and laugh each time I see it and I have watched it hundreds of time.  Harvey Korman is not able to keep a straight face and his inability to stop the laughter is infectious.  How one could not laugh along with this is any one's guess.  I will look at some of the auto-correct text that come from people's smart phones and then look at the responses from those receiving them.  How you could not laugh at some of this is amazing.  I am not laughing at the people I am laughing at their reaction.  We're not laughing at people because we are mean, we are laughing because we know we are just as prone to do these things as they are, we just happen to be on the other end of the deal this time.

Stupid is not always bad, it can break up a situation that is far too serious, and were it not for the stupid, could take a turn for the worse.  We as humans tend to be far more serious about things then we often have to be.  I guess that comes from the conditioning we have all been put through since time in memoriam.  There are just some days when we have to let our hair down and realize that there is a lot of stupid out there and stupid is what will help us get through a very trying day.  I know for me personally that laughing at something off the wall, or out of the norm, is just what I need to pull myself out of a funk.  We all get down from time to time and often laughter is the only thing that will bring us out of it.  If we are all the time worrying about things, the question you have to ask yourself is what has all that worrying done for you?  Has it made the bad situation go away?  Has it added one moment of peace or joy into your day?  Has it changed anything?  My advice to you is to find the stupid in the world and laugh about it.  Find the innocent foul ups and chalk it up to some one's brain cramp.  As I said earlier most of these stupid things are innocent and yet they are often the thing that will help you navigate the day and get though it with just a little more ease.

When I laugh at other's blunders I am not laughing at them, I am realizing that there are others out there just like me, and I am not alone in some of the stupid things that I have done.  If you think you are immune from these things, then think again.  You may not want to admit that you have had your share of stupid is as stupid does, but I assure you, you have.  Why not just admit it, roll with the punches, and realize that you are in some pretty good company.  The one thing I want to caution you about is don't take this too far.  There are some people out there who are just plain mean spirited, and to those people I would not want to be on the end of the Karma stick when it smacks them right in the face at it will one day.  My laughter is because what I saw or what I heard hit my funny bone.  There is never any malice and I hope that those who have been the designer of the stupid can realize that they have helped me get through the day and put a smile on my face.

Stupid is going to happen, both to you and me, so might as well own up to it and share the wealth.  The sooner we can laugh, let go of pride, the sooner we can release the real power of stupid.  There are good people out there who will walk right into stupid, not because they are less than human, but because they are human.  Get off your high horse or the stupid you display will mark you for many years to come.  Find some stupid today and then share it with others, but share it in the spirit that was intended, to heal, to bring peace, joy, happiness, and love to those that need it most.

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