Friday, January 31, 2014

Let's end the week on a bright note. You have what it takes to be the person you were meant to be, so smile.
There comes a time in every one's life when you question the purpose of life.  "Why am I here?" and "What am I supposed to be doing with my life?"  are two of the most commonly asked questions.  I have asked myself these two questions countless times in my life and I wish I could tell you that I always got the answer I wanted, I didn't.  But the great thing about knowing why you are here is that you have a knowing that no matter what you may be going through, in the end it will be as it needs to be and there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Today I want you to focus on all that is good in your life and take a few minutes to appreciate what you have, what you have done, and what you will do in the future.  Sure there may have been times when you have not succeeded the way you had hoped, but look at it this way, at least you tried.  That is far better then never having tried in the first place.  If I had a dollar for every time I have failed in life I would be a very, very wealthy man right now.  As it stands, I am extremely wealthy from the stand point of I know who I am, and more importantly, why I am here.  Wealth is not based on the size of your house or bank account, or how new or expensive the car you drive is.  Wealth, true wealth, is having a knowledge of what you bring to humanity, and in that, you really understand what is important in life and what is not.

As you bring this work week to an end forget about the stuff that may not have gone as hoped for or as planned and instead focus on the possibility of tomorrow.  So what if you have a dink for a boss.  Who cares if all hell broke loose at work and it was a huge mess.  Oh what's that, you need a stiff drink?  Face it, we have all been there and each of us will have to handle these situations as they occur.  My advise is let them roll off you like water off a duck's back and realize that we each need time to be away from it and forget about the garbage of the past week.  Trust me, if you are unable to let it go, then you are just going to bring it back with you on Monday morning, and we all know what type of week you are going to have when you do that, don't we?  I am constantly amazed at the employers who expect you to live work 24/7 and then they wonder why people burn out.  Do yourself a favor and if you have had the week from hell, get home, jump in the shower, and then call a friend or family member and just say "screw it" life is too short to be taken seriously and do something fun.  When it is all said and done you only bring things home with you because you want to. Trust me if you leave it at the office where it belongs, you will be doing something great for yourself not to mention the people you are going to be around.  Come on, face it, no one likes to be around a Debby Downer.

Do you remember the movie "Polyanna"?  This young girl would always try to find the good in everything.  Sure there are times in our lives when we are challenged, but with each challenge comes the opportunity for growth and understanding.  With each lousy situation is an opportunity to learn something.  These lessons are there for a reason and as soon as you can come to grips with this the sooner you can benefit from each lesson.  I have seen situations where I just knew it had calamity written all over it.  I had a choice to make, was I going to let it define me or was I going to take the bull by the horns and overcome it?  It is always better if you define the situation instead of letting the situation define what your are going to feel or go through.  Today is your opportunity to let the world see what you are made of and in doing so gain victory.

I have learned many lessons over the years but one of the most important lessons I have learned is that I have what it takes to succeed, because failure is never an option.  We fail because we give up, and we often give up because we don't think we have what it takes to get through a difficult situation. I am here to tell you that you have exactly what you need and all you need to do is realize who and what you are.  Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, when you have been knocked down for the ninety ninth time, get up and just dare number one hundred to take a stab at you.  It is time to look that monster in the face and dare it to try again.  When you have the guts to call out it's name and stare it down, well you have just about run it out of town, and that is exactly where it needs to be, high tailing it out of there because it has no power over you.

It is time to relax, have some fun and realize that tomorrow is a new day.  A day that will be filled with possibility and opportunity.  Tomorrow brings with it unlimited potential and with that unlimited potential comes unlimited joy.  If you have not felt joy in a while think how good it is going to feel when you get it back in your life.  Throw off the chains that bind you and declare that you will no longer be prisoner to what life says life has to be like.  You control how you will handle tomorrow and if you can get a handle on this then tomorrow will be a great day for you.  Have a great weekend and know that I am pulling for you.  Let me know how things go and I expect good reports from each of you. Smile and know that the best days are yet to come.

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