Sunday, December 4, 2011

True Destiny, If life is a journey why go it alone?

As is custom for me I was having a discussion with a close friend the other day and I had a very big Ah Ha moment. I must admit that it took me by surprise, but what equally surprised me is it didn't shock me. There are so many people walking around in hopelessness these days. Not sure what tomorrow will bring and worrying that their tomorrows will be filled with the same feelings of emptiness and dread. I have known success in my life and I have known my share of failures. Let's face it, success is preferred over failure any day of the week and yet we seem to focus on the failures and not give the same time to reflecting on our successes. Oh sure it is human nature to look at life and wonder what our tomorrow's will bring and we look at the past and wonder how could we have missed all the opportunities that presented themselves to us. I have often wondered why I have big visions and dreams and yet I have not even begun to walk in many of those visions. I am not unlike so many other people when I say I get wrapped around the wagon wheel and have a tough time getting started. I have also wondered why success has escaped me and why I always seem to be at the bottom of the totem pole when it come to measured success. Let me try to paint you a word picture and see if it doesn't shed some light on the many struggles each of us face each day.

Have you ever wondered why some people always seem to rise to the top of the success ladder? I have been in a sales environment for the better part of the last thirty years. You will always have someone who will come out on top and someone who will always be at the bottom. We have a tendency of looking at these people and our impression of them is based on how they are ranked. We make the assumption that the person on top has it all together and the person at the bottom is just a lazy, good for nothing, ignorant or lazy individual. I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I am not one who buys into this notion. I have known many people who have been at the top and yet they lack that certain something. I have know those at the bottom and they have everything it takes to be at the top. The question arises as to why this happens and what is it that separates true success from perceived failure? I think the answer is pretty simple and when I give you the answer I hope you will have the same Ah Ha moment that I had and maybe it will answer some of the "Why" questions you have had in the past. Success is not measured by shear numbers nor how high we appear on the weekly sales tracking log. Success is not measured by the size of our bonus check or the number of times we have gone on trips for our company for winning this sales contest or that sales contest. Success is measured when we finally realize that we are in the right place at the right time. Success is when we are walking in our "Destiny". Destiny is when we are doing what it is that we were born to do. Doing what we were born to do is what brings us passion. Passion is what ultimately is the measure of success. Ask yourself this question, and for the first time in your life please, please, please be honest with yourself. Are you passionate about the things you are doing right now? Would you be doing your current job if you never got paid one red cent? Do you wake up on a Monday morning so excited that you get to do it all over again? Now I know there are going to be those who will say that there is not a single job on the planet that anyone has that they can say the feel this way. This may be true at the moment, but there is nothing inside of me that would make me believe that this could not happen. That someday all of us would be walking in our destiny and experiencing self-actualization.

This is the point where I have to be totally honest with you and let you in on a little secret. This was my Ah Ha moment. Well this was one of my Ah Ha moments, I have had many over the last few years, but this one in particular stood out. I have always known that I was destined for great things. That I would have a voice and with that voice I would be able to help others achieve things in their life that they only dreamed about. Now let me stop here and say that I am not someone who feels like I am all that. I have struggles and fears just like everyone else. What I have is a desire to help others be who they are meant to be, that is my passion and that is what motivates me to get up everyday doing the things that I do. I am just like so many other people out there who seems to be a day late and dollar short on most everything that I set my hands to. What I had to come to terms with was what was I doing with my life and was it leading me to my destiny? Why is it that I never seemed to measure up to the others in my office? Why could I never be number one? Now being number one is not the most important thing in life but lets face it we are measured by our performance in numbers. When we appear at the bottom of any stat sheet we tend to think less of ourselves and we have the opinion that everyone else is looking at us like we are a loser. This could not be further from the truth. There can only be one number one. Does that mean that everyone else is a loser? I think not, and I think we need to take a look at this and realize that we are not just a statistic on a sheet of paper. I am not a statistic! I am not a failure simply because I do not rank number one on the sales leader board! I am not a failure because I am not a function of my job. My job does not define me, and my job is not who I am. My job is what I do, I am what God created me to be. The sooner we learn that we are not our jobs the better off most of us will be.

So what's the bottom line? Here it is in a nutshell: I will never be number one until I am doing what it is that I am destined to be. I could work 16 or 18 hour days and still success would be one step away because I am not doing what I am truly supposed to be doing. I finally had to look deep within and realize that everything I had done in the past was nothing compared to what I will be doing in the future. Why? Because I finally know what it is that I am supposed to be doing, and until I walk fully in that I can not achieve the level of success that we have all dreamt about. It's not about money, or position, or prominence. It's about walking in that one thing that you were created to walk in. It is that one thing that gets you up in the morning and says you would do it 24 hours a day, 52 weeks a year, whether you made any money at all. It is your passion and that passion is what drives us, motivates us and to a very large extend defines who we are. After nearly thirty years of sales I have finally discovered why I have never been number one. I have finally discovered why I always appeared to be a day late and a dollar short. I have finally come to terms with what I am supposed to be doing. There is freedom in this knowledge. There is freedom in knowing that I am not a loser, but rather just haven't allowed myself to work in the one area that drives me, motivates me, and drives me to be better at what I do so that I can be of service to others. You talk about a freeing revelation, well I have finally had that revelation knowledge that for years escaped me. I encourage each of you to discover your passion and begin to take the steps to walk in it. It is only then that true success will come about, and you can give to the rest of the world those things that you were destined to give. We need to begin giving and not accept cheap knock offs. We have all accepted cheap knock offs because we felt it was the only way to providing for our families. It was the only job we could take that would pay the bills. It's time to work passionately in a job that can let your passions shine. It is time to begin discovering your destiny and be thankful that you now have the opportunity to walk in that destiny. Remember you have a True Destiny, and there is no reason so go it alone. We are out here to help you achieve that which you were destined to accomplish before you were born. Think about it.......

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