Friday, March 4, 2011

True Destiny; If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

Another week is coming to and end, and what a crazy week it has been. Not crazy because things didn't go as planned. Not crazy because I never had time to relax. Not crazy because I didn't know what direction I was headed. It was crazy because that is what life is like most of the time. I'm not sure anyone can get up in the morning knowing with any great certainty what is going to be played out from day to day. Oh sure we have plans for each day, but generally by the time I finish my first cup of tea, things have been blown out of the water and I find myself flying by the seat of my pants. Now flying by the seat of one's pants is not always a bad thing, heck it adds a certain spice to life, but there are some days when I would just as well have smooth sailing and a charted course for the day. Oh we can all have dreams can't we?

As I was contemplating what to write about today I must confess that I have run into a road block of sorts in regards to what direction I want this blog to go. I am very guilty of writing about dreams, aspirations, and destiny on just about a daily basis. I know there are people out there who grow weary of hearing about this each day, and yet I am hopelessly locked into this "walk in your destiny" theme. Try as I might I just don't think I can go another direction. So that being said, if you are tired of hearing about this stuff, just don't bother to read this anymore. Trust me, I can see why things might get old after a while. However, I for one need to hear positive spins on a daily basis. Life sucks a fair amount of the time and if I can offset the suckiness of life just a bit you can bet your bottom dollar I will do everything I can to do just that. That being said let's talk about your dreams and desires, and just what it is going to take to get them out of the dream stage and onto life's stage. You can have all the great dreams in the world and until you put action to them you will continue to operate in the dreams stage and never get to reality. Now I have heard people say in the past that dreams are not reality and you need to keep your feet on the ground. Well to a certain extent I can't disagree with that statement. Problems arise however, when people simply dream and never take any action toward those dreams. I would say that doing that is a huge waste of time and in some instances a huge drain on one's mental state. I guess one of the first questions you have to ask yourself is why do I have these dreams? What is it that I am supposed to do with them and when am I supposed to do it? These seem to be the million dollar questions and often we don't have the answers. But trust me when I say there are answers out there for you. Sometimes you just have to dig them out of the muck and mire we walk around in from time to time.

I don't have all the answers, wish I did, but I just don't. But what I do have is an insatiable appetite for adventure in my life and often my dreams will lead me to the place where I can experience the excitement I am looking for. Your dreams are there for a reason, and you need to determine what that reason is. What are you supposed to be doing with your life? What is my purpose in life? What, what, what? When you can get to the point in life where you can answer all the whats and whys, then you are well on your way to walking in your dreams and ultimately walking in your destiny. Let's face it, walking in one's destiny should be the ultimate goal for everyone. Regrettably so few people ever get to experience their destiny. Life gets in the way and that stops many in their tracks. Wouldn't it be great if every dream we ever had came to fruition, and we could be on cloud nine 24/7? Is it likely that that will ever happen, no probably not, but we sure can have fun seeing how close we can get to making it happen. I would rather attempt something great and fail then attempt nothing at all and succeed. There is no shame in coming up short from time to time. There should be shame in never trying. Don't make the mistake of talking yourself out of your dreams. Sure some of them may be tough and you may have to attempt them more than once, but the fact that you are going after them puts you in an elite category.

One final thought: I am guilty of sitting on my dreams for fear that they were too big, or that I would not be able to do it exactly perfect. I am not proud of that fact, but honesty is the best policy as far as I see it. Let today be the first day of going after all that is in your heart and know that small baby steps are OK. Running around like a bull in a china shop may not be the best thing to do. Take time, not too much time, but take some time to think about the things in your heart. Determine why they are in there, and determine that you are going to give life to your dreams. When it's all said and done you don't want to play the "what if" game. I have done it to many times and the "what if" game is one that can not be won. I believe in you and others around you believe in you also. Draw on them, and see if things don't start picking up for you. Think about it......

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