Wednesday, February 23, 2011

True Destiny; If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

At the end of the day can you say to yourself that "you have done the right thing"? I guess to many of us determining what that "right" thing is is the big question. To some they may never have the answer. To others, they are confident and can rest easy that they have done exactly what was expected of them on this day and they can lay down at night knowing that they have accomplished all they set their hands to today. I guess the people that I want to talk to today are the ones who are not sure what they did throughout the day and wondering if they have wasted another day just walking around in a state of nothingness. I think we all have those days when we loose focus and nothing seems to go as planned. I would be a liar if I stood here and told you that my life has played out exactly how I had envisioned it and that there has never been a situation that I could not handle. I would also be a liar if I told you that my life has been a bed of roses and that I never doubted myself not one iota. Those that know me will tell you that I have my doubts just like everyone else. I think the great equalizer is that I realize these things and take the steps required to put myself on the correct path, even if that path goes off in different tangents from time to time.

No one is immune from the struggles of every day life. No one can say to you that life has always been perfect and they haven't a care in the world. If you run into this person who argues that point, keep walking and look for someone else. We all need to be positive in life, but being positive does not mean being unwilling to accept the fact that things can get screwed up from time to time. Life is nothing more than a series of mistakes and learning from those mistakes. I for one make mistakes every day and often repeat them, not something that I am entirely proud of. But being totally honest with you I must admit my faults. A few days ago I was writing about thoughts and how our thoughts often dictate our actions. A negative thought will often result in negative actions and a positive thought will equally produce positive actions. This being the case, it bears asking, why give place to negative thoughts? Thoughts without action are just that, thoughts. The problem arises when we put action to negative thoughts and the results can be nothing but negative. You can argue this point with me until the cows come home and I will still say that positive begets positive and negative begets negative. This being the case once again I must ask, why be negative?

There are days when I feel as though I am just spinning my wheels, and then there are other days when I get so wrapped around the wagon wheel I haven't a clue how to get started. I guess that is a part of life and something that I am going to have to contend with. We all have times in our lives when things don't goes as planned and we tend to at that moment to throw up our hands and yell "stop the madness". It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. You think it should be possible and yet it isn't going to happen. I remember when I moved into my current residence. Now I had spend weeks packing boxes so when the day came to move everything was ready and all we had to do was load and unload the truck. I'm sure everyone has been asked to help friends move in the past and when you got to the old residence nothing and I mean nothing was ready to be moved. Nothing had been packed up and as your eyes rolled back into your head all you could think about was what a cluster this move was going to be. So to make a long story short I had spend the better part of the day loading the truck by myself and then a dear friend was there to help me with the heavy stuff. We got to the new place late in the afternoon and decided to leave the truck parked out in front of the house and leave the unpacking until the next morning. I was way ahead of schedule so I thought nothing of taking a break and resting up for the next day. Did I mention that the weather report for the next day was possible showers and don't you know I hate moving stuff in the rain. We got an early start and felt pretty good that the rain would hold on long enough to get the furniture into the house and we could worry about unloading boxed inside until later. As we were getting the downstairs furniture unloaded we knew that getting everything up stairs was going to be a challenge as this was an old house with very narrow hall ways and weird corners. As we began to unload the bedroom furniture it didn't take long to realize that very little of it was going to fit up the stairs and we were going to have to hoist it up to the second floor through the second floor windows. I felt like I was going to loose it as furniture began piling up in the living room. My good friend was encouraging me to take a deep breath and not to worry about it. We would get it in and just to relax. Easier said then done mind you. Well as you can imagine I was stressed, tired, and a bit worn at that moment, but I kept going and just as the rain started we got the last piece of furniture into the house through the upstairs window. This was truly the definition of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Ultimately we did succeed at our task for the day but it wasn't without it's share to turmoil and stress.

Life can sometimes treat us in a less than cordial way. How we decide to handle these situations is entirely up to us. I thank God I had friends with me on moving day who could and did keep me looking toward the mark. If I had my way I would have just left the furniture on the front lawn and said the hell with it. Thank goodness cooler heads prevailed on this one.

Let me leave you with one final thought for today; No one said life was going to be easy, and no one ever said life was going to be fair. But in that same vein, no one ever said we have to let situations control us either. When faced with tough decisions or situations we need to realize that there is always a way out and there will always be possibilities. Remember, at the end of the day did you do what was right? Think about it.....

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