Thursday, February 10, 2011

True Destiny; If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

Ever have one of those days that ended up being like one of those days? Did you ever wonder what one of those days was supposed to be like and once you found out what it was supposed to be like, it never really happened that way? Just curious, I'm actually having a good day but every now and again a random thought will float through my mind and I just have a need to ask the questions. It might also be that I have no idea what I want to write about today so either I am stalling for time, or just hoping that something will pop into my head magically and I can inspire, encourage, or otherwise thrill you with my whit and charm. Well maybe those last things won't happen but we can always dream can't we?

I was watching a special on the History Channel last night about Ronald Reagan. Now let me start out by saying I don't care what your political views are. We all think different things at different times, and truth be told there really isn't any right or wrong when it comes to politics. But I was watching about his life, where he came from, what he did, and how his life ended. He truly was an amazing man and did a lot for our country. But the thing that really hit home was the fact that here you have the perceived most powerful man in the entire world, and at the end of his life he had lost it all. Now I'm not talking about money or property, I'm not even sure what he was worth at the time of his death. What I am talking about is having gone from the height of power to a man who for all intents and purposes could not care for himself. It is understandable why he remained out of the spotlight his final years on this earth. I would much prefer to remember President Reagan as he was verses what he became. All this has lead me to wonder how will each of us be remembered when we depart this earth?

I think growing up we have visions of what we want to accomplish in life, and most of the time have no idea how we are going to get there. As young children we all wanted to be fireman, cowboys, doctors, nurses, the list can go on and on. Some wanted to head big corporations and make millions if not billions of dollars. Some people have reached their goals, while others are still working toward it, and regrettably many have given up on their dreams. I have often told friends that I do not want to be remembered for how many books I may have written, the size or scope of my companies, or the size of my bank accounts. I want to be remembered as being a true friend, who would do almost anything to put the needs of others ahead of my own. It's not that I am a martyr or trying for Sainthood. I just like people and want the best for everyone that I come in contact with. Now I know many will be thinking I sound like a broken record. Well guilty as charged! I often think of the most successful people in this world and wonder what their original dreams were all about. Had President Obama always wanted to be President? Did Bill Gates always dream about being the head of a software company? Did their earlier dreams lead them to the place they occupy right now? I believe that dreams are a stepping stone to getting us to the place we are supposed to be in life. I also believe that my dreams, and my ability to see them through to completion may also be the launching pad for others to achieve their dreams and desires. We all live in this world that is more interconnected than we would like to believe. It's kind of like making a cake. You mix all the ingredients, not really knowing if it is going to work out of not (that's what I call blind faith). You place the cake in the oven to cook and when you open the oven door you expect to see a completed cake. Most of the time we don't ask questions we just expect it to work out. Now if the instructions for making the cake are correct and you follow them chances are you are going to have a superior cake to eat. If on the other hand the directions are flawed or you fail to follow them correctly, let's just say you have no idea what things are going to look like when you open that oven door. This is so true about life in general. There are days when we fly by the seat of our pants, not knowing what direction to go in, and even if we have a road map not sure we are even reading it right.

I say all that to say this; dreams are inside all of us for a reason. We have dreams of becoming somebody or doing something. We have dreams of wild adventures the likes we only see on the silver screen. We have dreams that someday we will make a difference in the world and the world will forever be changed because of what we brought forth. We've all had our dreams trampled on in the past and there is no guarantee that they will not be trampled on in the future. But here is one guarantee you can take right to the bank, if you never go after your dreams you won't ever have to worry about achieving them. Do yourself and the rest of the people around you a favor and go after them. Had President Reagan not followed his dreams would the Berlin Wall ever have come down? Had Bill Gates not gone after his dream I would be writing this on my old IBM Selective III typewriter, and chances are not going out to the masses.

Today is the day to dust off your old dreams of the past and make them the dreams of today. Just because you may not have achieved them yet doesn't meant they still not valid and obtainable. There's no time like the present to take the first step. Slow and steady is the order of the day, and when you lay down to bed tonight you will know that what you started today will make for a brighter tomorrow. Think about it......

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