Wednesday, June 30, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

It's one of those days where I have so much to accomplish that I need about 5 extra hours just to be able to get half of what I need to get done. I love a busy day, no time to be idle and idle minds can lead to trouble don't you know. I'm also having one of those days where my words just don't seem to be there. I have gotten into a writers block before, and it generally last a few minutes and then the words just seem to jump out onto the page and all is well with the world once again. I'm sure that today will prove to be the same way, but I hate it when inspiration isn't just flowing out like a brisk stream in the California hills. Now don't ask me why that picture came into my mind, I have stopped trying to figure out why I think about the things I think about from time to time.

Anyhow, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to impart today, and then just like that, it hit me. I need to remember the things that people have given to me over the years and maybe you might benefit from it also. I have many close friends and loved ones, but none so dear as this one individual, who shall remain nameless, but none-the-less has had so much impact on my life that I do not think there are enough words to thank this person for what they have meant to me and have taught me. I have leaned to love unconditionally. I have learned to be more tolerant and open minded. I have learned that beauty is not skin deep but the best part of a person is what is in the inside. I can remember on one occasion when I had plans to have dinner in and everything was set for a specific time. If anyone knows me they will tell you that I hate being late and my patience for others who are not prompt does not exist. It was on this one occasion that my patients was put to the test and I needed a lot of control when we finally sat down for dinner. Now there was not a good excuse for being late. I could handle car broke down, dog got sick, any number of things, but to just come in when you wanted to well that is a horse of a different color. We got thru dinner, but I was not amused. But to be perfectly honest, if this is the only short coming this person has, well I guess I am blessed beyond words. He gives me more insight into the things of this world then I could ever describe so I guess you have to take the good with the bad so to speak.

Was does this have to do with what people have imparted to me? Well thanks for asking that question. We have to get over some of the little things in life to really get to the meat and potatoes. I could have gone way over board and just walk away from the dinner and never given him a second chance. Trust me I wanted to, but deep down I know I couldn't do that. When it was all said and done, I still needed what he had to impart and what that was was life changing. So do yourself a favor and get off your high horse and realize that people are people, full of faults, present company included. Grab all the gusto, and never think you know it all, because you don't and I don't and we all need what each other brings to the table.

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