Sunday, August 11, 2019

Much a do about nothing.
OK, we all have those moments when we forget that we are blessed and not cursed.  I know I've had people who like to remind me that I have it better then others and I might consider counting my blessings.  Comments like these tend to piss us off when we are reminded of such, but there is more then just an element of truth in the statement.  If you are constantly focused on all that can go wrong it's a pretty good bet that it will go wrong.  This weeks blog is my attempt at getting you to see that you are a walking, talking, blessing, not only to yourself but to the rest of the world.  Sadly most people have stopped counting their blessings and are only focused on their miseries.  Let's hope that I change the way you think, the way you see yourself, and the way that you present yourself to the rest of humanity.  Let's begin shall we.

I have come face to face with certain limiting beliefs the last few months.  I had gotten to the point where I began to believe those limiting beliefs.  Trust me when I tell you that this is not a place you want to find yourself in.  It took the Universe hitting me over the head with a two by four to see that I had fallen back into some bad habits, and I needed to rethink who and what I was.  I've taken much time over the last four to six months to regroup and rethink a few things.  I'm glad to report that I am on the mend.  If I can fall back into bad habits, then anyone can.  Now I don't say that to make you think that I am better then anyone else, not in the least.  We are all blessings, we are all miracles, and we are all created beings whose sole intent should be to create.  I say these things because no matter how far you think you have come there comes a time when you will be tested.

We as created beings have such power and yet so many people are oblivious to that power.  We as created beings have something that even Angels do not have, and that's free will.  This free will is what separates us from so many other things, and yet we take for granted that we have it, and sadly there are many who will never realize the scope of their free will.  Would you agree with me that we create our own reality?  Would you agree with me that our words, our thoughts, and our feelings are what drive what goes on in our lives?  Would you agree with me that we have been given power from our creator to do pretty much anything we could dream or think about?  Problem with most people who stress out about just about everything is that they don't believe that they have been given this power.  There is freedom that comes to those who discover who and what they are.  I've said this a ton of times, we are not just mortals who occasionally have a spiritual experience, we are in fact spiritual creatures who just so happen to inhabit a mortal body.  Isn't it time that you tap into the spiritual side of things and change things around in your life?

If things are not going so well in your own little world I can pretty much bet that you have not fully grasped the greatness or uniqueness of your being.  If you are allowing little things to put you over the edge I will guarantee you that you have not accepted the truth of your majesty.  If you simply can't get out of the way then you don't understand that you are in fact a Deity.  OMG, did he just say that?  Yes I did, and I hope you will hear me.  We are not simply mortals.  Christ said that we are gods.  Christ also said that greater works would we do then he did.  Funny that main street religion has forgotten to remind us of that.  The time has come to tap into the truth of who you are.  The time has come to rid yourself of limiting beliefs and finally accept your perfection.  OMG, did he say that?  Yes I did, and yes you are perfect.  Now not everything you do may be perfect but we are talking about actions and not your self, and you being here right now is in the perfection of the Universe.  Your essence, your spirit, your soul, what ever you want to call it, is perfect.  You will never ever change your spirit.  My advice is start listening to it and start doing what you were sent here to do.

Some people may see this as radical thought, I see it as a way of life, and it's a way that you might seriously consider pursuing.  Look at it this way:  you can continue down the path you are currently on and most likely things will not change for you.  Alter your path by altering your reality, a reality I might add you create, and watch things open up for you.  I would think that most people given the option to make things better would jump at the chance to do that.  We are blessed beyond measure.  It's time that you count your blessings and forget what others may say about you, feel about you.  I honestly don't care what other people think about me.  I'm quite sure that many people think I'm a total whack job because I have the audacity to put myself in the same category as Jesus, or Mohammad, or Buddha.  The Creator of the Universe is not a respecter of people.  What Source does for one, source does for all.  Sadly we have been taught that it is blasphemous to call ourselves Gods. What is blasphemous is not accepting what Spirit says about you.  What you do when you accept mere mortal status is belittle your true essence.  I for one no longer want to hold on to only part of what is rightfully mine.  I want all that is supposed to be mine by virtue of my existence on this planet right now.

It is time to count the many blessings that belong to you and begin to share the blessings with others. There is nothing you can do or say to change the fact that you are a created being intended to create from the first day of your life to the last.   There is nothing that you can do or say that is ever going to change the fact that you are here based on the perfection of the Universe.  I might suggest that you start accepting all the blessings that are intended for you and forget about what those around you tend to hang on to.  You are blessed.  You are perfect.  You have all you need to be that mighty I Am presence that the world so desperately needs.  Begin to feel who you really are and move forward with confidence that you will accomplish what you were sent here to accomplish.

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