Sunday, August 18, 2019

I am, and that's what counts.
I would venture a guess that most people are familiar with the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments, along with the freeing of the People of Israel out of Egypt.  What most people have forgotten is the significance of "I am that I am", and what it should mean in our daily lives.  Now I am not here to give anyone a lesson in theology.  I'll be the first to admit that there are plenty of things that I don't agree with, while at the same time I won't argue about other things.  What I desire today is to bring you closer to the real you, the part of you that you may have forgotten about, or in some cases may never have given thought to.

The first question most people ask is why is this important in the first place?  I could write volumes about the answer, but suffice it to say that the reason this is important is because it is the basis for your existence.  Have you ever wondered why so many people go through struggles most of their life?  Have you ever given thought to why some seem to have it easy, while others get hit with every manner of adversity there is?  First off the Creator of the Universe is no respecter of people.  What Spirit does for one, it is done for all.  I've been witness to those who only think in the victim spectrum.  The sky is falling, I'll never be good at that, why try when all that will happen is failure.  Yea, that pretty much sums up quite a few lives out there.  Is it any wonder why these people seem to be walking under that black thunder cloud most of their life?  I'm going to say this one more time, we are created beings, and we were created to create.  As hard as that is for some people to grasp it is the absolute truth.  I've tried I don't know how many times to shed limiting beliefs out of my life.  It's sad that we have been conditioned to believe that we are simply here for a while and we just have to go along with what ever comes our way.  Once we see some light we spend years and years trying to recondition ourselves.

I could take this blog in half a dozen directions right now, so let me get to the point and maybe this will set you free once and for all.  When God spoke to Moses and said "I am that I am", he wasn't just telling him what his name was, he was telling Moses you are "I am that I am".  If Spirit was not a respecter of people back then, he still is not a respecter of people in 2019.  If Moses was the I am presence, then so are you.  Moses was intent on getting the People of Israel out of Egypt.  He understood setting an intention and with the knowledge of I am, he knew in his core that he would succeed with his mission.  Spirit needed Moses to understand what the I am presence was.  Spirit needed Moses to fully accept the I am presence in him.  Once again, this is all about you right now.  You have the same I am presence inside of you.  What Spirit does for one, Spirit does for all.   We were never meant to walk around not understanding our significance.  We have been taught so many wrong things and we spend most of our life trying to undo the harm caused by well meaning people.  

The modern day church has done more to bastardized the concept of God, Creator, Source, Spirit, then any organization out there.  God is not some Omnipotent Being who only blesses those who are willing to tithe, or swear an allegiance.  Now most of my Christian friends are going to want nothing to do with me now, but I am tired of how so many people will pick and choose the aspects of God that suit them.    We have been called holy.  We have been told that God is in us and that God is love. We have been schooled that greater things will we do then what Christ did.  So let me ask you, what have you done that is greater?  Why if we are supposed to be a Deity do we have so many problems?  Truth is we simply do not believe who we really are.  We have left the I am presence behind, and instead picked up the mantel of victim, or mortal.  We are not victims and we certainly are more then mere mortals.  I am strong.  I am abundant.  I am hole. I am love.  I am that I am.  If you are only saying that I am weak, I am stupid, I am poor, then you are only asking to be weak, stupid and poor.  Any time you began a sentence with I am you better finish it with something you really want to be.

I know I am only touching the surface with this subject, but I need to prepare you for what is coming.  I need you to get ready to turn the page on all that may have happened in the past, and realize that the future is going to be different.  The I am presence is what will change the world and everyone here right now and for those who will come in the future.  Christ said that he was the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Seems to me that yesterday, today, and forever pretty much covers it all.  We are no different then Christ.  Trust me that is not blasphemous to say that.  What is blasphemous is not recognizing who and what you are.  Ladies and Gentlemen if you have struggled in the past do you really have anything to loose by seeing things a little bit different?

I'm not sure why the Church of today is so bent on holding people back.  There only seems to be a list of things you can't do.  Given the choice to be in perfect health or sickness, what would you choose?  Given the choice to be prosperous or poor, what would you choose?  Given the choice to walk in absolute knowledge of all things, or total darkness, what would you choose?  Only a fool would choose sickness, poverty, and ignorance.  The time has come to let the Genie out of the bottle and see what is possible when you accept who and what you really are.  I for one am tired of always seeming to fall just a tad bit short of what I really want.  I am all things.  You are all things.  If saying that makes you feel scared that God is somehow going to strike you down for being so bold, then you really do need to know the true nature of God.  Trust me, knowing the real you, accepting the I am presence in your life is what our creator has been waiting for since the time of your birth.  Isn't it time that you become the person you were intended to be?  Think about it.


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