Sunday, August 25, 2019

Time to turn a page.
There comes a time in every one's life when it's time to turn the page.  Not everyone is ready for it when the time comes, and others are chomping at the bit to accept the change that is being thrust upon them.  There are times when one plans it all out, and other times when you really are flying by the seat of your pants.  Whatever situation comes up it's always bitter sweet.  Such is this upcoming week as my nearly 31 history in the beautiful State of Maine comes to an end.  I'm going to digress from my normal blog entry and just share with you what is going through my mind, and maybe, just maybe it will help you if you are looking at a change in the not too distant future.

To say that my life has changed over the last 31 years is an understatement.  I have experienced not only numerous mountain top experiences, but I have also lived through some of the lowest points in my life.  That being said, I would not change anything that I have gone through, and I am so very thankful for all the lessons that have come my way that have put me in the place that I am at right now.  I have grown spiritually beyond what I ever imagined.  When I first got to Maine back in September of 1988 I had never given thought to becoming a writer.  I was enjoying my Air Force career and not once did I see myself doing anything else.  When I began to write I opened up a whole new dimension in my life.  I began to see things differently and I was so fortunate that I had the time to develop, and understand the nuances of my new profession.  Now I don't consider myself the most talented writer out there, but what I do bring to my work is total honesty.  I wish I could take credit for all that I write, but those that know about channeling, know that I am just a conduit for what the Universe and Source want to bring forward at any given moment.    Writing has been my center for the last nine years.  I can tell you that sitting down to my keyboard is the best part of my day, and it is my happy place.  My desire for each of you is that you find your happy place, and you begin to do what you were created to do.  I was created to write and talk about destiny, and I am so, so blessed to have the opportunity to do what I do.

Making this move to Texas is a new challenge for my husband and myself.  Oh, and for our dog Lucy as well.  I would get into trouble if I did not include her as she is a huge part of the family.  We know that we will be experiencing new things, but I'm prepared for that.  We have given thought to moving for quite sometime and truth be told had Spirit not nudged me, we probably would still be trying to set a time to leave.  It got to the point where Spirit simply told me to "pull the trigger".  When I got that message, and I might add, a message as clear as day, I knew that the time was right.  I also knew that the Universe would open up doors for me for being willing to listen and do what was required.  There are times when each of us need a little prodding to move along, and I am no different than anyone else.  I'm just thankful that I was obedient to what was being asked of me.  If you are dragging your feet about doing something, might I suggest that you "pull the trigger".  Most people are afraid to make a change because change isn't an easy thing to understand at times.  Now I've let fear control me in the past, but I was not going to let fear deter me from doing what I knew was the right thing to do.  If fear is holding you back then you need to step back and remember who and what you are, and know that you have been given great power to accomplish things.  I needed to make my intentions known, and then I needed to act on them.  There are people out there who also need to set an intention and move forward with them.  You can sit around for years and years, and all you would have done by doing that is waste a few years.

I think deep down in the recesses of my mind I always knew I would be moving to Texas.  Now I can't pin point the exact time that I though about this the first time, but I will tell you it was over forty years ago.  Funny how we always seem to come back around full circle on things.  Anyhow, I know that my journey will be expanded by making this move.  I know that I will go deeper into my calling and my destiny with this move, and that I will say makes me very happy.  Now I'm not sure what direction I'll be heading in, but I know that the next phase of my journey is due to begin when we cross into Texas.  I am so filled with excitement, anticipation, and joy it is hard to control.  I simply know that this is something that is going to change my life, and it will have a direct impact on others as I step out further into my destiny.

What I want to encourage each of you to do is to listen to your spirit and if you are being told to pull that trigger then simply do it.  There is a freedom that comes with knowing who and what you are.  There is a freedom that comes with knowing you are a creator.  There is a freedom that comes with the knowing that you have been chosen to do great things.  Don't allow fear to rob you of the blessings that will come when you step out deeper in your destiny.

As I prepare to depart this beautiful place I have called home I will remember the countless people I have come in contact with.  I wish I could reach out to each and everyone of them, but I guess I will just have to do it in the Spiritual Realm and send out love and light to each of them.  I can honestly say that I am leaving with zero regrets.  I have learned so much and I know that my almost 31 years here has prepared me for what I am about to undertake.  I'm not sure what the next 31 years will bring, but if they are anything like the last, I am in for a very good time.

I want to thank everyone who I have had the privilege of getting to know.  I want to thank everyone who I have had the privilege of speaking to at any of my events.  I know I will have larger audiences and larger venues, and I am so thankful that I had this place as a training ground, preparing me for what is coming next.  To each of you dear souls I send you love, and I long to hear that each of you are experiencing joy, happiness, and success each and every day.  I bid you and this glorious State adieu and I wish you the very best.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

I am, and that's what counts.
I would venture a guess that most people are familiar with the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments, along with the freeing of the People of Israel out of Egypt.  What most people have forgotten is the significance of "I am that I am", and what it should mean in our daily lives.  Now I am not here to give anyone a lesson in theology.  I'll be the first to admit that there are plenty of things that I don't agree with, while at the same time I won't argue about other things.  What I desire today is to bring you closer to the real you, the part of you that you may have forgotten about, or in some cases may never have given thought to.

The first question most people ask is why is this important in the first place?  I could write volumes about the answer, but suffice it to say that the reason this is important is because it is the basis for your existence.  Have you ever wondered why so many people go through struggles most of their life?  Have you ever given thought to why some seem to have it easy, while others get hit with every manner of adversity there is?  First off the Creator of the Universe is no respecter of people.  What Spirit does for one, it is done for all.  I've been witness to those who only think in the victim spectrum.  The sky is falling, I'll never be good at that, why try when all that will happen is failure.  Yea, that pretty much sums up quite a few lives out there.  Is it any wonder why these people seem to be walking under that black thunder cloud most of their life?  I'm going to say this one more time, we are created beings, and we were created to create.  As hard as that is for some people to grasp it is the absolute truth.  I've tried I don't know how many times to shed limiting beliefs out of my life.  It's sad that we have been conditioned to believe that we are simply here for a while and we just have to go along with what ever comes our way.  Once we see some light we spend years and years trying to recondition ourselves.

I could take this blog in half a dozen directions right now, so let me get to the point and maybe this will set you free once and for all.  When God spoke to Moses and said "I am that I am", he wasn't just telling him what his name was, he was telling Moses you are "I am that I am".  If Spirit was not a respecter of people back then, he still is not a respecter of people in 2019.  If Moses was the I am presence, then so are you.  Moses was intent on getting the People of Israel out of Egypt.  He understood setting an intention and with the knowledge of I am, he knew in his core that he would succeed with his mission.  Spirit needed Moses to understand what the I am presence was.  Spirit needed Moses to fully accept the I am presence in him.  Once again, this is all about you right now.  You have the same I am presence inside of you.  What Spirit does for one, Spirit does for all.   We were never meant to walk around not understanding our significance.  We have been taught so many wrong things and we spend most of our life trying to undo the harm caused by well meaning people.  

The modern day church has done more to bastardized the concept of God, Creator, Source, Spirit, then any organization out there.  God is not some Omnipotent Being who only blesses those who are willing to tithe, or swear an allegiance.  Now most of my Christian friends are going to want nothing to do with me now, but I am tired of how so many people will pick and choose the aspects of God that suit them.    We have been called holy.  We have been told that God is in us and that God is love. We have been schooled that greater things will we do then what Christ did.  So let me ask you, what have you done that is greater?  Why if we are supposed to be a Deity do we have so many problems?  Truth is we simply do not believe who we really are.  We have left the I am presence behind, and instead picked up the mantel of victim, or mortal.  We are not victims and we certainly are more then mere mortals.  I am strong.  I am abundant.  I am hole. I am love.  I am that I am.  If you are only saying that I am weak, I am stupid, I am poor, then you are only asking to be weak, stupid and poor.  Any time you began a sentence with I am you better finish it with something you really want to be.

I know I am only touching the surface with this subject, but I need to prepare you for what is coming.  I need you to get ready to turn the page on all that may have happened in the past, and realize that the future is going to be different.  The I am presence is what will change the world and everyone here right now and for those who will come in the future.  Christ said that he was the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Seems to me that yesterday, today, and forever pretty much covers it all.  We are no different then Christ.  Trust me that is not blasphemous to say that.  What is blasphemous is not recognizing who and what you are.  Ladies and Gentlemen if you have struggled in the past do you really have anything to loose by seeing things a little bit different?

I'm not sure why the Church of today is so bent on holding people back.  There only seems to be a list of things you can't do.  Given the choice to be in perfect health or sickness, what would you choose?  Given the choice to be prosperous or poor, what would you choose?  Given the choice to walk in absolute knowledge of all things, or total darkness, what would you choose?  Only a fool would choose sickness, poverty, and ignorance.  The time has come to let the Genie out of the bottle and see what is possible when you accept who and what you really are.  I for one am tired of always seeming to fall just a tad bit short of what I really want.  I am all things.  You are all things.  If saying that makes you feel scared that God is somehow going to strike you down for being so bold, then you really do need to know the true nature of God.  Trust me, knowing the real you, accepting the I am presence in your life is what our creator has been waiting for since the time of your birth.  Isn't it time that you become the person you were intended to be?  Think about it.


Sunday, August 11, 2019

Much a do about nothing.
OK, we all have those moments when we forget that we are blessed and not cursed.  I know I've had people who like to remind me that I have it better then others and I might consider counting my blessings.  Comments like these tend to piss us off when we are reminded of such, but there is more then just an element of truth in the statement.  If you are constantly focused on all that can go wrong it's a pretty good bet that it will go wrong.  This weeks blog is my attempt at getting you to see that you are a walking, talking, blessing, not only to yourself but to the rest of the world.  Sadly most people have stopped counting their blessings and are only focused on their miseries.  Let's hope that I change the way you think, the way you see yourself, and the way that you present yourself to the rest of humanity.  Let's begin shall we.

I have come face to face with certain limiting beliefs the last few months.  I had gotten to the point where I began to believe those limiting beliefs.  Trust me when I tell you that this is not a place you want to find yourself in.  It took the Universe hitting me over the head with a two by four to see that I had fallen back into some bad habits, and I needed to rethink who and what I was.  I've taken much time over the last four to six months to regroup and rethink a few things.  I'm glad to report that I am on the mend.  If I can fall back into bad habits, then anyone can.  Now I don't say that to make you think that I am better then anyone else, not in the least.  We are all blessings, we are all miracles, and we are all created beings whose sole intent should be to create.  I say these things because no matter how far you think you have come there comes a time when you will be tested.

We as created beings have such power and yet so many people are oblivious to that power.  We as created beings have something that even Angels do not have, and that's free will.  This free will is what separates us from so many other things, and yet we take for granted that we have it, and sadly there are many who will never realize the scope of their free will.  Would you agree with me that we create our own reality?  Would you agree with me that our words, our thoughts, and our feelings are what drive what goes on in our lives?  Would you agree with me that we have been given power from our creator to do pretty much anything we could dream or think about?  Problem with most people who stress out about just about everything is that they don't believe that they have been given this power.  There is freedom that comes to those who discover who and what they are.  I've said this a ton of times, we are not just mortals who occasionally have a spiritual experience, we are in fact spiritual creatures who just so happen to inhabit a mortal body.  Isn't it time that you tap into the spiritual side of things and change things around in your life?

If things are not going so well in your own little world I can pretty much bet that you have not fully grasped the greatness or uniqueness of your being.  If you are allowing little things to put you over the edge I will guarantee you that you have not accepted the truth of your majesty.  If you simply can't get out of the way then you don't understand that you are in fact a Deity.  OMG, did he just say that?  Yes I did, and I hope you will hear me.  We are not simply mortals.  Christ said that we are gods.  Christ also said that greater works would we do then he did.  Funny that main street religion has forgotten to remind us of that.  The time has come to tap into the truth of who you are.  The time has come to rid yourself of limiting beliefs and finally accept your perfection.  OMG, did he say that?  Yes I did, and yes you are perfect.  Now not everything you do may be perfect but we are talking about actions and not your self, and you being here right now is in the perfection of the Universe.  Your essence, your spirit, your soul, what ever you want to call it, is perfect.  You will never ever change your spirit.  My advice is start listening to it and start doing what you were sent here to do.

Some people may see this as radical thought, I see it as a way of life, and it's a way that you might seriously consider pursuing.  Look at it this way:  you can continue down the path you are currently on and most likely things will not change for you.  Alter your path by altering your reality, a reality I might add you create, and watch things open up for you.  I would think that most people given the option to make things better would jump at the chance to do that.  We are blessed beyond measure.  It's time that you count your blessings and forget what others may say about you, feel about you.  I honestly don't care what other people think about me.  I'm quite sure that many people think I'm a total whack job because I have the audacity to put myself in the same category as Jesus, or Mohammad, or Buddha.  The Creator of the Universe is not a respecter of people.  What Source does for one, source does for all.  Sadly we have been taught that it is blasphemous to call ourselves Gods. What is blasphemous is not accepting what Spirit says about you.  What you do when you accept mere mortal status is belittle your true essence.  I for one no longer want to hold on to only part of what is rightfully mine.  I want all that is supposed to be mine by virtue of my existence on this planet right now.

It is time to count the many blessings that belong to you and begin to share the blessings with others. There is nothing you can do or say to change the fact that you are a created being intended to create from the first day of your life to the last.   There is nothing that you can do or say that is ever going to change the fact that you are here based on the perfection of the Universe.  I might suggest that you start accepting all the blessings that are intended for you and forget about what those around you tend to hang on to.  You are blessed.  You are perfect.  You have all you need to be that mighty I Am presence that the world so desperately needs.  Begin to feel who you really are and move forward with confidence that you will accomplish what you were sent here to accomplish.