Sunday, July 7, 2019

Sometimes we just need a reminder.
Ever have one of those days when you just find it hard to trust?  Ever have one of those days when it's damn near impossible to think about today because you are so worried about the future?  Have you ever had one of those days when you just don't feel like the universe is on your side?  If we were being totally honest I'd venture to say that most people would say yes to at least one of the above described scenarios.   Well I'm here today to provide you with a little reminder.  This reminder is something we all need from time to time, present company included.

My husband and I are about to undertake a major move.  Even though I know it's the right move, at the right time, and for the right reasons, there have been so many hurdles that have had to be navigated.  Truthfully, I have felt as though the Universe has been playing games with me, and it's been hard to focus on the now because I have been so immersed in the future.  As  a human being we all face struggles, or what we perceive as struggles.  As a human being there will be times when we doubt, when we fear, and even times when we want to run away.  If you are there now, or have been there recently count yourself in good company.

Trusting in the Universe may not always seem like an easy thing to do, but it is the right thing to do.  If you believe in the perfection of the Universe then you must also believe in your perfection.  I know how difficult it can be to say one is perfect when all you see in front of you is turmoil, fear, and a little doubt sprinkled on top of it all.  All the Universe needs you to do is have hope.  If you can hope, then that hope will eventually turn into belief, and once you believe, then all things are possible.  Trusting in something may not always seem easy, but trust is the first step in embracing who and what you are.  Trust is knowing that you are here in this place, at this time, knowing that you have a destiny.

How many times in the past has your trust been tested?  I'd like to believe that most people have trust in something.  We tend to trust until such a time as that trust is either betrayed or tested to the outer limits.  No matter where you may find yourself right now, trust is something you must hold on to.  Once again, this may seem impossible, but in reality it is really your only option if you want to move past whatever it might be that is holding you back.  I've often written about limiting beliefs.  Limiting beliefs are those thoughts and feelings that tend to get in the way of us having what we truly desire.  If one can not see themselves as successful then it's doubtful that you will ever walk in the success that you were created to walk in.  Limiting beliefs were thrust upon us by others who thought they knew best.  Sadly these limiting beliefs were passed on to them from others, who had them passed on by others, and so on and so on.  We have been conditioned since birth to believe certain things, or in some case no longer believe in certain things.  Sadly the things we no longer believe in are the things that we were always meant to have and walk in.

As I sit here writing this week's blog I am having to remind myself about hope, about trust, and about my destiny.  As difficult as it has been for me over the last few months I have come to the point where I have had to step out in faith and just do what I know is the right thing to do.  You to will ultimately have to make the decision as to what is right for you.  I can always tell when my faith is being tested, when I forget about hope and destiny.  I have a very short fuse when I am stressed.  I tend to get bothered by the stupidest things, but the small stupid things seem like huge mountains in front of me. It might be a driver in front of me who doesn't seem to have to be anywhere in particular and is just creeping along.  My frustration might show up because someone said something that just didn't sit well with me.  Normally little things don't bother me, unless I have lost hope, trust, and faith.  We all have struggles, but we all have the ability to get over them if we can just remind ourselves of a few important facts.

Fact Number One:  You are perfect in your design and in your true essence.  Fact Number Two:  You have a destiny.  Fact Number Three:  There is nothing that can change your true self.  What happens to most people is that they have allowed all the things that are going on around them to alter their perception of who and what they are.  Sometimes you just have to dig your heels in and say no more. I've been there when all I wanted to do is end it all and say to hell with destiny.  I've doubted the Universe.  I've cursed the Universe.  I've wanted to run away and just hide somewhere.  Even though I thought I had given up hope, there was a little burning ember inside that would not, could not, go out.  Just when I thought all was lost that little ember began to burn again, and I was officially off to the races.  My dear friends please accept this little reminder, not because you are needy, but because you are deserving.  We all need to hold on to hope.  We all need to believe that we each have a destiny, which means we all have a place in this Universe.  Open your heart and listen to what is being said to you.  If you are in need of reassurance then it will come to you.  If you are in need of a little extra hope, then believe it will be there for you.  If all you need is a little kick in the pants to move you along, I am confident the Universe will orchestrate that little kick for you.

Let this reminder simply be a testament to who and what you are, and a reminder of how important you are to the rest of humanity.  Remember to trust, then believe, then step out.  Your journey is not over, it is just beginning, and everything starts with hope, trust, and belief.  Be strong and show others just how strong you are.

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