Sunday, July 14, 2019

It's time to identify with the real you!!
Reality, what a concept.  Sadly there are so many people who have lost touch with reality. I've gone through my own times of not knowing reality, or at least not accepting reality.  I'm giving you fair warning that this week's blog is going to be hard hitting.  It is not intended to hurt anyone, rather it is being written to equip you.  Let me start off by sharing what I believe to be absolute truth.  Many people who have had conversations with me in the past will remember me saying these things, but just in case we have never had the opportunity to speak, this will tell you a bit about me and why I am the way I am.  First and foremost, and this should not come as any great surprise to anyone, I believe in destiny.  I believe everyone has a destiny, and I believe that the Universe will do everything to get you to your destiny, whether you go kicking and screaming, or accept it willingly.  Second, there is no way that you will ever separate yourself from that which created you.  Just as you can never change your biological mother and father, you will never be able to completely separate yourself from the Creator.  Now whether you want to call the Creator God, or Source, or Spirit, it matters not.  Something created you, end of story.

We have all been the victim of well intentioned people who have tried to teach us certain things.  These people were conditioned by the generation before them, and they were conditioned by the generation before that, and so on and so on.  In society's desire to raise a village it has destroyed a vision, a dream, our imaginations.  We no longer think about what we are, but what we aren't.  In reality we were created to create.  We are not mere humans.  We in fact are identical replicas of that which created us.  Until such time as you can accept your divinity, all the bantering about is going to add up to a huge zero.

I was prompted by the Universe to pick up a book that I hadn't read in about three years.  Prior to this I had read the book at least ten times.  Dr. Wayne Dyer, one of my favorite authors and speakers penned Wishes Fulfilled.  I've been stressing about a few things and the Universe knew I was stressing.  I followed the prodding of my Angels and I will tell you that reading this book this time is like reading it for the very first time.  It is cementing things in me that I thought I had already firmed up, but come to find out, not as firm as I thought.  My reality as of late was not based on who I was, it had become who I wasn't.  I had forgotten that I am presence in me.  I had forgotten that I am is who I am, and I had forgotten the power in me once accepting my I am presence.

We as humans have been sold a bill of goods in regards to who we are.  We as humans have been lead down a path of doubt, limiting beliefs, and in some cases well out of the realm of possibilities.  If we were created to create why are so many people living lives of utter nothingness?  If we were created to create why are there so many people who lives in squalor?  If in fact we were created to create why are there so many people who simply have given up on their dreams and aspirations?  People give up because they have been taught that not everything we desire is really for us.  Quite frankly if you have a desire for something then there is a reason for it, and I for one would never stop until I had what I desired.  Our words, our thoughts are what create our reality.  If you are always walking under that black thunder cloud it's quite possible that you have settled for it.

I've written about the I am presence before, but just like so many things in our life there comes a time when we need to re-examine some things.  I needed to re-think a few things in regards to my life.  I knew I was in a dangerous spot when little stupid things would send me over the edge.  Quite honestly I had forgotten who and what I was.  I had gotten away from believing in my true self and had fallen victim to what much of society has fallen victim to, and that is complacency.  I no longer believed that I was strong.  I would say I was weak.  I no longer believed I was prosperous, no just your average Joe always wondering when the other shoe was going to drop.  I had to start by saying I am strong.  I am prosperous.  I am loved.  I am all that I was intended to be, and I am perfect as the universe is perfect.  My reality has been taken away from me by my worries, my fears, and my doubts.  I am so thankful that I listened to my spirit guides and picked up this magnificent book again.  I look for times to read, and I read, and read, and read.  When I finish it this time, I will read it again.  I no longer can accept anything less then my authentic self.  You should accept nothing less then your authentic self.

I strongly encourage you to figure out who the real you is and run with it.  I absolutely know what is ahead of me, and I desire for each of you to fully understand what is ahead you.  There are days when we simply need to be reminded a few things.  There is no shame in falling short from time to time.  If you fall short simply keep going.  I know people who are so worried about falling back a step or two that they never take an initial step.  If you are ever going to be the person you are supposed to be then you have to move forward.  Certainly you might take baby steps, but s step is a step, is a step.

I want to encourage you to think about your divinity.  It's not blasphemous to think you are a god, what is blasphemous is not recognizing that God is in you, and you were created by God.  When we fail to accept our greatness, our divinity, that is blasphemous.  When you fail to accept the real you that is blasphemous.  When you simply walk away from the real you, that is blasphemous.  My dear friends God spoke to Moses and for the first time we knew the name of God.  I am that I am.  The I am presence in your life is who you are.  If you can't separate yourself from your earthly parents then why in the world would you think you could separate yourself from your creator?  It's time that each of us know I am.  There is much to do with the time you and I have left, why not make the most of it by taking what is yours, has always been yours, and will always be yours?  It is time to identify with the real you, and allow the real you to bless those around you, and change the world while you're being who and what you were created to be.

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