The Road to Happiness is different for every person, but what is not different is that everyone has a road to happiness, yet there are those out there who still have not discovered the path, let alone begun their own journey to happiness. Well today is a new day, and on this day why not make the decision that you are going to pursue happiness and that the road you are currently on will in fact get you to your final destination.
I've asked so many people over the years to explain to me what makes them happy, and I am amazed at the numbers who have no idea what true happiness would be for them. This quite frankly is a direct result of not being able to express the desires you have, the dreams you have, nor the longing to do something really special. I spent years doing things because I thought it would bring me happiness. Most of what I did was to gain others approval and not what I truly wanted to do. I was constantly going after the carrot, but never able to reach it. We seem to be in a vicious cycle of wanting happiness, but then feeling guilty because we want something that we see so many others without and then we let go of what is ours. Fact: there is happiness out there for everyone, and there is not a shortage of it. Just because you are seeking after happiness does not mean there will not be enough for everyone else. I get how we want to look out for others, but when looking out for others is stopping you from having what is yours, then you need to take a step back and think about things.
The Road to Happiness is not paved with what others want for you, what others think you should be doing, or even what others have done in the past. Your road to happiness begins with one simple thing: knowing why you are here and what you were sent here to do. When you get wrapped up with other's expectations then it becomes almost impossible for you to find true happiness. Your life was never intended to be something designed by someone else. When you base your life on what others want, you are left with a life that for all intents and purposes is void of the one thing most needed, that being self-awareness and self- actualization. Look at it this way: you could have boat loads of stuff that means nothing to you simply because the stuff is not what you really want or need. If you are in the middle of the desert in need of water and yet you have billions and billions of dollars but still no water, how valuable are all those dollars? It's when you have what you need, use what you need, and love what you are doing, then and only then will you experience happiness and be on a road that only leads to more happiness.
Happiness is never based on what you have, or even what you don't have. There are plenty of people out there who have all the bells and whistles. There are people out there who have very little in terms of processions. When you try to figure out one's happiness based on what they have or don't have you are going to surprised in the end just how wrong you were. True happiness can only come when you figure out what makes you tick, what purpose you have, and what you were destined for. All the other things you contend with are nothing more then smoke screens.
I've said this before, and know it to be so true: I am most happy when I am sitting in front of my computer doing what I am doing right at this moment. I love writing, I love speaking to people, be it in small groups or large forums. I love talking about destiny, sharing about finding your destiny, and watching as the eyes of those around me open up for the first time. Now I wasn't always on this road, and even thought I may have taken many different paths to get here, I am here now, and I am happy. Let me say this: you may be on the road to happiness, but that doesn't mean everything is perfect. You still are going to have to contend with certain things in life, things that may not always be pleasant, but at least you have something to fall back on.
If you really want to find your own Road to Happiness then begin by admitting to yourself that you haven't always be truthful when it comes to what will make you happy. Often we are less then truthful to those around us because we are fearful of what they may think or say when we tell them what we really love. If you really love something then go after it, and don't let others talk you out of it. Trust me, you can run from those things you love, but they will never leave you and eventually you are going to have to face them. Isn't it ironic that those things we love most are some of the things we run from? Stop running from the things you love, and become the things you love. There is a reason you have such feelings for things, and until such time as you accept those feelings you are going to be moved by what others think and say.
Get on your road to happiness, and don't let others detour you. In the total scheme of things only you can choose what road you will go on, and ultimately what direction you head. Do yourself a favor and follow your heart. Your heart is never going to lead you astray, and finally you will be on the road that was always there for you.