There are days when all I want to do is laugh, but the reason I want to laugh so much is because it is ever so much better then the crying that would surely take place. Face it, there are days when the crying is all you have, and I dare say there isn't much you wouldn't do to turn the crying to laughter, the tears to joy, or the darkness to light.
Laughter is like a medicine, and if you don't believe me take a look at some of the Medical Studies that have been done over the years. Virtually every study ever done has shown that laughter does indeed reduce blood pressure, it stimulates endorphins, and almost 100 percent of the time makes you feel better. Take a quick look at the picture in today's blog. Just seeing these young women laugh is enough to bring a smile to your face. I have no idea what they are laughing at, but it certainly seems like lots of uncontrolled joy, spirited laughter, and an utterly "I could care less what is going on around me." feeling. When is the last time you experienced that?
I love laughter and I love seeing others overcome by laughter. I know that when they are in the midst of a good laugh, they are indeed creating an environment for others to enter into. Ever been around someone who is really laughing, and all you want to do is laugh with them? I dare you to try not to be affected by their laughter. I will tell you this, if you are unable to laugh, if you do anything you can to stop you from laughing, then you indeed have a problem. Trust me, there are people out there who hate to laugh and will do anything to keep from doing it. These are broken, lonely, and pretty much isolated individuals who really have a tough road ahead of them. Is this the kind of life you want to lead? If the answer is no, then good. If your answer is yes, then I don't know what to tell you. Oh wait, yes I do, you're screwed! Why in the world would one choose to be Old Gloomy Gus when it is so easy to be just the opposite?
I've been in situations where I couldn't laugh. I would see others laughing and it was like taking a dagger and shoving it through my heart. I had lost my joy, I saw nothing to laugh at, and I really did recent those around me who found it in themselves to laugh up a storm. My problem wasn't that I didn't laugh, my problem was I didn't know how to laugh. I'd spent so much time worrying about things, hating who I was, despising those around me who had what I wanted, that I had never allowed laughter to really come into my life. Certainly there were moments that I could let go a little bit, but I was more concerned with how people saw me, so I would deliberately temper things down, so as not to make a spectacle of myself.
There are times when I will go on to YouTube and just watch old comic skits that I know will make me laugh, skits that I have seen hundreds of times, but skits that will get me laughing. When I watch them I cut loose, and magically all those things that seemed to be holding me down, no longer had a hold of me. Funny how laughter works. I'm here to tell you first hand the power of laughter. If you are currently going through a tough ordeal what have you got to loose by cutting loose and simply laughing till you pee your pants?
We all know the difference between a forced laugh and a real deep belly laugh. Might I suggest you try for the belly laugh, but if forcing a laugh is going to get you to the promised land, then let the force be with you. You can start small, and watch as that laugh of yours becomes uncontrollable, and when that happens those around you will laugh as well.
Once again take a look at the picture. I'm telling you there is something about laughter that simply makes you feel better. These young ladies are laughing at something, and god does it look like fun, and it brings a smile to my face. If you know what I mean, then you're halfway there to a wonderful experience. If by looking at this picture all you feel is resentment, bitterness, and disdain, well you have some work to do.
God does have a sense of humor and so do you. The more time you go after things that make you laugh the less time you have to worry about things. The more time you allow laughter to be a part of your day, the less things bother you. The more you laugh the better you will feel, and the better you feel the more you allow blessings to rule your life. I think it's time we all take a laugh break and simply see where it can take you. I for one love a good laugh, and when you can be like this, then your life will take on a whole new meaning. Laugh it up my dear friends, and share that laughter with others who are in need of a little pick me up.
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