I talk a lot about dreams in my writing, but that's because I believe so strongly in dreams, and just how important they are to any endeavor you might undertake. I'm also a firm believer, and there is no-one that will ever get me to change my mind on this, but I'm a firm believer that dreams will always be, have always been, a stepping stone to one's destiny. We've had dreams as a child, as a teen, as a young adult, and as those who have matured over the years and now approach the twilight of their life. There is never a time when you will stop dreaming. The reason for this is because there will never be a time when you should stop pursuing your destiny, or walking in it.
Have you ever wanted something so bad you could almost taste it? You can see what it is, you can feel what it would be like, and you just know that what ever it is, this thing would change your life. Do you know what we call this? We call it a dream. Many people equate dreams to those moments at night while you sleep, and most everyone has at one time or another done something completely remarkable in those moments of sleep thought. But you and I both know that dreams are not only relegated to your hours of sleep, but rather through out the day during your awake hours. I dream all day long, and all day long I allow my dreams to set my thoughts, my feelings, and ultimately my emotions. Your dreams can do more to change your life then you might ever give them credit for.
What do you dream about? Ever start a conversation with someone with "I had the craziest dream last night"? Have you ever really thought about your dreams and just what it would mean if you could have those things you dream about? My dream is to change the face of humanity. My desire is to reach the masses with the message of Destiny. I can see it, I can feel it, and I attempt to live it everyday of my life. My desire is that each person alive today would soon understand that they have a destiny, and will make the decision to walk in it. My desire is that each person understand the greatness they process inside of them, and allow that greatness to come out. My dreams all lead me to one place, and that is a place of victory.
You see, victory is achieving your dreams, believing in your dreams, and ultimately helping others to brings their dreams into their own reality. Think about this: a world where every single person was able to have the desires of their heart. A world where every person was walking in their destiny. We would no longer have war, as war is a by-product of ego, and since ego would no longer be an issue if everyone was walking in their destiny, we would rid the world of war. Imagine a planet where everyone was more concerned with helping those around them, then simply looking out for number one. Can you imagine this, can you dream this? I can, and I do, and I look to live each day of my life doing what I love most. My writing is not something I do simply to feel good about myself. I love me, and I love what I do. I write because I want others to experience the fullness of life, and not simply go through each day like it is some kind of struggle, or wishing that things would just get a little bit better for them.
You can have victory in your life, but the first step is to realize that your dreams are beautiful, they are something special for you, and they are what should be in the forefront of everything you do, or attempt to do. John Kennedy dreamt of putting a man on the moon and safely returning him home again. I think that dream came about. Martin Luther King dreamt of a time where race was no longer an issue in our country. Now we may not have solved all the race issues, but that is not because MLK's dream was not real, it just means there are still some stupid people in this country. But think of it, a place where it doesn't matter the color of your skin, the religion you practice, the person you fall in love with. My dream is that we all know who we are, what we are, and walk in those things that were intended for you from the beginning of time.
I dream every day, and every day I have reason to move forward, to live another day, to do those things that I know I've been placed here to do. What are you doing today to ensure your victories? What can you do today to bring your dreams one step closer to reality? No matter what someone may be going through, and let's face it some people are going through hell right now, you still have dreams. Those dreams are what will keep you moving forward. If you cannot dream, you cannot move, and if you cannot move, you will simply fade away into utter nothingness. Let your dreams lead the way to your victories, and your victories are really the world's victories.
I can think of nothing better in this world then being able to do those thing I dream about. It brings me joy, peace, happiness, and a whole lot of love. Your dreams are the first step in getting to a place of joy and happiness, and who doesn't want that? Dream on my friends, and let's all head toward victory lane.
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