Saturday, May 11, 2024

For the Greater Good

 What is the Greater Good?  Does it exist in the world today?  Is there a way to determine what is the Greater Good, and even if you can find it or describe it, is it something that anyone even concerns themselves with any longer?  Now it may seem like I'm heading down a negative path, but I can assure that what I have to share today is very positive.  Today I want to inspire you, and at the same time let you know that you are set up perfectly to make a mark on this planet, and touch the lives of countless people, some of which you might never meet. 

Now let me address the picture associated with today's Blog.  The word "Grateful" should resonate with every individual.  There are times when we fully understand this word, when we walk in gratefulness, when we embrace gratefulness.  Sadly there are many who haven't felt this in a long time, but let's hope we can change that today.  When one is grateful one is aware of the blessings that abound around them.  Many of these blessings are for the individual, some are for the masses.  Either way being grateful is a state of mind, and it is this state of mind that will bring comfort, in some cases understanding, and mostly it brings peace.  Some might be asking what does being grateful have to do with the greater good.  Allow me a moment to explain, and I do believe you will see where I am going with this.

Each of us has a calling, a mission, a purpose.  This charge we have been given is not to hoard up for ourselves, rather to administer to the rest of the world, to those around us.  Our calling, our mission, our purpose and passions are for the greater good.  The talents each of you have are in you so you might accomplish your mission in this life.  I would suggest to each of you that this one simple truth should cause absolute gratefulness to surround you.  If you are not grateful, then I doubt very seriously that you are aware of your calling, nor will you ever accomplish it.  I don't say that as a judgement, rather it comes from a place of sadness as operating, walking in, living your purpose is the single greatest honor there is.

The Greater Good is simply placing the needs of others above your own needs.  I'm not saying that you should ignore the needs you have, or the needs of family and friends, but let's be real for a moment, and this is where the rubber hits the road.  If you are only thinking about yourself, then does it really matter what you have, what you do, or where you might be going?  At the end of the day what you think you have will only be a modicum of what you could truly have.  When your focus is on the greater good then it is impossible to out give God.  When your focus is on giving then you have assimilated to the world of the greater good.  Too many people fail to give because they are afraid of loosing what they have.  Sadly what they have has provided them their identity.  They have become what they drive, why they do for work, and they have missed who they truly are, or are at least unaware of who and what they are. 

When we work towards the greater good we open the gates of blessing.  I for one am grateful, there's that word again, but I am grateful for all that I have been asked to do.  Certainly there are times when I might come up short, when I might make a mistake, but I still move forward and do what I can do to the best of my abilities.  It is in my attempts, in my desire to walk in my calling that I find peace, where I find joy and happiness, where I find completion.  If you are constantly striving for more, seeking to hide it away for a rainy day, I can assure you that you will never have enough.  Comfort does not come because you have a huge house, fancy car, of large sums of money.  Comfort comes when you know you are walking in the perfect will of God, when you embrace all that you are, and when you joyfully give.  Now let me say this, least you think I am against having nice things.  You can have all the nice things in the world as long as those nice things don't have you.  When you only identify with what you own, that is a problem.  Being blessed is having the desires of your heart.  If those desires are in you, they are there and have been placed there for a reason.  Maturity knows what to do with the blessings, how to act with the blessings.  Sadly many people cry out to God for a blessing and when it doesn't come right away they feel God has abandoned them, not wanting to bless them.  The truth of the matter is that God may be waiting for the perfect time as if you receive it too early on in your journey you may not be ready for it.

Everything you are, everything you have, everything you think is ultimately for the greater good.  That doesn't mean you won't enjoy the fruits of your labor, it simply means your focus is not just on "Me" it is in fact on what you can do for others.  We live in a world where so many look out for number one.  We participate in a society where what you have is what places you are the community wish list for status.  Now not everyone is looking for status, but let's be real for a moment.  There are probably more people in the world who are looking for status than those who are not.  Doing things for the greater good of humanity may not be glamorous, it may not be seen as the thing to do.  Doing things for the greater good may never get you into a Hall of Fame.  However, doing things for the greater good will ultimately fill you with something that can't be bought with money, can't be replaced by fame or fortune, and can't be manufactured by those around you who know nothing about the greater good.  The knowing, the understanding, the acceptance of your calling is what will provide you with all the riches in the world. I don't mean monetarily, I mean riches in knowing that you get to do what you were created to do.  

It is time to seek out those things that will benefit others, things that will change the world, things that are for the greater good.  This is why you were called, chosen, and why you see things a little differently than most others around you.  Stand in your visions, your dreams, your passions.  I promise you that doing this will indeed change humanity, and after all isn't that what's important?  

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