Saturday, February 10, 2024

What does it mean to "Find Yourself"?

I'd like to begin by asking a very simple question: Do you know who you are?  If I were to stop you on the street and ask for your elevator pitch about you, how would you go about describing yourself?  The sad truth is that many people have yet to discover their authentic self.  Certainly many have paraded around in a false suit of what others feel they should be like, or act like, but have they really discovered the real them, and more importantly accepted the real them? Well today I want to delve into this topic, and it is my desire, my hope that you will begin to see things differently, or if you already know the real you, help others get to the same point you are at.

It has taken me many, many years to get to know the real me, and many years to accept the real me.  It wasn't that I doubted, it was I had been walking around always trying to fulfill the expectations of others.  Each person, different expectations, and I would try to be what they wanted.  It got to the point where I didn't know if I was coming or going.  I finally got to the point in my life where I didn't care what others thought about me, what they might say, or even what they might do if I refused to go along with their plan.   Each person reading this today is going to have too, if they have not done it already, walk away from the expectations of others and simply be who they were meant to be.  The question arises, what were you meant to be?  In its simplest terms, you were meant to be you.  The you with all the quirks, all the weirdness, all the little of this, the little of that.  We were never meant to be like anyone else.  We may have been made in the image of our creator, but not necessarily in the image of all those who want you to be just like them.  

So how does one find themselves?  How do you discover the real you, the authentic you? How do you separate what others think verses what you know?  How do you accept you for you, and not give a flip if what you are flies in the face of someone else's normal? The first step in this process is for you to realize that you are who you were always meant to be.  Certainly we all have perceived faults, but are they actually faults, or just something that someone has said they don't like about us?  Please understand this: your personality, your likes, dislikes, your passions are all part of you, and they are in you because they go right along with your destiny.  Please stop trying to fit in with what others expects, and start doing what you have always thought about doing, long to do, dream about doing.  There is a reason you have desires and passions, and it's not to simply fit in with the cool kids club.  

I hear often the term "New You".  Well let me ask you this question:  is it really a new you, or have you finally recognized the you that was created at the beginning of time?  Have you finally just accepted that you have a destiny, and that you will walk in that destiny without regard to what others may say or think?  It's kind of exciting when you're able to shed yourself of other's expectations of what your life should be like, and instead follow what you know to be true in regards to why you are here in the first place.  We are so often dragged down by what others expect of us.  We feel trapped in endeavors that other have placed upon us, and that does nothing but rob us of our own true understanding of who we truly are.  

Had you told me twenty years ago that I would be a writer I would have thought you crazy.  It was nothing I ever hung my hat on.  Today I see who I am, and I am confident in who I am.  My heart's desire is to bring forth in everyone their own awareness of who they are, and why they are here, nothing more, nothing less.  I look at people and often wonder if they have come to the conclusion that they each have something to offer humanity, and accept the calling that has been placed in them.  Imagine a world where every individual has accepted their own greatness.  Imagine a world where each person is walking in their destiny.  Imagine for just a moment a world ruled by love, compassion, understanding.  How different would life be right now if we all were just who we were created to be.  Can this happen?  I think it can, but it will only happen with the assistance of that which created us.

There exist in the world today so much turmoil, so much doubt, fear, and uncertainty.  How does this work itself out?  It get's fixed when each person gets fixed, and that fix action is coming to an understanding of why you are here, who you really are, and you finally understanding the real you.  Some will get to this point sooner than others, but if you believe in the Divine, then you will have to believe that all things are possible, and where you need to end up, you will end up there.  If you are like me there is probably a yearning inside to see more, do more, be more.  This desire is not to be boastful or prideful, rather to share your understanding with others so they might share in this wonderful life.  I know there are selfish, self-centered people in the world.  We see them, and often question why?  Why do certain people think they are all that?  Why do people feel they are better than others, and walk around like they are the only people that matter in the world?  When you come to grips that we are all special, all unique, all beautiful creations, then and only then can you begin to be what you were intended to be.  Maybe the time has come to accept the real you.  Finding the real you is nothing more than accepting you.  When you can throw off the expectations of others, the false judgments, the lies that others may say or think, then and only then can you take your rightful place in this world.

Finding or discovering the real you is not always an easy journey, but it is one that each of us has to take, and in taking this journey you will discover some pretty incredible things about who you are, and why you are here in the first place.  While life is indeed a journey of discovery, it is a journey that was designed just for you.  Others may experience similar things in life, but not identical to your journey.  You were placed here for specific reasons, and as I have said so many times in the past, only you can do what you were created to do.  My destiny is simply to help others discover their destiny.  I have within me the same abilities you have to accomplish what it is you were sent here to accomplish.  Have zero doubt that there is something for you to do in this lifetime.  

Once you find yourself, your life will change forever.  The things you do will be for others benefit.  When we loose the need to be the center of attention, when we realize that we are merely here to assist, then you will be able to recognize your many talents, and those talents will aid others in achieving their life purpose.  The time has come to accept your calling.  The time has come to step out.  The time has come to see your brilliance, your beauty, your depth of purpose.  With each step of this journey you will grow, you will prosper, and you will be a vital part of the Universe's plan for humanity.  I leave you light, love, peach, joy, and happiness.  Together we will bring about the change that is so desperately needed in this world, and we will know that we did our part.

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