We have so much to be thankful for, and there are times that we just need a little reminder of this. No one that I know is immune to struggles. Some of these struggles are quite small, others are enormous. Some are able to handle them, others seem to be pushed down with no ability to escape them. What I want to do today is simply give you something to celebrate, provide a glimpse into what awaits each of us, and in this picture give you reason to celebrate.
When is the last time you had a celebration? Even more importantly, when is the last time you celebrated you being you? When was the last time you said thank you for where you are right now? I get there are situations out there that tend to stop any celebration. When one is ass deep in daily grinds, it is almost impossible to think about celebrating anything. Society is full of things to be fearful of. World events have people worried about escalating events leading to a total collapse of society, and the end to life as we know it. Let's be real, hard to celebrate when we are focused on the end of the world. Problem is, we are focused on the wrong thing, and until we get our eyes off of all the stuff they want us focused on, we will never focus on those things we should be thinking about. What are those things we should be focused on? Here's the simple answer: they are the same things we should be celebrating.
Why are people not celebrating their own uniqueness? Why are people not celebrating their perfection? Why are people not celebrating the fact that there is nothing more powerful than their own words, feelings, and thoughts? I've written about our unique abilities numerous times in the past, but maybe this is another opportunity to bring them back to your remembrance, and in doing so help change the way you see things. If you think you are nothing more than a human, talking up space on this planet, only scraping by until your time is up, then you are going to want to hear what I am about to tell you. The time has come for you to celebrate the fact that your creation was not by chance. You being here in this moment was known since the beginning of time. Your power is unlimited. The only reason you don't stand in this power is because the world has tried to stifle the knowledge about it since the moment of your birth. If I were to offer you unlimited riches, unlimited knowledge, immortal health, would you accept this gift? Sadly, many have been conditioned to believe that such splendor is reserved only for certain people, and they are not one of them. Well let me assure you, you are one of the "certain people", and the sooner you come to realization of this the sooner you can take your rightful place, and the sooner your celebration can begin.
I want you to think about this: we've all been told that we need to celebrate life. Now most of the time this statement is attributed to the unborn. No doubt that needs to be celebrated, but what about celebrating your life? When is the last time, if ever, you have celebrated you? When have you put value on you? I'm here to tell you that once you begin to see your value, your beauty, your profound impact on this planet, then you will begin to see all kinds of reasons to celebrate, and that celebration should be day in and day out. Sandi Patti and Larnelle Harris sing a song called "More than Wonderful", old song, and I'm showing my age, but a song that has impact. Most of the time when I hear a song I place myself into the song, and I proclaim that I am what the song is about. I am Wonderful. I am beautiful, powerful, a creation of such splendor words cannot describe. If you do not see yourself this way, is it any wonder why the trials of this life get you down, make you want to give up, question why you are here? The sad truth is that most people do not see themselves in this light, and then wonder why life has thrown them into a tail spin. My dear, dear friends, the time has come to celebrate your greatness. The time has come to celebrate and own just who and what you are. The time has come to stand up and step into all those things that were always meant for you, but have been robbed from you from those who could care less whether you live or die.
It is indeed a great day to celebrate. Celebrate the fact that we are victorious. Celebrate that we have been placed here and chosen to be a part of the greatest awakening the world has ever seen. I fully understand struggle, maybe better than most, but my struggles are nothing in comparison to my victories. I have within me unlimited power to create. I have in me knowledge that will change the world. I have in me love, compassion, joy, and happiness, and there is no end to any of them. Now if this is not something to celebrate, I'm not sure what to say to you. Take a few minutes and see if these words don't resonate with you. If they do speak to you then embrace them, own them, wear them, and get off your butts and start celebrating.
We have been challenged, we have been scoffed at, ridiculed and laughed at because of our beliefs. I wear that as a Badge of Honor, and I encourage each of you to place that badge right smack dab in the middle of your being, and wear it proudly. When we accept our calling, when we accept the reason for our creation, when we accept all that is already in us, then we will take the city by storm, and change will come not only to those around us, but to humanity as a whole. We live in thrilling times, as this is the time for you to come out of your shell, and dawn the beauty of your existence, and show others just what true beauty looks like, what true power can do, and what absolute love can mean to the rest of this planet. I encourage you to think on these things, take them to heart, and once and for all celebrate all that you are, for what you are is more than enough. I leave you peace, love, happiness, and joy, and I know it will fill you to overflowing.
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