Anyone that has tapped into their spiritual side will already know that things have been changing, and changing in a mighty way. Those who have not learned to listen to their spirit, well rocky times may be in your future, but all is not lost I assure you. I have written about this for the past 13 years, and finally we are really seeing some shifting taking place, and in my humble opinion, not a moment too soon. If ever there was a time to grasp the significance of your creation, the beauty of your uniqueness, and the awesome power you have inside of you, now is that time. Some with call this Christ Consciousness. Others will call it the Great Awakening, it matters not what we call it, the outcome is the same. Understanding who and what you are is the only thing that is going to help get through the battle that you are going to be facing.
I've spent the better part of the last 18 months in deep daily meditation. I can't even begin to imagine what my life would be like right now had I not taken that alone time to center, ground myself, and prepare myself for the battle I am about to walk into. Anyone who cannot see that we are in a spiritual battle at the moment either has their head buried in the sand, or more aptly is dead from the neck up. I don't say that to be mean, but after a while I get tired of warning people about those things that we battle against. Simply put we are in a time where humanity is coming agains all that is evil, and you had better be prayed up before you place one foot on that battleground. I was listening to a Podcast the other day and this young lady was talking about being Christ Minded. I've got to tell you that I was 100 percent in agreement with what she was saying. I'm not here to bash any particular religious belief or one's personal belief system. We all think differently, we've all been brought up different ways with different ideas. Sadly much of what we have been taught is flat out wrong, and there are so many people entrench in old ways of thinking, old ways of doing things. If we do not wake up, if we do not allow enlightenment to enter, we will forever be stalled, and we will never move forward, accomplishing those things we need to accomplish.
So let me share with you what my thoughts are on Christ Consciousness, and why I believe that this is the only acceptable way of living. Once again, I am not here representing one particular religion, or any one belief system. I'm here to open your mind to things you may not have thought of before. When anyone thinks of Christ most everyone will agree that he was human. When most think of Christ most will say that he operated as a man, living breathing just like you and me. Sadly this is where most people turn away and place themselves below and not equal. Truth be told we have the same makeup as Christ. We have the same abilities. What most people don't have is the belief that we are the same. How many times does the Bible tell us what we are, why we are, and how we should be operating each and every day? If Christ was the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, aren't we also? I can hear it now, I'm being blasphemous. Actually I'm not. Blasphemy is when you downgrade God's Creation, you, and make it into something it is not. We've been taught so much that is wrong. Is it any wonder we go through life always going without? The time has come to take on the Mind of Christ and start operating as he did by our spirit, and only our spirit. Believe it or not your spirit, my spirit is the spirit of God. We can either own it, or walk away from it. I for one am tired of getting my butt kick by those who would like nothing more than for each of us to wither up and die.
I'm not here to pass judgment, rather encourage you to take a step forward and own what has always been yours. We've been taught that our Creator is not a respecter of people. What he has placed in one, he has place in all. The ability of one, is the ability of all. If we choose not to walk in those abilities that is our choice, but it would be the wrong choice. I'm trying to be as delicate as I can be with the topic because I do not want anyone to walk away feeling beat down, or that they do not have a bright future. What I'm trying to do is get you to let go of all the negative thoughts and feelings that have kept you down and out. What I want you to do is realize the depth of what you have inside of you and once and for all walk in it. We have been kept down for so long, and the time has come for us to take our rightful place as Created Beings. Christ understood his abilities, walked in those abilities. He tried to teach us who we are, but somewhere along the line we were told why we were not powerful, why we could not operate the way he operated. Face it, if every single person on this planet walked in Christ consciousness, would we need the church? NO, so the church has made us something we were never supposed to be, just mortals. I know this might irritate a lot of people, but we have to realize our true nature, our real abilities, and finally throw off the limits that man has wanted us to operate under. Limiting our knowledge of our true nature, our real abilities by organizations that profess to have our best interest at heart is nothing more then their desire to keep us controlled.
Our life is a journey of discovery. Once we discover our true abilities we will be the person we were intended to be. My mission is to help others discover their destiny, and in doing so bring joy, happiness, and love into your life. When we struggle with limitations there can be no joy, no happiness, and love is something we will always question because it is so hard to love yourself as you should. I assure you that the moment you realize your true abilities, the moment you begin to operate in Spirit, and not just our flesh, as has been taught to us, once that happens joy, happiness, and love will be yours forever. It's not easy, and it certainly is not something we are going to learn overnight. However, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, so to your journey. If you can accept your greatness, your spiritual side, then you will have taken the first step.
It is time to throw away the things of old, and pick up on those things that are eternal, infinite, and are your right now. There is nothing you can do to change the perfection of your spirit. The only thing you need to do is accept that perfection, begin to walk in spirit, and then you will see the world entirely different.
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