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First and foremost, if you feel you're the only one on the planet who goes through moments, or even days like this, you're not. We are human, and as such we are prone to human emotion, human thoughts, and human feelings. Try as we might we have not gone through the Vulcan Kolinar where we have wiped out all human emotion, and to that I say thank God. As humans we are challenged each day with events, happenings that would try the patience of Job. There are times when we are successful in overcoming these challenges, and then quite frankly there are times when we unload with a barrage of expletives that would shock a sailor. No matter what has happened, what we are looking at, what we are feeling, we are going to have to find a way to push through it, and recognize that we will be tested. These are the test that just might try men's souls, but these are the test that will strengthen us, teach us, and fortify us with the power we will need for our future. Remember, you are not just a mortal. You are a created being with unlimited power, unlimited awareness, and abilities that just might shock you. When you finally come to the conclusion that what I write is in fact truth, that will be the moment where you will never ever have to ask for a break again.
With all that being said, one might ask, "How do I get to this point?". How do I overcome the arrows that are being fired at me? How does one work their way through this maze, and find the other end. The answer is quite simple. You do it one moment at a time. Contrary to what others might profess, you can only do one thing at a time. I'm not talking about walking and chewing gum, any one can do that. What I'm talking about are the daily task, daily events, even the daily grind we go through. Sure there are those who profess to be experts at multi-tasking, but they are so full of themselves, it's almost putrid. No-one, and I do mean no-one is so talented that they have found a way to complete multiple complex task at one time. Well let's put it this way: complete multiple task with an outcome that should be expected. I am always amazed at those who have placed themselves so much higher than others because they have fallen prey to ego, and now they believe they are super human, but not super human in they understand the beauty of their spirit, and unlimitless nature of their spirit. Yes we are spirit first and foremost, and in that spirit there are no limits. Still we are human, and wisdom dictates that we tackle one problem at a time, put it to bed, and move on to the next one. If we live in the moment, not fretting over the past, not worried about the future, just the here and now, you will come to realize that everything is an illusion, and we have the ability to paint any picture we want. Now if you want turmoil, if you want confusion, there's no problem with getting it. If you want peace, if you want joy, then you need to accept it, but accept it as a station in life that you should never leave. People are absent of love, joy, peace, and tranquility because they are too focused on things, that in the long run, really have no meaning whatsoever.
So the above forces these questions: How do we rise above the frey? How do we stay above the frey? How does one keep focus when everything around us is blowing up? The answer is much simpler than you might think. Were you able to walk in total illation, much like Christ did, do you think there would be anything that could stop you? If you only walked with zero doubt, zero fear, total trust in your true essence, then you would walk in total illumination. Total illumination is knowing where you came from, operating in spirit at all times, and creating with your thoughts, your words, and your feelings. How many people do you know who are operating in total illumination? I know of no-one, but then again my sphere of people are know is extremely limited compare to others I know. That's not to say that they do not exist, because they do. Sadly illuminated people are often misunderstood, and many, many people are weary of achieving this level for fear of what others will think of them. Worrying about what others think of you is a sure sign that you are not walking in total Illumination, as well as one who is controlled by their ego. I know this might sound harsh, but ego, and worrying about what others think about you is simply not what you need in your life.
When you are looking for a break from the stress, from the turmoil, from the crap of everyday life, the only way is the spiritual way. Knowing that you are spirit first and foremost will take you farther on your journey than anything else. Life is a journey of discovery, and the sooner you discover your spiritual side, the sooner you can rid yourself of the stress, the turmoil, and the need to scream out "Give me a break." There are many paths that lead you in one direction or another. That being said there is really only one path to become illuminated, one path that leads to freedom, one path to a life that many only dream about. Here's a clue: if you can dream it, you can have it. Remember, we have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we don't believe. One must be aware of their awesomeness. One must beware of their divinity. One absolutely has to be aware that they are so much more than just human.
Meditate and accept the truth that is being presented to you. Yes there will be days when you do not believe. There will be days when things are not exactly smooth sailing. There will even be days when you doubt all this stuff about being super human and divine. Dismiss these days, and instead focus on what you know to be true, what you know to be beautiful, what you know to be pure, and holy. When you focus on all these things you will no longer focus on the bad. When you focus on the beauty of who you are, you will no longer focus on the darkness. If you focus and think on all these things, you will never have to say"Would you give me a break". Think on these things and press on to a wonderful life.
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