Sunday, February 20, 2022

Celebrate Life
It may be a single victory.  It may be a long series of triumphs.  It might be something you have always dreamt of, thought about, or simply desired.  You might be on your way to something big, something significant, or something small but positive.  Whoever it is, whatever it is, it's time to celebrate.  We can celebrate the small things, the big things, the things we think about, and even the things we might run away from.  Celebration is a mind set, and it's a mind set that we each have to have, if we are going to have the victories in life.  Today I simply want to encourage you to step out and celebrate.  How you celebrate things might be completely different from someone else, but the act of celebrating something is going to free you up to receive even more victories in the future. Heck it might even encourage others to follow in your foot steps and show a little excitement about those things in life that are worth celebrating.

There are things we tend to always remember and celebrate. Be it a birthday, anniversary, maybe a promotion at work, or if you're really lucky, celebrate retirement from work, and walking into that relaxed state of mind that comes from having done it all and now enjoying the fruits of your labor. When you get down to it celebrating something is nothing more than showing appreciation for it.  If we are unable to appreciate things there will come a time when those things to celebrate will simply stop manifesting in your life.  I get how difficult it can be a t times to remain positive and find something to celebrate.  I fully understand what life is like with the pressures of certain things that tend to weigh people down.  That being said, it is specifically in those trying times that you really need to find the joy in something and celebrate that joy.  

I recall news reports of victims of tornados in the south.  You can see destruction all around, death has shown its face, and yet when pressed, people will show thanks that they are still alive.  Yes difficult times, but ever so thankful that they have lived to fight another day. There are times when celebrating something, even celebrating destruction, is warranted.  It all comes down to one's mindset.  Can we find the good in any situation?  Can we find it in ourselves to see good, when faced with bad?  I can't make someone see things differently, but what I can do is encourage you to see the light in everything, and trust me there is light in everything in this life, dim as it may seem at times.

We recently went through a very difficult time in our family with the passing of my twin brother.  While we find it hard to see the good in this bad situation, there is good.  While we will miss his physical presence in our life, we also know that his spirit is eternal, and he is now doing what so many have done before him, and that is living in a realm of absolute peace, unlimited ability, and zero impossibilities.  Think about what existence is like in the afterlife, and think what it would be like if we had those abilities here on earth. The absence of pain, total health.  The ability to travel at the speed of thought.  Being in more than one place at the same time.  While many cannot even imagine this, those who have gone on to the afterlife are experiencing all of it.  As ugly, as painful, as saying good-bye to a loved one, there is still joy in the presence of death.  It is finding the joy, it is in celebrating ones life that allows us to move past the hurt, ,one past the pain, move past the thoughts of loneliness, and in some cases abandonment.  

Each and every person is going to handle each situation differently.  Some will close themselves off to others.  Some will reach out for comfort, while some will run from it.  I'm not here to tell you how to handle each situation, rather I want to simply encourage you to find something to celebrate.  There's an old saying that encourages us to be thankful for the things we have, before we bemoan the things we do not have.  I know it is difficult sometimes to be thankful for things, especially when there have been things that have been taken from us.  I fully understand what it is like to have something removed, knowing that it never will be in that physical form again.  

Let's be real for just a moment.  I think we can all agree that life sucks sometimes.  We go through things that we wouldn't wish on our worst enemy.  We often wonder why.  Why am I going through this shit show?  Why do bad things happen to good people?  I wish I could answer all those questions.  I wish I had an answer to why things happen as they do.  I am just as human as you, just as prone to asking why.  What I would like for you to do is simply take a moment to think about a few things that just might create a reason for you to celebrate.  As a created being, one who came from love, we have the ability to create as well. We have forgotten our creative abilities because often they are buried below those layers of hurt and pain.  We have neglected the perfection of our design, or should I say have forgotten about it, and thus we have fallen prey to what others say we can or cannot do.  It's time we began to celebrate who and what we are.  It's time to celebrate the fact that no matter what may be going on around us, we do not have to fall victim to what others think, what others do, or even what others might claim has to happen.  

When we choose to celebrate things, we choose the better option.  There are always two or more options to things, and yet we tend to fall back on the option that says we have no choice.  Well I'm here to tell you that you always have a choice.  It may not seem like it at times, but yes you do have the power to choose.  Christ said to choose life.  You can either choose to live life in absolute torment, or you can choose to live life with celebration.  You can choose to live in darkness, or choose light.  You can choose to love, or choose to hate.  The choice is always yours to make, and to be honest, only yours to make.  I can encourage you, motivate you, but you have the ultimate choice in how you are going to live your life.  

If we can choose to celebrate both the big and small victories we win.  If we can choose to celebrate life, and not death, we win.  If we choose to celebrate all that we are, all that we know, then we win.  I encourage you to celebrate you.  I promise you this: if you can be happy with the little things, sooner or later they will grow to huge things, and then it will be victory after victory, celebration after celebration.  It's up to you to take the first step toward the next celebration of life.


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