What I want to do today is introduce you to your angels, and yes you have thousands, if not tens of thousands that are dedicated to you, and only you. Even as I write this this morning I can feel them around me, and if I'm being totally honest, I may be writing this for me, just as much as it is for you this. We need to be reminded from time to time that we are not on this journey alone. God so desires us to be successful in this incarnation, that we have been provided with worker bees whose only mission is to be there for us. We've almost all heard of the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and many others. We have angels who work things out ahead of us. We have angels that stand guard over us. We have angels that are just waiting to be sent on their next mission, often a mission of mercy if you ask me. Sadly most of our angels simply sit around until they are given something to do, and that something is what we direct them. Here's my question, if we have been given this gift, then why in the world aren't we using it more? I mean, you have angelic beings whose only goal is to help you with your goals, why are you leaving them out of the equation? It's likened to running in a horse race accept you leave your house in the stables, sally up to the starting booth, all others have mounted their horse, but you're just standing there on your own two feet. You getting my point?
Have you ever asked your Angels what emir names are? Have you made an attempt to get to know them, ask them who they are and what they desire to do for you? If you haven't maybe this is a good day to start the conversation. Not utilizing this gift is like having a zillion dollars tucked away in a very big mattress but never pulling out a single bill to use for your daily needs. It makes no sense to have these remarkable resources and yet never using them. Right now in this moment why don't you simply ask them to introduce themselves to you? We as humans tend to want to do everything ourselves. If we can't do something, then obviously we weren't meant to do it, at least that's what we think. This couldn't be further from the truth. We have allies whose only job is to assist us in whatever endeavor we are undertaking. Please, please, please don't let this opportunity pass you by without at least trying to team up with your legion of helpers.
We face challenges each day of our life. Some challenges are quite simple, others more complex. Wouldn't it be nice to know that no matter the level of challenge you have angels who are there to help you along the way? If you are looking for a way to be successful then ask the for help. If you are looking for direction, then ask for help. If you just want to sleep well at night, ask for rest. You have not because you ask not, and you ask not because you simply don't believe. I'm not saying that to make you feel bad, I'm saying this to make you aware that you are not in this journey alone, and when you team up with the support that is yours, you cannot fail.
I've been in situations in my life where I know angels have been involved. I've been saved by them, guided by them, and yes even entertained by them. Angels have a sense of humor and if you will simply slow down and let them show you their humor you just might smile a bit more. I write these words this morning because we are in some crazy times. Crazy times require crazy actions on our part, and there will come a time when you are going to need some assistance in treading this tricky water. I'm here to remind you that you have multitudes of helpers that desire nothing more then being your feet, your mouthpiece, your heart, and your directional finder.
I ask my angels for simple things like trying to find my hammer, or the flashlight batteries that I can't remember where I put them. I ask for directions, and for the closest gas station when my tank is on E. There is nothing you can't ask, but what ever you do, and I want to underscore this so you don't misunderstand me, you can never ask your angels to hurt, harm, or endanger anyone simply because you may be angry at them. Angels were never created to harm, only to aid. If you have anger toward another then the only thing I would be asking my angels for is a softened heart. Don't allow your human emotions to bring harm to anyone. Angels are the creator's gift to you. They were created to help us along our life's path of discovery. If you will ask the questions, they will provide you the answers. I, like many of you, need to be reminded of these simple truths from time to time. I need to be reminded that I am not in this thing called life alone.
I want to encourage you to start a conversation with these divine creatures. I want to encourage you to get to know these helpers, these wonders, these guiding lights. When you can recognize the sound of their voices, then you will be able to follow their guidance. Your angles will wrap their wings around you, and the comfort that this provides is indescribable. I release my angels right now to do what needs to be done to open doors, to smooth the way, to simply simplify my life. I wish I could say that I lean on my angels everyday, but I like you, tend to forget that each angel is like an arrow in my quiver, but only good when pulled out and used.
I want to encourage you to begin a conversation and make the invitation known to each of your angels. Allow them to work on your behalf. If you want to see change, then begin to change the way you see your angles. I've never seen an angel with my eyes, at least not the winged type. We have each come in contact with angles, we just didn't know it or realize it. That being said, I do know when my angels are around me as I feel them, and I do mean I feel them. Goosebumps have always been an indicator when my messengers are around. Discover what indicators are there for you, and when they go off, talk and make your request known.
I leave you with this: There's an Angel on your shoulder and it will never leave you. Touch your angel. Talk to your angles, and know that the conversation can be a two way conversation, you just have to listen for their response. There's an Angel on your shoulder, and it's time to ask her name, get to know her nature, her desires, and most of all, know that she is there for you, and only you.
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