Sunday, June 9, 2019

It's the little things that mean the most!!
How I would love for someone to hand me One Hundred Million Dollars.  I'd love it if someone would buy and furnish the house of my dreams for me.  I'd even be OK with someone taking me on an all expense paid first class three week vacation.  If you're like me, I would think that if someone did any of these three things it would bring a smile to your face.  What are the odds of any of these three things happening?  I guess the depends on the universe.  What I'd equally enjoy receiving is a smile from someone who wants nothing in return but a smile from me.  What I'd love to receive is an acknowledgment that I have touched someone else's life with what I have written in the past, or what I might write in the future.   My friends it's not always about the size of the gift, but the motivation behind giving the gift.  A random act of kindness is so special because the average person is not looking for payback, or even a thank you.  They are just trying to touch another life and put some love into the one whom the gift is given.

When push comes to shove I'd like to believe that most people would agree with me that it's the little things that mean the very most.  How's this for an observation:  those who only want big and grandiose things are the very same people who have never even offered a smile to someone else.  I've always said that you can't possibly totally love someone else if you don't love yourself.  Well the same is true about how you look at giving and getting.  If you have never been a giver then how in the world can you expect others to give to you?  If you are not prone to giving to others then most likely you have the mentality that others owe you something or the world owes you something.  Let's be honest, the world doesn't owe you anything.  I know that may sound harsh but let's cut through the B.S and call a spade a spade.

I often wonder what motivates others to do the things they do.  Are they being kind because they want something in return?  Do people extend the hand of friendship because they perceive that there is something in it for them?  If your expectation is always getting in return I think you will find that you are going to be disappointment more often then not.  I absolutely love doing for others.  Not because it is going to pay off dividends, but because others are in need of what I offer.  Giving is not just giving objects, giving is putting others ahead of yourself.  What happens when you are at the market and you only have one or two items and someone is kind enough to let you go in front of them in the line?  I always speak a blessing over them as a thank you and I let the universe know that the simple act of kindness was greatly appreciated and I want the universe to respond in kind to that person that acted so kindly.

People who know me know that I truly believe that even the smallest act of kindness is going to effect someone half the world away twenty years from now.  I've heard and read stories of people who were ready to cash it all in, and would have, had it not been for the kindness of someone else.  I know how difficult it is to give when everything around you seems ready to blow up.  We've all had struggles and we've all had set-backs in life.  How great would it have been had someone been around just to whisper in your ear that everything was going to work out?  I've been at the end of my rope and all I wanted was someone to throw me a life line.  Now life lines can take many forms, but no matter what form it takes, wouldn't it be nice to know that one will be there when you need it?

Let me challenge you for just a minute.  I'm not sure what place you may find yourself in at the moment, but I think that there is probably a few of you that may be facing a challenge right now.  Why not open up your spirit and set the expectation that something good is coming your way.  Now it may be something as small as a smile, but if you can receive that smile and be happy about it, then you are setting yourself up to receive even bigger things from the universe.  Remember, light begets like, love begets love, and so on and so on.  You have to be grateful for the little things before the big things can come to you.  I love when someone shares love with me, and I love giving back to them as well.  The old adage is that which goes around comes around.  If you can not give freely what right do you have to expect anything in return.

You don't have to be a millionaire to bless others.  If you think that the size of the gift matters then you have missed the boat.  If there is a millionaire who want to bless me, I won't say no.  If on the other hand I am only looking at millionaires to meet my needs then I have some learning to do.  I know that there are times when everything appears to be going in the wrong direction, but even in those times you can find joy in something.  It only takes a spark to start a fire, but sadly there are those who would turn down a spark because they are waiting for a match.  Stop trying to figure out the universe and find it in yourself to be content with where you are.  Things will change, but they will change a whole lot faster if you can be grateful for the little things in life.

Share your love with others.  Share your smile with others.  Step out into the world and be a light that shines bright.  If you give freely of yourself I think you will find that things change for you, and most of the time that change is favorable.  If you will give a little, you will gain a lot.  It's the little things that mean the most, and if you will share those little nuggets of kindness with others, then trust me, nuggets of gold will begin to follow you.

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