Monday, April 29, 2019

Your Highest there any other way?
Do you really believe that everyone has a calling? Can you believe that everyone has a higher calling?  If you answer in the affirmative, then the next obvious question is what is your highest calling?  Some will be able to answer this question and others will just be scratching their heads wondering if there really is such a thing as a calling.  What I'd like you to think about today is your purpose.  Most people who know me know that I will always say that you're not here in this moment just for the free popcorn.  There is something that you were sent here to do, to accomplish.  The absolute key to living is to learn this purpose, this calling, your higher calling.

I can guarantee you that your calling is never going to be in an area that you have zero interest in.  I will bet you dimes to donuts that your calling will always follow what you are most passionate about.  Why would the Creator of the Universe have you do something that you had no passion for?  The answer is, it wouldn't happen that way.  Whether one wants to admit it or not, we all have a passion; that one thing that you would give almost anything to do.  Why do people find it so difficult to accept the notion that they have a passion?  Now passion is not simply what you share with your soul mate.  Passion is what should drive you, motivate you, and guide you through life.  My passion is sharing with others, through my words, my writing, my talks, about destiny and just who and what we really are.  If you have read any of my previous post or writings then you know that I talk about destiny in almost everything.  The joy I feel when I am talking about destiny is beyond what I had ever hoped for in this life.  Believe it or not I would do all that I do now even if I never made a penny at it.  You see, writing about and talking about destiny is what drives me, it's what moves me, and motivates me.  What I desire most is that you would find that one thing that does the same thing for you.

Your highest calling is nothing more then doing the one thing that you are best suited for, that you were designed for, and sent here for.  I speak to people daily and I can't tell you how many of them share with me that they are not sure that they even know what they are passionate about.  Sadly our true passion gets pulled through the grinder of life by those around us who want to speak negatively about our dreams and desires.  Many people will bury their passion deep inside of themselves for fear that others will mock them, laugh at them, or simply turn their back on them for even trying to go after what is most important to them.  People can be so mean and petty when it comes to someone else's dreams and desires.  Most of the time they are just angry that they don't have the nerve to go after what they really desire while others around them are doing it.

I've seen the world.  I've looked upon the faces of those who seem lost.  I've touched the hearts of those who are looking for that one thing that will give their life purpose.  In almost ever case I see those who have buried their passion and refused to go after it.  When all seems lost do you really have any where else to go accept to find your real passion.  Life will never be fulfilled until you are doing the one thing you were created to do.  I would love to touch the lives of billions with my message of destiny and purpose.  That being said, if I went on to my next existence tomorrow, I know I have had an impact on many lives, and that impact will be felt for generations by others who will be impacted by those I came in contact with.  I don't say this to brag, I say this because I am so blessed to have this gift and I am so blessed that I have been able to give it to others.

When you are walking in your highest calling then you will feel the same way.  You will get up each morning happy that you have yet another opportunity to touch another person's life in a meaningful way.  Let me say this about callings and I need you to really hear me.  I don't care what your calling is.  You might be called to be President of the United States, or you might be called to be the best Garbage Man in the world.  Neither is better then the other and until such time as we forget about labels, forget about status, and simply look at people as beautiful creations, we will never have a world free from bigotry, hatred, and the like.

Find your passion.  Accept your passion.  Walk in those things that were meant for you, because you were meant for the rest of the world.  Your passion was not placed in you simply to please you or give you something to be brag about.  True passion is there for others to benefit from.  Giving of yourself so others might benefit is such an honorable thing to do.  Sadly many have forgotten the golden rule.  Many only seek what makes them happy, or more comfortable, or higher on the social ladder of life.  Don't misunderstand me, there is nothing wrong with being happy, or comfortable, or even reaching the highest tier in society.  What is wrong is when that is what motivates you above all else.

Trust me when I tell you that the moment you accept your highest calling is the moment that your life will really have meaning.  When you come to terms with your passion, with your destiny, then and only then will life have real purpose.  It may take you time to discover all of this, but lucky for you, time is not really an issue.  You will walk in your destiny before you leave this place, if only for a moment.  Your highest calling is accepting your highest purpose, and accepting that you have something to offer others.  Go after those things that will help define your legacy.  There is greatness in each of us, and the rest of the world needs what is in each of us.

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