Monday, December 10, 2018

All I want for Christmas is...
It's that very special time of year where we begin to think about all that has been, all that can be, and what we want most out of life.  Many are running about trying to get everything done in a timely basis, so that they can have the perfect Christmas.  I guess that would lead one to ask, what is the perfect Christmas?  We have changed over the years, and what was once very important to some is less important today.  As kids all we wanted was to look at that huge Sears catalog and circle all the toys we could dream about.  As we grew older we began to think about other things and suddenly it began to be more about giving then receiving.  Don't be fooled, it's still nice to get that special gift, from that special person, reflecting the special relationship that you have with them.

I have found that it is getting harder and harder to come up with ideas about what I want for Christmas when asked by dear friends and family members.  I am so blessed and quite frankly have pretty much everything I need, and want.  I find myself very, very content with my circumstances, and for that I am very, very grateful.  As corny as it might sound the one thing I really desire this Christmas is that those closest to me find what they are looking for.  I love nothing more then someone who suddenly finds themselves smack dab in the middle of their biggest dream and they can finally say they are doing what they have always wanted to do.

Sadly there are many out there who look upon this season as a time of loneliness and simply want to get past it as quickly as possible.  It is to those individuals that I really want to reach out to today, and in my own way, give you hope.  Hope for tomorrow, hope for a new way of seeing things, and hope for the dream that never seems to be reachable.  I know what it's like to want to quit and give up.  I have been faced with more adversity in life then I would ever wish upon anyone.  When friends of the past said that life would be difficult I doubt even they could imagine how prophetic their words would become.  I've had struggles, and I've had times when all I wanted to do was give up and not wake up the next morning.  I know the depths of despair, and without taking away from what you may be going through, there is a way out of this torment.

Everything in life is a series of lessons.  Some of us will be fortunate and pick up on the lesson the first time around, while others will have to go round the barn once or twice.  Even in the worst of times there is joy that can be found, and in that joy you are able to bring more joy to your life.  Remember love begets love, light begets light, and joy will be followed up with more joy.  The only thing you have to do is prime the pump and then let the joy flow back to you.  I know there are times when joy is absent from many people's lives, but that's only because they have forgotten that even in the worst of times they are learning and learning is never wasted.  The joy is that you learned what you shouldn't do.  The joy is that you are still standing, even after a major set-back.  The joy is that you have a chance to try something new.  We only fail when we give up.

My Christmas wish is that everyone recognize the greatness within.  My Christmas wish is that every individual become so aware of their true essence.  My Christmas wish is that you begin to walk in those things that you were always intended to walk in.  Think about having all your desires.  The perfect job, the perfect house, the perfect significant other.  When you dream about these things and you begin to imagine what life would be like with them in your life, does that bring a smile to your face?  If thinking about all that is possible brings a smile out in you, then why in the world would you not continue to think about those things.  Trust me, the Law of Attraction is real, it works, and it is just as much for you as it is for anyone else.

All I want for Christmas is to continue to have the opportunity to talk with others about possibilities.  All I want for Christmas is to impact the lives of others in a way that encourages them to reach for the stars and never look back on those things that seemed to get in their way.  All I want for Christmas is the time to continue on my journey of discovery.  I am so blessed that I get to do what I love, and what I want you to have is what you love most.  Christmas is not so much about gifts as much as it is about giftings.  You have talents locked inside of you that are just waiting to be released.  You have been designed with perfection in mind and the sooner you realize this the sooner the giftings you have inside can be set loose for others to benefit from.  Whether you realize it or not, you are so much  more then you give yourself credit for.  We were created to create.  We were never put here on this planet just to simply survive life.  There is so much more to living then just getting through the next twenty-four hours.  This Christmas let your personal wish be that you step out into those things that will truly make you happy and fulfilled.  This Christmas let your wish take you to new places, with new experiences, both of which will teach you who and what you are.

This can truly be a new beginning for each of us if we will let the past go, look toward the future, and realize that you are an amazing creation, whose sole purpose is to be what you were created to be.  Think about that, and smile, because what is coming soon is going to be phenomenal.

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