Monday, November 20, 2017

It's so cliche, but it's true: Don't worry, be happy.
If you've been around this planet for almost any amount of time you've been exposed to this saying at least once.  Sadly, many, many people have yet to get to the point where they are able to really live a life full of happiness and void of worry.  I guess the question that comes to mind is why!  Why so much worry?  Why so much concern?  Why oh why can't we just all get along and live life to the fullest?

We are entering the holiday season, and for many this is a time of year that they would sooner run and hide rather then participate fully. The holiday season is anything but happy for quite a few people, and the reason for this is that they have allowed life's circumstances to dictate how they are feeling, instead of them dictating what they feel like.  What I'd like to do today is encourage you to change the way you think, and by doing this, change how you see things, and by changing how you see things, change the way that your life may be headed.  Confused yet?  No worries, when we get done you just might have a change of heart and things just might seem a little less threatening.

First and foremost:  as a created being, we were created to create.  To some this may seem like a foreign concept, but that's only because they haven't realized the significance of being here in this moment.  One of my idols is the late Dr. Wayne Dyer.  He was fond of saying that if you can change the way you think, you will change the way you live.  If you are constantly worried about the other shoe dropping, then it's only a matter of time until the shoe does drop. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy.  If on the other hand you can see success, see happiness, see joy, then odds are pretty good that you will be living a life full of success, happiness, and joy.  I can sit around and bemoan all the bad that is going on in the world, but if I do that, then all I'm doing is focusing on the negative and that leaves very little room for anything good to happen in my life.  I've known people who worry all day long.  They worry if the coffee pot is going to work in the morning.  They worry if there is going to be a traffic jam on the way to work.   They worry about this, that, and the other thing.  The energy they expend on worrying could power a small city.  How often do you spend time worrying about something, and when all is said and done the thing you were worrying about never ever manifest itself?  That's an awful waste of time and energy.  Worrying can never lead to a good result. Worrying tires you out, stresses you out, and ultimately will shorten your life.   Now given the option to walk free from worry, or to continue to carry it around with you, what would you choose?

If we were created in the image of God, then doesn't that mean that we should be able to do some of the things that God has done?  According to ancient scripture and text, God spoke this universe into existence.  God's words created it all.  If our creator can create with words, and we are in the image of our creator, then shouldn't  we be able to create with our words?  Now there are many who will never believe this, but they are the same ones who don't recognize that they have already created their current reality with their own words.  Here's a simple truth:  you are living the life you have thought about, talked about, and believe in.  If you can't see yourself as successful, happy, or joyful, then I don't think you will ever have to worry about being any of them.  If all you see is worry, concern, dread, and a bleak darkness, then should it come as a surprise if that is what you are walking around in?

There's a song I love during this time of year.  Who am I fooling, OK I love this song all through the year.  It's called "Let there be Peace on Earth."  This song talks about peace and how it should begin with each of us.  If you can't see peace, feel peace, speak peace, then there will never be any peace in your life.  If on the other hand you are able to hold peace in your heart, speak words of peace, display acts of kindness and peace, what type of life do you think you will have?  These simple actions are what will drive your very existence.  If we will "take each moment, and live each moment in peace eternally"  then your life will fundamentally change forever.  Those things you focus on will be the things that will be front and center in your life.  Doesn't it make sense to focus on the good things, and not the bad?

Trust me, if you're living with concern, worry, then you're not experiencing peace, and without peace it's almost impossible to be happy.  Find stuff that will put a smile on your face.  Do things that take your mind off the negative.  Refuse to fall prey to the rest of the naysayers and simply create your own zone of happiness.  If you will refuse to succumb to the pressure of others to conform to what others say is normal, then you will rise about all the crap that others choose to contend with.

Life is too short to be taken up with things that bring nothing to you but misery and unhappiness.  Focus on peace, focus on happiness, and focus on joy.  If you will think about it, feel it, then I promise you that you will live it.  It's impossible to walk around with a smile on your face and not have an effect on others, let alone yourself.  Let there be peace on earth, and when there is there will no need to worry and then all will be happy.  Think about it, and then get moving.

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