I've spent the better part of the summer taking an inventory of my life and plotting out future steps that will allow me to take a much deeper trek into my own destiny. There are things that I want to accomplish in life, not because they will benefit me, but because they will benefit the rest of the human race. I will be honest and tell you that I resisted my destiny. There were moments when I ran away from it, mostly because it scared the daylights out of me. Who was I to think that I could change the world for the better by speaking, writing, and sharing about destiny to whoever would listen. Well after years and years of resistance I decided to stop running from the inevitable and simply accept my calling.
I've looked at all the chaos going on around the world and in our own country and I can only surmise that the one thing lacking in most of these boisterous people is a lack of knowledge as to why they are here on this planet at this moment, and what is the proper use of their talents. I don't doubt that they have passion for their cause, but passion, true passion, should be reserved for those things that cause good and not harm. I've watched over the last eight months or so a total breakdown in how we accept certain things, or in some cases refuse to accept some things. Hate is rising and concern for others has taken a backseat to those who simply want to destroy anything that might be contrary to their way of thinking, even if their thinking is wrong.
I've said many times in the past that everyone has a destiny. Now while not everyone will accept their destiny, you can't change what was intended from the beginning of time. You see, I'm a true believer. I believe in destiny. I believe that everyone has a purpose, and I also believe that unless one is walking in their intended purpose in life then there will be a void in their life. I've tried to fill that void with almost every manner of things simply to stop the pain of the void in my life. It wasn't until I finally accepted what was inside of me that I was able to let go of those things that never served me well and focused on those things that were right for me. Take a look at people who walk around day in and day out without a purpose. These people are void of true passion and these very same people are the ones who try to fill the void with stuff that amounts to nothing more then hate, intolerance, bigotry and anything else that will make them feel better about themselves.
We talk about generation gaps. My parents didn't understand me, their parents didn't understand them. I look at millennials and I have a hard time understanding what is going through their minds. So many of them walk around and have this entitlement mentality. It's as though the world owes them something, and they are bound and determined to have what is owed to them. Many feel as though they should be served up everything that is good in life on a silver platter and there is no need to work for what they want. Now I know this is a huge generalization, but bear with me and you will see where I am going with this. If you feel you are owed something in life, then you need to think about this: if it's worth having it's worth working for, and if it's worth doing, then it's worth doing right. These are two rules of life that my parents instilled in me. I live it each day, and each day I have to decide whether I am going to do what is right, or simply fall back on to those things that are simple. Face it, doing what is right is not always the simplest way of doing things.
In these times that we live in we are in need of insight like never before. We need to look inside of ourselves and figure out why we are here, and what is the best use of our time while on this planet in this mortal body. You can sit around day after day, week after week, month after month, and yes year after year, wondering what in tarnation you are supposed to be doing with your life. Trust me, if you are just sitting around waiting for something to drop into your lap, then you will probably fall prey to a lot of the garbage that is out there today, and if you do this, then you are going to end up getting a whole lot of nothing in your life.
Destiny is why you are here. Destiny is what you should be reaching for. If you are wise you will follow your passion, true passion. If every person on this planet made the determination to follow their passion we would not have the upheaval we have today. Yes there will be times when we believe in different things, want different things, and there will be times when we just don't see eye to eye. This does not give us the right to destroy things, nor does it justify some of the vicious stuff that is going on in our streets right now. If you are like me, growing weary of the hate and discontent, then maybe it's time to talk to others about destiny. Maybe it's time to shine the light on the darkness. Maybe it's just time that you step out into those things that were meant for you, and allow yourself the opportunity to be the real you. The world needs those who are true to themselves and not simply true to a movement. If we are going to move forward, if we are going to improve our own lives and the lives of others then we are going to have to accept our destiny and walk in it. Only then will our world turn the corner and become what it was always intended to be. Think about it, and then move on it. It will change your life forever.