Monday, May 15, 2017

I'm stronger today then I was yesterday, and I'll be even stronger tomorrow.
Strength comes to us in many forms.  We can have strength of character, strength of purpose, and then we have strength of desire.  Each of us will develop these traits at different times and in different ways, but you will come face to face with the need to strengthen yourself each and every day of your life.

What I want you to think about today and what I want you to hold on to is the simple fact that no  matter what you may be going through, each of us has a strength that will never be overtaken.  Certainly there will be times in each of our daily lives when we wonder where our strength has gone, but trust me it will be there when you need it, and it will show up in some of the most impressive ways.

I don't know of any person who hasn't faced adversity in their life.  Now some of this adversity is easily overcome, while some will take every ounce of effort you have, but you will come out of these situations with a new found strength that may even surprise you.  Some will ask how do I know this, and what makes me so sure that everyone has a strength?  Well the answer is simple: we have strength because we were created to create.  Your presence on this planet, as I have said so many times in the past, is proof positive that there is something you were intended to do.  If you take it out to it's next logical step, since there is something you were intended to do, then you have been given what you need to accomplish those things you need to accomplish.  Contrary to what some may think or say, failure was never a product of your creation.  Failure is man's conception and not something that comes from the Creator of the Universe.  If we continually fall back on the conditioning of man then we will always wonder why have we lost our strength and will we ever find it again.

I know I get stronger each day because each day brings new opportunity to learn, and with each learned lesson comes added strength.  Those who wander around aimlessly are the ones who have bought into a bill of goods from others who haven't a clue about the greatness that resides inside each of us.  Struggles will come and go, and with each struggle you have the opportunity to prove just how strong you really are.  There are many who look at adversity and the only thing they can see is darkness.  Others will look at adversity as a way to prove to others the stuff they are made of.  The question is, how will you look at struggles?  How will you handle adversity?  What comes next, and will you finish what you started?

When you look at the cycle of life you would have to be an idiot if you didn't realize that we learn each day of our life.  You know more today then when you were a toddler.  There are things that you can do now that you couldn't do before.  The process of growing, the concept of moving forward, and the ability to grasp your creative abilities, are simply phases of your life that you will have to navigate through.  Those that fail have simply given up.  Those that claim that things are impossible are those who have given up.  If you truly believed that tomorrow you would be stronger then today, would you ever just give up?  Of course not!  Why would you throw in the towel when something inside of you tells you that you've got this and there is no way you can fail?

I learned a long time ago that those things that are worth having are worth working for.  There are very few examples in life that show that you can have what you want and there is nothing you have to do to get it.  Fact is, if you want something then go after it.  There will be those who claim they want something but when push comes to shove they really don't, because they are unwilling to put out any effort in obtaining those things they desire.  Strength of Desire is what will push you, and it will pull you at times, but it will always keep you moving forward toward what you want.  There will be times in our lives when we will ask ourselves if this is really something that we want.  If you say you still want something, then you will continue to go after it.  If on the other hand you don't want it, then you'll probably stop doing what you're doing and move on.  The decision is yours and yours alone.

I'm stronger today then I was yesterday because I'm still here.  I have a lifetime of knowledge, and I know that I have more to learn, more to do, and that is why I am still here.  We will be challenged, and there will be times when we question certain things.  There's nothing wrong with that.  If we can look at each challenge as an opportunity, then you win.  If you can see each new day as a victory, then you win.  If you simply refuse to give up, then guess what, you win.

The path to holding on to your strength and growing in it each day is right in front of you.  Those that decide to get off the path will find it difficult to find their way home.  Those that push forward, even when the path may be blocked, are the ones who will grown, who will prosper, and who will ultimately have their truest desires manifested.  I have to see myself as stronger today then I was yesterday.  If I ever stop believing, then I will stop doing.  If I stop doing, then I stop moving.  If I stop moving, well life just begins to suck, and who wants that.  You are stronger then you think, and that strength will continue to grow as long as you continue to grow.  Our strength is unlimited because we are unlimited.  Face it, if you only think about tomorrow and that you will be weaker tomorrow then you are today, don't you think that things just might not go your way?  Be strong, be determined, and most importantly, just be yourself.  You have all you need, and once you can accept that, you will walk in your own strength.

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